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A J Spectre

A J Spectre is a young writer based in the busy, bustling town of Melbourne.

With a penchant for fantasy, he wrote his first short story at the age of 12 in primary school and spent most of his free-periods in high school in the library adding more and more to what was soon to be Angelius - Awaken.

It wasn't until one day when his friend borrowed one of his poetry works to submit to their Creative Writing course that A J Spectre's world changed - the poem came back with full marks (the first High Distinction he would never get) and it was then that he truly considered writing to be a career.

Today, A J Spectre lives mostly in his own head - living and reliving the chapters he writes as though they were a fantastical documentary of his own, otherwise dreary, life and insists that Awaken is to be the first of many to come: the stylised diary of a madman's imagination.

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