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Tomi Olumogba

Its my first work in the publishing world.
I have no previous track record in publishing but my book begins and ends with Famine.......Passover 2015.
Phone: 07063328297. Email:
I'm a 32 year old telecom worker. I'm Nigerian and live in Lagos.
7th hour miracle Jesus performed in absentia?

3 years of famine cease when 7 of Saul's descendants are hanged.
Target audience: 7 billion people?
Jeffrey D. Sachs is director of The Earth Institute, Columbia University.
He and colleagues will discuss the 7 billion mark in a free live webcast Monday, October 17, 2011
He is the author of "The Price of Civilization," published this month.
Just 12 years after the arrival of the 6 billionth individual on the planet in 1999, humanity will greet the 7 billionth arrival this month. The world population continues its rapid ascent
7 Billion: Projected world population by 2010. (TIME August 24, 2009. Subject; WORLD POPULATION. Page; 8)

Sales record?
9 weeks ago (November 2014) 24-year-old Zoe Sugg published her first novel, Girl Online, a YA romance.
In the first seven days, it sold more than 78,000 copies, beating the first week sales figures of any author on record, including J. K. Rowling and E. L. James.
Beating the first week sales figures of any author on record.

Mario Livio, a senior astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute and author of ''Is God A Mathematician''
Dr Eben Alexander, a Harvard-educated neurosurgeon in his book ''Proof of Heaven''
NASA scientist Edgar Whisenaut, who self-published book “88 Reasons why the Rapture will Occur in 1988” (a book which sold four million copies in a few short months)

7 billion instant purchase.............Beating the first week sales figures of any author on record is what i want to offer or put on the table for negotiation.
Please take a chance.

3 years of famine cease when 7 of Saul's descendants are hanged.
Three years of famine cease when seven of Saul's descendants are hanged in the 21st Chapter of the 10th book of the Bible. (2 Sam 21)
7th hour miracle Jesus performed in absentia.
Jesus healed the boy and told the father to go, they came back to tell Jesus that the boy healed at the 7th hour. (John 4:52) Jesus healed the boy at the 7th hour.

That he will pass-over;
GOD told Moses to tell the Israelite to put blood on their doors!
To survive, each vampire bat requires about two tablespoons of blood per day.
Lobsters' blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue.

# In the Bible~Gen 9:6: Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
# In the Bible~Matt 9:9: And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

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