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Brian Schoenborn

a Survivor's Search for Passion, Purpose and Inner Peace

Narrative memoir of a male infantry marine that was drugged and raped 3 months before 9/11 and the 17-year global search for purpose and redemption.

  Biography & Memoir    Military, Trauma, Society, Culture, Travel, Self-Help   100,000 words   25% complete   17 publishers interested
$1,395.00 funded
13% of goal
65 preorders
13% of goal
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Update #5 - Campaign Recap March 17, 2019

Hello everyone,

It's been an exciting month, getting my story out there. Overcoming certain fears, my quality of life has already been enhanced with the love and support from you all, as well as finding many others with similar circumstances. 

The pre-order campaign is wrapped-up and the reception has humbled and surprised me. This couldn't happened without your support! Having wrapped-up the pre-order campaign, here's where we stand.

Copies sold: 61 (woot!)

Publishers interested: 8 (including a traditional independent publisher)

Where we go from here:

At this point, I am opening discussions and negotiating with these publishers. More details to come as that happens. Meanwhile, I continue plugging away at the book. And what's more, a conversation yesterday turned into one final chapter. This one will blow your mind, as it has mine. 

Thanks again for your support, look forward to updates as well as the book once it is ready for print!

Much love,

Brian Schoenborn