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Dave Clare

Dave Clare

Perth, Australia

For twenty-five years or more Dave has worked with small business owners and leaders to productively transform their lives and businesses to evolve to stay relevant in the heart and minds of the people they serve.

He is the CEO & Founder of Circle Leadership

Dave is also an Ambassador for:
- The Global Company Culture Association, an organization that is dedicated to driving an evolution at work
- Smile Koomba, creating a world where everyone has the ability and confidence to smile BIG.
- Inspiring Rare Birds, an organisation dedicated to mentoring female leaders and entrepreneurs.

Dave has successfully developed a proven online, transparent framework to develop and execute an aligned strategy to enable businesses to become radically client-centric.

He is a trained facilitator with two international organizations, and a qualified mentor with:
- WA Police Force
- Master Mentor for Next Level Mentoring
- Inspiring Rare Birds

Often a sought-after speaker and MC, Dave is also a published author of SIMPLIFIED and a Co-author of:

He is currently working on his next book:

Dave is the creator of:
- Leadership Framework©
- Circle of Organizational Leadership™
- Business Evolution Roadmap™
- NEXT90™ Business Evolution System

He is also the host of the Evolution of Business Show podcast.

A mad golfer that loves to dance and sing Elvis at Karaoke...Luckily Dave is very good at what he does so we don't have to worry about him making a living doing any of these other things.

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About the author

Dave Clare isn’t just a leader, he is also an author, award winning international coach, facilitator and an enthusiastic and inspirational speaker. He has developed a new framework for leadership that helps others move from a business model to a model business. Dave’s take on leadership for a new generation has proven to create invincible cultures that unleash creativity and innovation, the catalyst for disruption. Dedicating more than a decade of his life to inspiring and creating purpose-driven leaders, Dave consistently shares his fundamental principles on leadership. Leadership is simple. You lead people. So all you need to do is understand people.

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Success! SIMPLIFIED has already sold 251 pre-orders , was pitched to 107 publishers , and will be published by Morgan James .
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7 readers

Yup you read it right. This ones for all you digital book peeps. Grab your Kindle or other similar device and read away!

This is the fastest way to start!

You will get the full PDF of SIMPLIFIED plus access to the Facebook Community where you can interact with other readers. Dave will answer questions and post resources to further your purpose-driven leadership journey. Plus you will also get a video Interview of Dave discussing the book and helping you make the most of it.

All that for $15? Magnificent!

Ebook included


130 readers

Late July (ETA) delivery of your FIRST EDITION of SIMPLIFIED. Video Interview of Dave discussing the book and helping you make the most of it.

PLUS: You will get the full PDF of SIMPLIFIED to get you started before the printed version arrives.

PLUS: Access to the Facebook Community where you can interact with other readers. Dave will answer questions and post resources to further your purpose-driven leadership journey. Plus you will also get a video Interview of Dave discussing the book and helping you make the most of it.

For shipping, select your country after backing.

1 copy + ebook included

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12 readers

This level has EVERYTHING:

July (ETA) delivery of your FIRST EDITION of SIMPLIFIED.

PLUS access to the SIMPLIFIED online leadership training program with 8 modules covering each core chapter. A full PDF workbook to compliment the online training program.

PLUS THE COMPLETE DIGITAL PACK from the $15 level: Complete PDF, and access to the Facebook community!

Whew! An obvious choice to maximise your SIMPLIFIED experience. That's a why it's call a no-brainer!

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1 copy + ebook included

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TWO of everything from THE NO-BRAINER LEVEL

You'll receive an EXTRA copy of the book for a colleague, partner, or a friend. Work through it together or give it as a gift to someone you want to inspire!

PLUS both of you will also get a full PDF workbook to compliment the online training program.

PLUS two copies of ALL the digital goods from THE NO-BRAINER LEVEL. That includes access for two to our Facebook community, two PDFs, etc.)

For shipping, select your country after backing

(Must be shipped to one single address.)

2 copies + ebook included

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Six packs are popular for multiple reasons. You can purchase beverages in one. You can do lots of sit ups to get one. Or, you can get this level and have 6 copies of SIMPLIFIED for you and your team, your Mastermind group, or you can give them as gifts.

The AB-solute package. Six copies of SIMPLIFIED.

