Unleashing Potential, Purpose, and Power in the Workplace
Rearchitecting Work! is a paradigm shift from a focus on performance management to a focus on unleashing people's potential, championed by an enterprising and impact-oriented Human Resources function. The importance of business results does not change, but HOW those results are achieved is radically altered, with a blueprint that also changes the hearts and minds of the participants.
I know I sound like a broken record, but there aren't enough adequate words in the English language to convey the gratitude and appreciation I feel for you. And I so appreciate having this purpose (or this purpose having me!) along with the incredible challenges this new adventure presents. So enough about me (and as a very good friend from years ago said, "so now tell me what you think about me!")
Seriously, first I want to welcome three new subscribers -- we're up to 31 at this point! I would mention your names but didn't get permission ahead of time to share that but I intend to host a Zoom call in the near future where we can all congregate and connect!
Secondly, the book advance copy campaign has been extended to the middle of May, with an intention on my part to reach out to 52 virtual strangers with an invitation to have a phone conversation about Rearchitecting Work! Happy to include anyone in your networks for whom you think this might resonate. I'm thinking that person is a senior leader who sees doing well and doing good as a viable possibility for businesses.
And of course, don't forget the special bonus of free admission to the June 3rd, 7-week course launch with any book order of 10 or more copies. Otherwise, course admission is $297.
Major edits to the website are underway as we speak, with the idea that possibilitypartners.org is totally functional and presentable by Friday, April 30th at the latest! Oh, I almost forgot . . . twitter and fb accounts have been created by WordPress for possibility partners but I have to figure out the process for optimizing their use before they're fully operational. More to come . . .
Intend to post my first Rearchitecting Work blog on the website on Monday, May 3rd, about why employees aren't treated more like consultants. In my experience consultants are hired specifically to contribute their expertise and insights, while employees' expertise and insights are often overlooked or almost experienced as threatening in some instances. We all probably have experienced those leaders who have to be the smartest people in the room! Anyway, I'm going to unpack that a bit in the blog, as it's part of the workplace shift from power "over" to power "with" defined in Rearchitecting Work!
That's it! I'll keep you posted on what's next with both the book and the website services! And thank you always for being possibility partners in the world. I leave you with these wise words from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." (and I would add "and what lies between us!")
Much love and care,
Your Human Resources Futurist & Possibility Partner