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Michaela Daphne

The Hidden Grove Series - Book I

Evelyn is searching for freedom from her past but instead finds herself twisted in every dad's nightmare.

  YA Fiction    Fantasy Thriller   70,000 words   75% complete   3 publishers interested
159 preorders
$3,028.00 funded


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Update #6 - Campaign Success! June 9, 2016

Hello my fantastic supporters! 

The campaign is over now and although I may not have reached my campaign goal, I did receive an incredible 159 pre-orders! Just so you know, Publishizer changed their rules halfway through my campaign but the new rules do not apply to my campaign. So do not fret - your pre-orders have not been refunded! I am still going ahead with editing, printing, and distributing the book to you. And you should expect the book in your hands (or on your screen for all you ebook supporters) by early 2017. When that time comes, I'll be in contact with you just to make sure your email/shipping details have not changed. So for the time being, sit back, relax, and prepare yourself for an awesome book coming your way!

Thank you so much for your support. It really means so much to me that you've gotten behind my campaign, that you've believed in me enough to put your money forward, and that you think I am capable of writing a story worth reading. Thank you.

Now begins the exciting task of getting a professional editor on board to make this book the best it can be!

With all my gratitude,

Michaela Daphne