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Kathy Divine

Kathy Divine is the author of inspirational vegan lifestyle books. Her current list of published books include Forever 21, Vegans Are Cool, Plant-Powered Men and Plant-Powered Women.

She also runs an interview-based blog at and is the founder of the Vegan of the Year Awards. Kathy has been interviewed by numerous magazines, newspapers and bloggers about her books and website, including Women's Health and Fitness, Vegan Health and Fitness, mX newspaper, Living Vegan, The Kirra Post, and

Her aim with her work is to illustrate how healthy, happy and worthwhile the vegan lifestyle is and to encourage more people to embark on their own vegan journey.

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Katrina Fox

Vegan Ventures

Katrina Fox

Practical and inspirational success strategies for vegan business owners and entrepreneurs, with insights from 60+ professionals.

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