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Ramone’s Silver Rocket

Mickey Kulp

A Children's Rhyming Reader

Ramone is a rhyming rocketeer who has an adventure bringing back gifts from the moon.

  Children Fiction    Picture Book   213 words   100% complete   3 publishers interested
7 preorders
$128.00 funded



This is a children's picture book full of rhymes about Ramone's adventure to the moon in his silver rocket.

I believe, like Cambridge professor Morag Styles, that: "Children’s responses to poetry are innate, instinctive, natural – maybe it starts in the womb, with the mother's heartbeat? Children are hard-wired to musical language – taking pleasure in the rhythm, rhyme, repetition and other patternings of language that are a marked feature of childhood."  

Coupled with fun images, I am certain this book would be popular with both parents and children.  Thanks for looking. 


The audience is parents of non-readers and very young readers.

The catchy rhymes are intended to introduce complex, probably unfamiliar, words to young readers.  Indeed, this is a valuable strategy as stated in the Harvard Education Letter:

“...a growing body of research and classroom practice show that building a sophisticated vocabulary at an early age is also key to raising reading success—and narrowing the achievement gap. At schools like Lee Academy, teachers are overcoming the age-old habit of speaking to young children in simplified language and instead deliberately weaving higher-level word choices into preschool and primary grade classrooms. Whether it’s a discussion at morning meeting, informal talk at the block area, or a selection of read-aloud books, teachers are exposing younger children to language that, in many cases, exceeds the vocabulary level of a typical conversation between college graduates.” 

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Traffic sources: United States, Germany, France, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Japan, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland

In addition, I am on the Georgia Writers Registry.  This gives me an opportunity to read at schools and libraries.  Indeed, most libraries I have visited are big fans of children's authors and have a ready-made advertising strategy for an eager audience.


Tiny Little Rocket, Richard Collingridge
Rocket-Bye, Carole P. Roman
Space Song Rocket Ride, Sunny Scribens

Mickey Kulp

About the author

Mick is a writer and father who is not allowed to buy his own clothes. His work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, and three poetry collections.

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A rocketeer named Ramone
Breakfasted on a t-bone
Then climbed into the nose cone
    In his silver rocket.

He tested out his earphone
And, getting a good dial tone,
He blasted through the ozone
    In his silver rocket...

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  • Jessica Butler
    on Dec. 19, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

    One book for each household of grandkids. Excited to read this!

  • Gail Flowers
    on Dec. 31, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

    Hey Mickey! Excited about your book! Hope your new venture goes well. My granddaughter loves to be read to! I know she will enjoy it!

  • Mickey Kulp
    on Dec. 31, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

    Thanks. I hope we get it published so she can enjoy it.




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