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Brian Schoenborn

a Survivor's Search for Passion, Purpose and Inner Peace

Narrative memoir of a male infantry marine that was drugged and raped 3 months before 9/11 and the 17-year global search for purpose and redemption.

  Biography & Memoir    Military, Trauma, Society, Culture, Travel, Self-Help   100,000 words   25% complete   17 publishers interested
$1,395.00 funded
13% of goal
65 preorders
13% of goal
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Update #6 - Relentless Updates April 3, 2019

Hello everyone, 

A few quick updates as we move through the process:

  • Publishing: we have spent the last few weeks meeting and negotiating with the interested publishers. The conversations have been fun and interesting, and they are all quite compelled to help bring this story to the public. After chatting with 8 publishers, we have learned a lot about the process and narrowed down the choices a bit. Speaking with my literary agent tomorrow to discuss next steps.
  • Website: I have been working away on my website/platform for the media company I've building out over the past few months. Getting much closer to launching that, which will include a page for sales of the book as well as the podcasts we are developing. Included is a membership area. Today, I registered each of you, depending on the pre-order purchase level, as members to the website. If you purchased 1-2 copies you receive the Basic Membership, which provides access to the supplementary podcast and blog. If you purchased 5+ you receive the VIP Membership, which provides access to all exclusive content to the website. Check your email from "Members @ 8B Media" and don't mind the grammar (I didn't see the stock email until after the fact); if you didn't receive one please let me know.
  • From the sound of things, the first draft of the book will likely be ready in about 2 months. Depending on the publisher, we get a solid understanding of when the book is ready for print. 

Thanks for sticking with me as we move through this process. Exciting times ahead!

