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Brian Schoenborn

a Survivor's Search for Passion, Purpose and Inner Peace

Narrative memoir of a male infantry marine that was drugged and raped 3 months before 9/11 and the 17-year global search for purpose and redemption.

  Biography & Memoir    Military, Trauma, Society, Culture, Travel, Self-Help   100,000 words   25% complete   17 publishers interested
$1,395.00 funded
13% of goal
65 preorders
13% of goal
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Update #10 - Big Update April 28, 2022

Hello everyone, 

It's been a while since my last update...been grinding away (books take a long time!). Still, I'll keep it brief. The book more than makes up for that. lol

The big update: after 3.5 years of development, writing, editing, and formatting, I am thrilled to announce that RELENTLESS: A SURVIVOR'S SEARCH FOR PASSION, PURPOSE, AND INNER PEACE is complete from my end.

38 chapters

204,000 words

Now, my attention is turned to the agency/publisher search. Probably still a way to go before it hits the shelvs (and your mailbox), but the biggest hurdles have been overcome. All downhill from here.

