An empowering read that will assist in your mindset and goals.
An exciting inspiring book that will speak to you in your now moment.
Growing up in the projects in Brooklyn was the ultimate challenge. There wasn't a lot of positive out comes from living in such a harsh environment. I started writing when I was 13 years old and I did't tell anyone because it wasn't a cool thing to do. I fell in love with helping people and making them better even if I wasn't were I needed to be myself. I discovered more about me as they discover more about themselves.
I have been in financial road blocks, a divorce and most of all the lost of my passion. I decided not to stay static and begin my journey and except the out come from it. I am far from perfect and I challenge myself to become a better person everyday. I have decided to live in the now and inspire myself what this great world has to offer. I am creating my own opportunity and running with it. I feel like a butterfly in a cocoon that has yet to hatch from it. I continue to stay humble but determined in my mindset to elevate myself and the people around me.
I started to post positive quotes all of my own in instagram and from there the idea sparked, I should write book based off my instagram account. So I started typing away and here I am now. The book is designed to get to the point, to get to the meat and potatoes of your emotion and taping into the value you bring to yourself.
So now my book is complete and I am offering a piece of me to you all not only to see my failures and flaws, but to learn from them and begin your journey.
This book is not your traditional book with chapters in it. Each Picture that I took from my post in instagram is in it's self a book. Think of seeing a quote with a picture and receiving the message in page or two. The inspiring quotes lead to motivating pages of what I have been through and what you can do for yourself.
My audience falls in line with life coaches and people who are unsure/fell short in their lives. The core audience is women, career women, stay at home moms and women who are looking for a change in there emotional state. You see I have 4 daughters in different stages in their lives and empowering them is something I focus on. With every instagram post I use the hash tag #empoweringwomen to ensure that I can reach as many women as possible. I am of latino decent and ensuring that my daughters have a fighting chance I want to be sure that all women of color have a chance to win as well.
I will use my facebook, instagram and youtube accounts to promote my book. I will shoot video and stills as well as use facebook live and instagram live. People love to see what is going on now.
My book is different because I am speaking directly to people that are in their darkest moment. The folks that need a kick in the ass. I connect by telling them my truth and allowing them to see where I am at in my process. These books address the entrepreneur, successful people wanting and edge to giving a dream. I motivate by documenting my actions and matching them with everyday blue collar people.
Title: Crushing It
Subtitle: How great entrepreneurs build their business and influence - and how you can ,too
Publisher: HarperBusiness
Publication year: January 30, 2018
Title: Unfu*k yourself
Subtitle: Get out of your head and into your life
Publiser: HarperOne
Publication year: August 1, 2017
Title: Girl, wash your face
Subtitle: Stop believing the lies about who you are so you an become who you were meant to be
Publiser:Thomas Nelson
Publication year: February 6, 2018
Title: Becoming whole
Subtitle: A healing companion to ease emotional pain and find self love
Publiser: Greenleaf Book Group Press
Publication year: February 14, 2018
Title: You are a badass
Subtitle: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life
Publiser:Running Press Adult; 1 edition
Publication year: April 23, 2013
He struggled as a kid in Brooklyn, now he understands what self-development is and wants to help the world see themselves in a different light.
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I started out with this pic because it makes total sense. We all want to have a purpose in life. I have been trying to find my purpose for years. I always liked to write but my education gaps proved my vocabulary will be limited and repetitive. I haven’t let that stop me. I figured I will write anyway and get better as I go. If I never put out a book I will never fulfill my dream of becoming a published author. My purpose is to fill my ever growing need to finish something. I love building processes and taking things apart and organizing them to be more efficient. Sometimes I succeed sometimes I fail. But I love to start something from scratch or take something over that is broken and try to fix it.
I have been motivated to become inspirational. While doing so I realized how flawed I am. How I need to build a bridge to a lot of pain points that I am feeling and come better connected to my feeling. My purpose is to connect to the talent that I have and maximize on it. But I have to get rid of a lot of blockers in order to do so. A lot of these blockers are things that I put in my own way. My procrastination for a long time prevented me from moving forward. From finding my purpose. I have to take full blame of my out come for the first half of my life. Now I have to make the second half count even more. I doubted myself far too long and have compared myself to others as if they were the measurement of success I was looking for.
I had the skills all along, I just needed to develop them. I let life overtake my mindset and I put my purposeful life aside for people that didn’t have a clue and my own self doubt. I should have purposely surrounded myself with folks that were in the same mindset that I was in. Create relationships that would have lasted and been a positive energy to my life. That word purpose can have a lot of meaning and a whole lot of back story to it. I am a huge dreamer and my intent was even bigger but my actions never match either. I am sure you relate as you sit here reading about my purpose, you should be thinking about yours or better yet taking action and making purposeful moves towards your goals. The events in your life can change it for the positive or for the negative if you allow it too. Clearing your mind and hitting the reset button is as important as breathing. you Go find your purpose.
