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Michael McMahon

Michael McMahon

Ottawa, Canada

For 12 years Michael developed sales strategies and sold high value b2b products and services for companies. Then he decided to use the same methods for his own company.

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About the author

Michael McMahon has been selling since the fateful day his future wife said 'get a job please'.  With high expectations and little preparation, Michael started a short and unspectacular episode selling cars.  He did learn not to fear 'No', and to crave the rush of signing off on a deal.   

Thinking he might be more successful at Inside Sales, he started selling economy after market auto parts from inside a converted supply closet.  His partner made a sale on day 2, it took Michael 3 months to close his first deal... by the end of the year Michael had achieved 600% of his quota, and the company decided to expand the 2 person team into a group of 10 with a manager and director.  

Michael moved into software and digital marketing next, honing his sales skills, and learning the value of marketing, business development, and the power of the then emerging social media platforms.

As an account manager in the competitive professional services space, and with no budget or marketing resources, Michael was able to leverage his business development and social media skills to grow company revenues and lead his sales teams.

A desire for a customer first, sales oriented culture inevitably drove Michael to start his first company.  He had paying clients from day one and achieved more than a half million in sales in the first 9 months.

While he was growing his first company, Michael was approached often by creators, startups and entrepreneurs to share strategies to grow their own businesses.  It was while helping these consulting clients that he realized the advantages a professional sales person has over the traditional entrepreneur to truly jump start a new business.

Michael now wants to empower other SalesPreneurs to realize they already have the skills, knowledge and competency to start a viable business immediately.

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- 1-1 coaching and training sessions
- Social selling consultation

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- 1-1 coaching and training sessions
- Social selling consultation
- Email Marketing Seminar

- 1 month Sales-Preneur Accelerator Program
- Working with a small team of consultants to prepare the launch of your Sales-Preneur start-up

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- 200 All Access Memberships to the Sales-Preneur web community
- Providing technology, training and a network of sales pros
- Access to small group coaching sessions
- Access to the template and tools library
- 1-1 coaching and training sessions
- Social selling consultation
- Email Marketing Seminar

- 4 month Sales-Preneur Accelerator Program
- Working with a small team of consultants to launch one, or more, Sales-Preneur start ups with you.

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Bootstrapping a 6 figure business in year one

90% of Startups fail. Not yours though, because Sales professionals have an unfair advantage. Learn to channel your inner SalesPreneur and be successful.

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Business & Money
60,000 words
0% complete
9 publishers interested


Turning Sales People into CEOs.  The best entrepreneurs are salespeople, at least in practice, so shouldn't the best salespeople be entrepreneurs?

This book empowers sales people to evolve from growing corporate profits to creating their own corporations.  

The market is flooded with idea people and technology people spinning up products that they hope will turn into companies; sales professionals are overlooked in these pre-profit organizations.  Not that these 'solution looking for a problem' companies can't succeed, some do.  However, in small companies with limited resources, there is no one better to bring clients and solutions together than a true sales professional.

Sales-Preneur is the how to guide for turning a sales professional's expertise and connections into a profitable business for themselves.  Entrepreneurs will also be able to apply the sales first process to boost their companies.

I was a high performing sales manager, and realized that, despite delivering millions of dollars in revenues, I wasn't appreciated.  I knew it was a common experience in the profession, but I had had enough and, with nothing more than an outline of how not to run a business, started my first company.  I was profitable from day one and realized that strong sales people are uniquely situated to start real businesses quickly.


  1. The Quiet Salesperson
    1. Introducing the author
  2. You are more important than what you sell
    1. Purchasing is an intellectual and emotional exercise, so salespeople have to be smart, empathetic professionals
  3. Drink the Coffee
    1. You already are your current company’s best asset, don’t let management grind you down
  4. Fabulously Rich
    1. Who is benefitting the most from your efforts?
  5. You’re already there
    1. The unfair advantage of being a salesperson
  6. Overcoming the only hurdle
  7. SalesPreneur Method
    1. Employee to owner in one step
  8. Sales plan to business plan
  9. Bootstrapping
    1. What you need in week one
  10. The importance of Social Selling
  11. Marketing Hacks for salespeople
  12. Case Studies:Applying the SalesPreneur method to different markets and product types
    1. Service industries: Marketing, consulting
    2. Recruiting and contract placement
    3. B2B & Enterprise software
    4. Information and financial products
    5. Large consumer products: Vehicles, appliances
    6. Consumer products
  13. SalesPreneur Check in
    1. Validation
    2. Measurement
    3. Expansion
    4. Technology


This book is targeting sales people, account representatives, business developers and wantrepreneurs.  There are approximately 4.5 Million B2B Sales Professionals in the US alone, and, Forrester projects, 1 Million (or 22%) of them will lose their job due to e-commerce by 2020.

