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Rainbow Warrior Handbook

Kai Teo

The Underground Guide to the Psychedelic Revolution

How can psychedelics change the world? This book is a global call to all psychedelic explorers – Rainbow Warriors – to come together and start a revolution in human consciousness, thought, and behaviour, armed not with guns, but with love.

  Mind & Body    Evolution and Psychedelics   40,000 words   25% complete   Published by Motivational Press
294 preorders
$5,695.00 funded


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Update #3 - We've found a publisher! June 19, 2017

Hello my lovers and friends, 

Thanks to all of you, and of course, Publishizer, Rainbow Warrior Handbook is now going to be published by Motivational Press!

Last Wednesday, I signed my psychedelic contract and I've already started working on the book. 

Watch the video here: 

Many of you have been asking when you'll be getting your paperback. My goal would be to have it sent to all you Rainbow Warriors as my 32nd birthday present by 3 November this year. It's a goal, and I'll be trying my best. So meanwhile, enjoy the summer, get fucked up at the festivals, and be patient. Can't get enough of me? You can read my other pieces of writing at

I love you all! Time for me to write! And seeya on the dusty dance floors at Andra Världen and Ozora!

Hugs and kisses, XOXO, and some touchy feely,