PLUS access for six people to the SIMPLIFIED online training program and PDF workbooks

For shipping, select your country after backing.

(Must be shipped to one single address.)

6 copies

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20 of 20 left


0 readers

You are the sum of the people you associate with. Therefore it would be safe to think you know a dozen people who can benefit from reading SIMPLIFIED!

Buy a dozen copies and you'll receive a (one time) live one-hour video private conference for them plus a copy of the book for yourself (that's a Bakers Dozen!).

Dave Clare will introduce them to the idea of being a purpose-driven lead organisation and HOW TO turn their business model into a model business. Every participant will also get a PDF workbook to work through.

*All attendees must be present in the same location

For shipping, select your country after backing.

13 copies

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5 of 5 left


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You will get 20 printed and personally signed copies of SIMPLIFIED to share with your team, friends or colleagues of your choice.

Up to two hours of live chat/coaching (Skype, Google Hangout, GoTo Meeting etc.) with the author of SIMPLIFIED, the self-proclaimed Prophet for Purpose himself (Dave Clare) with you and or your team.

This can be broken into 3 x four half hour sessions, 2 x one hour sessions or 1 x two hour session.

For shipping, select your country after backing.

20 copies

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5 of 5 left


0 readers

Forget everything else, it's not a crime to just want copies of the book. So go ahead and book em Danno!

If just want the book...and lots of them then 50 (Five-0) first edition copies of SIMPLIFIED are coming your way.

Dave will even cover the shipping for you. If it is to Hawaii, he might just personally deliver them ;)

For shipping, select your country after backing.

50 copies

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1 reader

You will get 100 printed copies of SIMPLIFIED at DISCOUNT to share with your team, customers, friends or colleagues of your choice.
Dave will even cover the shipping for you. If it is to Hawaii, he might just personally deliver them ;)

100 copies

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0 readers

You will get 100 printed and personally signed copies of SIMPLIFIED to share with your team, customers, friends or colleagues of your choice.

I will fly ANYWHERE in the world to present a one hour intimate Keynote on 'Leadership In a Disruptive World' to you and your guests and personally sign each book for them.

I will also conduct a FREE Q&A after the presentation to answer all your guests questions.

*I will cover my travel expenses (flight and accommodation) & shipping costs
** You will cover venue and food/beverage costs for event and guests.

100 copies

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5 of 5 left


0 readers

A full two-days away with you and your leadership team (up to 12 people) to develop, discover or redefine your purpose, values and vision. We will define your mission and complete your strategic horizons and 12 month operational goals.

You will also get a Culture & SWOT Analysis done ahead of the 2 day workshop for your team to reference throughout the facilitation. This will also include workbooks, tools and resources for all your attendees.

As an ADDED BONUS you will get 100 signed copies of SIMPLIFIED.

*I will cover my travel expenses (flight and accommodation) & shipping costs
** You will cover venue and food/beverage costs for event and guests.

1000 copies

Free shipping

4 of 4 left


0 readers

Get one signed copy of SIMPLIFIED.

What!? Only one for that investment?

Yes. Here's the kicker though, you will get 12 months coaching and mentoring from Dave Clare personally to transform your business model into a model business and help you to become the Prophet of your purpose so you can profit from your purpose.

Monthly sessions will be face to face or by Skype/phone with unlimited emails between sessions.

As an ADDED BONUS, Dave will present a Keynote on 'Leadership In A Disruptive World' to a group of your choosing (Clients/prospects, your team, Association etc.) Anywhere in the world with you as the title sponsor of that event. You can charge admission (yours to keep) or raise funds for your favourite charity.

Aw heck, Dave will also throw in 100 signed copies of SIMPLIFIED for you to giveaway during the event.

*I will cover my travel expenses (flight and accommodation) & shipping costs
** You will cover venue and food/beverage costs for event and guests.

101 copies

Free shipping

2 of 2 left

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Update #1 - "Nothing of major importance was ever accomplished alone." - A Clarism May 25, 2018

Thank you to all of you who have already purchased your copy of SIMPLIFIED. My goal to create and inspire 90 million purpose-driven leaders is that little bit smaller now because of your help. Together we can shift the consciousness of the planet by helping create more meaning-full work.

You are now a major part of this movement, and for that I thank you sincerely.

On purpose,