These are professionals that have achieved success at the companies they work for, but are managed by the phrase "you're only as good as your next sale".  Sales cultures do breed high performers, but there is always a subtle lack of appreciation, an understanding that any rep could be told to leave at any time.  The sales people interested in this book are the ones who realize they deserve more than money and can control their destiny.

Sales professionals spend time and money on training, books, podcasts and more to improve their performance.  Business and personal improvement books and  audiobooks are consistently in the best seller table and account for an estimated  $1.23 billion per year.

SaaS, ecommerce, and digital marketing are eroding the 'perceived' need for high performing sales representatives.  That is on top of the Sales turnover (voluntary and involuntary) rate that is already as high as 40% in some industries.

The best sales people are self motivating, and seek out materials and tools to help them achieve their goals and maintain motivation.  This book provides them with new tools and new goals.


Michael has never marketed himself as a guru, open networker or 'ninja' anything, but, through early adoption and relationship building, he does have a base of professional connections to promote his writing.  This includes:

7627 LinkedIn Followers,

2178 Twitter Followers

10,000 + email contacts (personal and professional).

When LinkedIn still tracked such things, his profile was consistently the most viewed for 'professionals like you'.

He is prepared to revamp and leverage his web properties: 

and drive their current traffic to lead funnels for a series of webinars promoting strategies found in the book.


  • Drink the Coffee: Why Management manipulates sales professionals' self esteem and how to turn it around
  • The math of the under appreciated, or why sales people are demonized within their own companies
  • The Sales centric startup: the unfair advantage of the professional
  • Sales-Preneur: from business driver to business owner at the speed of thought


The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, international speaker, business innovator, social media personality and top sales trainer in the world.

John Wiley & Sons, Apr 26, 2011  Business and Economics 256 pages, Dan Cardone

The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

Crown Publishing Group, 2011, Entrepreneurship, Eric Ries

The Bootstrapper's Bible

How to Start and Build a Business With a Great Idea and (Almost) No Money

Published October 1st 1998 by Kaplan Publishing, Seth Godin

Side Hustle

For some people, the thought of quitting their day job to start their own business is exhilarating. For many others, the loss of a stable paycheck is terrifying. But what if we could easily create new income without giving up the security of a full-time job? Enter the side hustle, a mini-business that earns you extra money.With Chris Guillebeau's step-by-step guide, you can go from idea to income in just 27 days.

Pan Macmillan, Sep 26, 2017, Business and Economics, Chris Guillebeau

9 publishers interested Express interest
BrightFlame Books logo BrightFlame Books

250 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for business, entrepreneurship, personal development, success psychology and mindset, health, and lifestyle.
BrightFlame Books was set up with one key purpose: to help experts like you get your message out into the world, increase your impact, and ultimately, grow your business. Wherever you are in your publishing journey, we can support you. As a full-service publisher, we transform your draft manuscript into a beautifully finished book. Our editors edit and polish your words, then our creative team turns it into a professionally designed finished product, inside and out, that presents you as the thought leader and industry leader you are. Once your book is published, as a marketing consultancy we specialize in turning you into a bestselling author by orchestrating launch campaigns to drive sales and awareness of your book internationally and creating book-based lead generation and client acquisition campaigns that turn your book into a powerful business development tool.

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Mind & Body, Business & Money, Career & Success, Health, Fitness & Dieting, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Science, Society & Culture, Technology & the Future


Isabella Media Inc logo Isabella Media Inc

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Isabella Media Inc is a Rhode Island-based, family-owned, mainline publishing organization with a mission to discover unknown stories. We combine unknown or little known authors’ undiscovered potential with Isabella Media Inc’s unique approach to publishing to provide the highest quality books to readers about stories they may not find anywhere else. It’s our desire to find unique stories that drive us.

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Mascot Books logo Mascot Books

Mascot Books is a full-service hybrid publisher dedicated to helping authors at all stages of their publishing journey create a high-quality printed or digital book that matches their vision. With comprehensive editorial, design, marketing, production, and distribution services, our authors have the support of an experienced publishing team while still retaining one of the highest royalty percentages in the business.

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1106 Design, LLC logo 1106 Design, LLC

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Atmosphere Press logo Atmosphere Press

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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Bookmobile logo Bookmobile

100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Bookmobile provides book printing, graphic design, and other resources to support book publishers in an ever-changing environment. Superior quality, excellent customer service, flexibility, and timely turnarounds have attracted nearly 1,000 satisfied clients to Bookmobile, including trade houses, university presses, independent publishers, museums, galleries, artists, and more. In addition, we manage eBook conversions and produce galleys, and regularly provide short-run reprints of 750 copies or fewer for major publishers such as Graywolf Press.

