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Brian Schoenborn

a Survivor's Search for Passion, Purpose and Inner Peace

Narrative memoir of a male infantry marine that was drugged and raped 3 months before 9/11 and the 17-year global search for purpose and redemption.

  Biography & Memoir    Military, Trauma, Society, Culture, Travel, Self-Help   100,000 words   25% complete   17 publishers interested
$1,395.00 funded
13% of goal
65 preorders
13% of goal
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Update #8 - Updates June 13, 2019

Hello everyone,

Just a quick note to update you all on what's happening. We have been in negotiations with the final two publishers for a few weeks. They have asked for the opening chapters of the story, since those that were written already were the end of the piece.

That being said, I have completed the first four chapters of the book. They are currently being edited by my agency and will be submitted to these publishers tomorrow. We will have more information over the next week or so.

These four chapters, plus the others already written, put me up to 10+ chapters. The first four are some of the toughest, most grueling chapters of the book. It's taken a lot out of my to dive in and relive these memories. But I'm pushing on, because this story is bigger than me.

Chapter 5 will be a challenge as well, but after that things get better, easier, more interesting (for me anyway). 

Thank you for standing by me as I work through these experiences.
