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Maria schmidt

My name is Maria Ann Schmidt but while publishing books I am known as Maria Drury.I would like to share with everyone why I decided to become a writer\ Author. My first book was written because I was Married for 17 years to an Narcissistic Sociopath and after my divorce I wanted to share my story with the world and help others who has been or living in the same situation as I was. For me my achievement has been with my first book and being able to publish it and also having a good social network on Google Plus, twitter and my own blog which I work on everyday. In 2012 I also have a degree in Children & Teens I took my degree here in Norway as I was working at a play school with 0 to 3 year olds.

In 2014 I started up my own business in Consulting and helping others start up their own business. Today its building up and have many plans for the future. My Goals for the future is to achive for my writing and also for my business.

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