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Troy Ismir

Troy Ismir

Boulder, Colorado

Troy Ismir is a spiritual warrior coach awarded the most influential fitness ministry in 2019 by Faith & Fitness Magazine in the U.S.

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About the author

Here is what I do know. On this journey of stepping into my purpose, my personal growth and character transformation have been exponential. In the last two years since starting my ministry, I have felt God’s presence in my life more than ever before. I am becoming more like Christ each and every day. I have failed many times over, but I am learning radical self-love. I am learning to be an inspired leader, just by being.

There is no substitute for life learning other than getting into the arena and getting bloodied and sweaty. Taking risks and living a life of adventure. This journey of personal transformation will never end for me, but I know without taking that leap of faith and stepping into living my mission every day, I wouldn’t be the Spiritual Warrior that I am today. I AM a Spiritual Warrior who is called to be an inspired leader.
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Success! Spiritual Warrior Training Handbook has already sold 77 pre-orders , was pitched to 8 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

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Access to the Divine Wellness Academy online course. The Divine Wellness Academy is a biblically based fitness program that will help you discover the connection between your physical and spiritual health. 10 lessons will teach you how to be intentional with your health, eat the way God intended, use motion as devotion, manage stress, and look, feel and perform better than ever before. You will get access to 3-hours of on demand video and The Divine Wellness Academy e-book.

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1:1 Wellness Vision coaching session. In this two hour session you will experience the power of transformational coaching. We’ll go deep into your heart and soul, because your dreams and health are priceless. A wellness vision is a compelling description of your best self. It defines what you truly want and how you live when you’re at your best.)

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$1000 Tribe Plus Package

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Access to the Divine Wellness Academy online course
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1:1 Wellness Vision coaching session
One year of online Precision Nutrition habit based coaching. Over the course of 12 months, I will help you lose weight, build lean muscle, and gain energy no matter what’s going on around you. You will get life-changing results-delivered 100% online. You will have access to the Precision Nutrition coaching platform connecting directly to me as your coach from any digital device.

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$2500 All-In Package

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Access to the Divine Wellness Academy online course
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1:1 Wellness Vision coaching session
One year of online Precision Nutrition habit based coaching
3 months of 1:1 transformational spiritual warrior coaching. Spiritual Warrior Coaching requires courage and commitment. Bring your biggest dreams that feels impossible or your greatest fear that scares you to death. We will meet twice a month for three months and transform EVERY area of your life.

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Spiritual Warrior Training Handbook

How to Go From Quiet Desperation to Divine Inspiration

The Spiritual Warrior Training Handbook is about redefining what it means to be a Christian man in today’s world. As men, we often try to find power in all the wrong places turning to drugs, sex, alcohol, violence, abuse, money, ambition, and materialism. This book shares an alternative path to finding power by being courageously vulnerable.

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Christian Non-Fiction
50,000 words
25% complete
6 publishers interested


The vast majority of Christian men are living in quiet desperation. We may be consumed by feelings of self-doubt, hopelessness, and despair, even though we profess our Christian faith and Jesus as our Savior. We battle with the religious conditioning we grew up with that tells us as long as we look, perform, and act a certain way we are good Christian men.

The strong desire for comfort and security runs rampant among Christian men. And in doing so, we try to be what the world thinks we should be: rich and powerful while climbing the corporate ladder. We end up sacrificing who God created us to be living in a constant state of smoldering discontent. We shortchange ourselves and the world because we make choices based on what we think will make others happy rather than pursuing our God-given purpose and following divine inspiration.

Until we start to see ourselves the way God sees us we will continue to live in quiet desperation living a life of self-doubt shrinking back and playing small. And until we believe in ourselves enough to start to take chances in our lives, we will continue to live a life of apathy and soul-crushing complacency.

Men and Christian men are suffering from loneliness and isolation like never before, and suicide is on the rise. According to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center between the years 2009 and 2018 suicide rates among adults between the ages of 25 and 44 have surpassed the suicide rates of older adults (65+)

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention statistics revealed in 2018, men died by suicide 3.56X more than women. White males accounted for 70% of suicide deaths in 2018. The faith community I belong to has put to rest ten people due to suicide since the pandemic started. This is a heartbreaking reality.