I can't handle your excuses:
I’ve made my share of excuses as to why I can’t do anything that I want. It’s the very reason you are where you are now. The excuse you make contributes to your overall negative energy that you continue to employ. I had to teach myself that I needed to have a different truth to my story. Being honest with yourself is a must. Allowing things to get in the way can stop you its a crazy concept but it happens. Life takes over, money issues and work are just a few things putting you behind in your dreams as you continue to mention things that do not have shit to do with you. Stop denying it. You can’t let these daily occurrences become a distraction then applying an excuse as to why you can’t do what you love.
Year after year you step back in and you step back out, when you step out it’s a lot longer then when you step back in. The crying to your friends and family is not going to bring you closer or hoping or wishing. Every excuse I made set me back years, every excuse sucked the energy and wind out of my sail to move forward. I shut myself down before anyone else could. People would ask me questions about my dreams or goals. I wouldn’t know what to say, so I would say that I’m working on it. It wasn’t a lie, I just haven’t worked on it for sometime now.
It’s time to put all that aside, yes you wasted time and you know that you should have done more. So let’s do that today, start yes again but this time make sure that you are ready to continue on. One action leads to another action and another. Every motion you put in place can be the difference that will change your life, your way of thinking and your financial status. Go after that dream of your, surround yourself with people who understand what you are doing.
Even as I write this I say damn imagine if I would have wrote this 2 or 5 years ago. I had the opportunity to do it. I let a lot of shit stop me from finishing. Your time is now, it has always been your time. You have to face your fears and go after your dreams. It is taking me zero dollars to write this book. It can potentially lead to a monetary gain or may be even better I will be able to network with someone that sees my vision and wants to offer me something that I have yet to dream about. This can all happen so don’t miss out. Stop with the fucking excuses and get up off your ass.
It's okay we're all a little beat up:
Let’s not hide who we are. Your hards times is your truth the story that can catapult you to your dreams. We are all beat up in some shape or form. Don’t hide the fact that you struggled and it put in places that you didn’t want to be in. I don’t have a Highschool diploma, I don’t know how a sentence structure works or where to place puncutions. But that is okay, it is my truth and I am not letting it stop me from writing. Your story is the most powerful tool that you have to leverage in your life. I know its battle everyday to forget what you were and portray this person that you worked so hard to be.
It’s time to stop that shit and go back to your original story. The story that shows your scars, I know they are there I feel mine everyday. I hide them, but I have came to a point where I have decided to say fuck this. You will except me the way that I am. If you have a problem go fuck yourself and you was never meant to be in my life anyway. I am okay with talking about my past and the things that happened to me. I am okay with people seeing my scars and wondering what the fuck happened. I now where my story so proud on my sleeve, I tell my story every change that I have. It’s what fucking built me and turned me into the person I am today. It was this foundation that guided me through the toughest shit I had in my life. So why in the hell you want to hide it and make as if your story never existed. You can grow and you can add to your story but don’t forget those beginning days that started your story. By allowing yourself to confront the times that you want to forget so bad, it can not just change you but others around you when you tell of your story. The concept of thinking is to embrace all of you. The best parts and the challenging parts about you. You being scared and battered is the best of what you have. Taking control of it shows that you have added to your story and your beginning is not your ending. Allow for others to step in and take a glimpse of the greatest creation ever. That is you, your dream, your passion, your love, your belief, your courage, your desire.
The Dream can become real:
There is times that we want to do more but we are afraid for our dream to come true. The questions start to arise, if you can do it? You begin to doubt your own skill. STOP! Yes I am fucking shouting. You have to know that your dream is just as good as the next person's dream and you are taking the necessary steps to make it happen. The sitting and thinking and daydreaming and and and and and. You get the point, those days have to come to a halt. Taking your idea and making it real is a feeling that I cannot describe to you. As I am writing this book it is not my first, but it is my first to finish and publish it is hella fucking exciting. The drive that I have now is something that I have to say I didn’t have before. Remember the page on excuses, well that sucked the drive out of me.
The dream that has been in you for so many years is screaming to come out. It is burning you from within and it wants out. You owe it to yourself to make that happen and allow your bird to fly. That is what your dream is, it’s a bird soaring and you are along for the ride. It is the most climactic experience you can have. Championing your dream is what you have to do, no one else can take your dream. Taking charge of your actions is key to the success and life you put into your dream. That is the difference between intent and action. You can speak of your dream until that day you die, that’s intent. Or you can get up and take action begin to see what first steps you need take and actually fucking move. Your belief in yourself is imperative to how your dream comes a live. It is not that far off or away from becoming that you can touch.
I can’t wait to put my hands on this book. I can’t wait to see the cover and turn the page to see my dream in a reality form. Just the thought of it makes me nervous and excited at the same time. I am not worried about people who may not like my creation, I only care about the people who do care. That is where I will spend my time to grow my dream and the audience who seems to fuck with me. My dream will come true, I will put forth action to make it a reality.
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