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


Gladiator Publishing Company logo Gladiator Publishing Company

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Happy Self Publishing logo Happy Self Publishing

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
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For me, salesperson, account manager, or business developer were not even on the career short list. I was interested in professions where you eventually hung your own shingle (do people still say this?), or creative pursuits where you produced something tangible.

Nearly 20 years later, I've sold cars, brake pads, marketing, software solutions and professional services in a number of a roles successfully.  If you polled everyone I ever knew growing up though, I'm sure none of them expected me to become a sales executive.  If anything, I was known as a quiet, shy kid with a sense of humour a touch on the sarcastic side.

So how did it happen?  The short answer is, my wife told me too. Ok, technically she was my girlfriend back then.  I didn't believe I was suited for sales either, but I was at loose ends in my life and, in my early 20s, tired of working the same jobs I was as a student. 

Thats when I saw an ad in the paper (millenials might not understand that part), a local car dealer was looking for new sales people to join their training program.  Why not, right?  I remember doing the math and thinking, "an average car sales person is selling what, 20 or 30 cars a month?  And their commissions must be in the thousands of dollars per car.  I'm going to be rich."  

Three or four months later, I was much better informed and not selling cars anymore.  My sweet spot seemed to be young couples who were terrified of the slick pros on the showroom floor, or the very old who thought I looked like their grandson.  I wasn't the worst new sales person they brought on, but I wasn't even close to the best.  I never forgot what the best  salesperson there taught me though; sales was persistence, service and relationship building.

Allow me to digress a little; this  salesperson had been selling cars for 10 years or so, and had outlasted a handful of sales directors and floor managers.  The dealership would never let him go, because he was their backbone.  Not only did they treat his forecast as gospel, he did too.  He didn't take walk ins, appointments only, and spent more time on the phone than on the floor.  He lead the dealership in sales every year, 2nd wasn't even close to him.  And yet, this superstar whom I aspired to be like, who lead the team in sales and compensation, only averaged a little more than 100,000 per year.

I started my career thinking, someday I'll make 100,000 a year too, if I'm lucky... When I first broke into the 6 figures, I didn't immediately think back on my car sales days because I was so invested in my work, but I did wonder later if I would have hit that milestone faster if my expectations had not been set so low by that early experience.

I had a successful run with my last company.  I had been there almost 4 years, had good clients, a great commission structure, and a sales team that I had confidence in.  Then a new executive came and the culture turned toxic fast. I decided it was time for something new and started interviewing. How bad was that executive?  They were walked off the premises a few months after I resigned.

During my job search, an interviewer asked, 'what do you like about sales?'. I was in an introspective mood, so my answer was a little off script, 'Sales is rewarding for me, because we are the entrepreneurs of the enterprise. We are client and company advocates, solve problems, rely on (and push) the marketing and product teams, and make a measurable impact on the success of the organization'.

My views didn't align with that particular sale executive's; he had visions of kpi's, hierarchy, escalators and funnels. Not that those are bad, but I was looking for a different culture and a lot more autonomy.

Which brought me full circle to my childhood expectations of work. Sure, I wasn't a pharmacist, cobbler, software writer, artist, lawyer, or carpenter, but did that mean I couldn't take charge of my career destiny?  Did I need a bloated organization around me of executives requiring constant management and employees with no motivation?  No. In fact, all I needed was a customer and a solution.

I'd like to say that I wrote a business plan, weighed my options carefully, talked to my financial advisors, met with my mentors and agonized over my entrepreneurial decision. Instead, I opened a spreadsheet and determined how many deals I would need to close to make a viable business.  The number was shockingly small.  I resigned, and closed my first 3 deals almost immediately, amounting to $90,000.00

I'm not saying I knew everything I needed to run an entire business, but I did know everything I needed to find my first customers, source a solution, determine my margins and write up the quotes, proposals and contracts to close the deals.  I've since met many entrepreneurs that have spent years either building solutions (the engineering type) or refining their offering (the marketing type).  They all invariably asked how I managed to be profitable so quickly.  Then they asked if I could help them too.

Sales is the heart of entrepreneurship. I don't know how to articulate it better, but all the successful business owners I know are salespeople at heart, if not in practice. It was liberating to realize that sales itself is a foundation I could build my business on. And that is what I did (after asking my wife for permission: leaving full time work to start your own business is a big decision after all). She says I'm a #SalesPreneur, and I like that sound of that.

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