In the Spiritual Warrior Training Handbook, I share in methodical detail how we can start to create environments where men can be courageously vulnerable. Because until men have a place where we can share our hearts, our dreams, our brokenness, our failures, our victories, and who we truly are, we will continue to feel the wrath of unhealthy masculinity.

Key Takeaways:

· You will learn how to stand in your own power with humility as the king of your life.
· You will learn how to overcome the need to explain, defend, and prove yourself by accepting your humanity and the humanity of others.
· You will learn how to get ego and pride out of the way and allow God to flow through you.
· You will learn how to be yourself in the world following your inspiration.
· You will learn how to be healed from codependency, shame and guilt, sadness, and beating yourself up.
· You will learn how to lead your life forward by being happy through divine inspiration.

This book is about helping men show up in our power, seeing ourselves the way God sees us, taking chances on ourselves, and being courageously vulnerable. It is a calling for a revolutionary change of what it means to be a Christian man in today’s world.

I was raised in a Christian home, as a rebellious PK (pastor’s kid). Until a devastating divorce brought me to my knees about ten years ago, I battled codependency, neediness, and insecurity on many levels never thinking I was good enough. The symptoms of all of this resulted in exercise addiction, love and relationship addiction, perfectionism, and ultimately self-esteem that was about as fragile as a sandcastle made during high tide. I was desperate for someone to tell me I was a good man, and I went looking for it in all the wrong places.

Over the past ten years since my divorce, I have left the comfort and security of a six figure job in the pharmaceutical industry to start my own men’s spiritual warrior coaching and fitness ministry. It’s a faith adventure I never could have imagined. If someone would have told me I would be in ministry ten years ago I would have said they were absolutely crazy.

Through my experiences, I will guide you through the process that I went through and am still going through to become a spiritual warrior. I believe Jesus is the ultimate spiritual warrior, who has guided me on the path of getting out of quiet desperation and leading me each and every day towards divine inspiration.


Introduction- My Story
Chapter 1- The Battle with Self-Doubt
Chapter 2- Stop Proving, Performing & Posturing
Chapter 3- Why Believing in God isn’t Enough
Chapter 4- Overcoming Religious Conditioning
Chapter 5- Seeing Ourselves the Way God Sees Us
Part Two- Going from Playing it Safe to Taking a Chance on Ourselves
Chapter 6- The Battle with Playing it Safe
Chapter 7- Follow Our Inspiration
Chapter 8- Living in the Tension of Exciting and Terrifying
Chapter 9- Reclaim Our Inner Athlete
Chapter 10- Take a Chance on Ourselves
Part Three- Going from Quiet Desperation to Living a Life of Divine Inspiration
Chapter 11- The Battle with Quiet Desperation
Chapter 12- Powerful Ease
Chapter 13- Courageous Vulnerability
Chapter 14- God Flowing in Us and Through Us
Chapter 15- Living a Life of Divine Inspiration

Sales arguments

  • Author is a national thought leader for integrating faith and fitness being recognized as a top influencer for his men’s fitness ministry for 2019 by Faith & Fitness Magazine. He is also a contributing writer to Faith & Fitness Magazine. Some of Troy’s articles include “Relationships 101- The 1 0n 1 of a Fit Lifestyle”, “These Three Battles are Destroying Men’s Lives” and “Signs You Are Two-Faced, Trustworthy Wisdom for Guys”
  • Author is an adjunct professor at William Jessup University, a Christian university. Troy is an influencer in the faith and fitness space that is now just starting to come to light. As a professor at a renowned and respected University Troy has the opportunity to shape the future of how we integrate our faith and fitness.
  • Author has been doing a podcast on faith and fitness for over four years with approximately 18,000 downloads.

Similar titles

  • Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul by John Eldredge. Thomas Nelson Publishers Copyright 2001. In this book, Eldredge helps men look inside their true hearts and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be-dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.
  • From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality, by Richard Rohr. Published by Franciscan Media Copyright 1990, 1996, 2005. This book helps men go from wild men to wise men with Richard Rohr as the mentor and guide.
  • The Man in the Mirror by Patrick Morely. Zondervan Publishing Copyright 1989, 1992, 1997, 2014. In this book Morely invites men to look in the mirror, identify the problem areas, and make the changes necessary to love God, themselves, and others better.


For Christian men who are athletes at heart, who are committed to being better sons, brothers, friends, husbands, fathers and leaders.

6 publishers interested Express interest
Ballast Books logo Ballast Books

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Ballast Books is a full-service hybrid publisher that handles all aspects of book creation, design, publishing, marketing, distribution, and platform building. We help our authors sell more books, secure more keynotes, do more consulting, earn more customers, and book more media appearances.

We want to work with the best of the best: Former Special Operations Forces, CEOs, big thinkers, industry-leading experts. Top-performing people with experiences worth sharing and skills that translate into a larger message and goal.

We've seen particular success with military memoirs, but we've also recently hired a children's book specialist, so we run the spectrum of genres. We're a small but growing team and take pride in dedicating more time and energy to all our authors than traditional publishers.

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Morgan James logo Morgan James

500 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for entrepreneurship, business, self-help, and personal growth.

Morgan James Publishing has revolutionized book publishing—from the author’s standpoint, earning 29 NY Times and over 100 USA Today and Wall Street Journal best sellers. We teach authors strategies to leverage their books and grow their businesses—adding value while staying out of the way. Evidenced by more Major Media best sellers than most publishers our size. Regularly ranked by Publishers Weekly as the most recognized and one of the fastest-growing publishers in the nation, Morgan James is reported to be “the future of publishing.”

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Something or Other Publishing logo Something or Other Publishing

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.

Hybrid publisher

Children Fiction, Christian Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, LGBT Fiction, Literary Essay, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Mythology & Folk Tales, Poetry, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Women's Fiction, YA Fiction, Art & Photography, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Children Non-Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Communication Skills, Corporate Culture, Crafts & Hobbies, Creativity, Current Affairs, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Humor & Entertainment, Illustrated Books, Journalism, LGBT Non-Fiction, Management & Leadership, Marketing & Sales, Mindfulness & Happiness, Money & Investment, Motivation & Inspiration, Nature & Environment, Parenting, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Politics & Social Sciences, Popular Science, Productivity & Time Management, Psychology, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Sex & Relationships, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel, YA Non-Fiction, Science Fiction & Humour


1106 Design, LLC logo 1106 Design, LLC

Dear Author,

You worked hard to write your manuscript; finally, it's ready to release. You know that expert assistance is needed, but perhaps you didn’t realize that working with a publisher is no longer necessary—especially publishers who charge fees to produce your book upfront and "share" more of your revenue whenever a book is sold.

1106 Design is an author services company. We offer all the editorial and design services you’d expect from a publisher, transforming your manuscript into a market-ready book. But here's the difference: we help you secure print-on-demand printing and worldwide distribution in your name. This means you earn several dollars more for every book sold instead of a meager “royalty.”

We understand that your book is not just a passion project but also a potential source of income. That's why we offer a range of services tailored to your needs at affordable prices. Depending on your manuscript's word count and complexity, our packages range from $4,000 to $10,000. And here's the best part: after this one-time investment, every penny of net revenue from book sales goes directly to you, never to us.

If this sounds like a better way to publish your book, I invite you to browse our services, design samples, no-surprises pricing, outstanding customer reviews, and educational articles at You can download a free PDF of my book, "Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing and an Insider's Look at a Misunderstood Industry," and request a free, no-obligation consultation.

1106 Design has been in business since 2001 and is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. We are a “Highly Recommended Expert” at and rated "Excellent" at Alli, The Alliance for Independent Authors, at, where you can find a "watchdog list" of the best and worst publishing services companies.

How can we serve you today?

Michele DeFilippo, owner

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Children Fiction, Christian Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literary Essay, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Mythology & Folk Tales, Poetry, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Women's Fiction, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Children Non-Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Communication Skills, Corporate Culture, Current Affairs, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Humor & Entertainment, Journalism, Management & Leadership, Marketing & Sales, Mindfulness & Happiness, Money & Investment, Motivation & Inspiration, Nature & Environment, Parenting, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Politics & Social Sciences, Popular Science, Productivity & Time Management, Psychology, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Sex & Relationships, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel, YA Non-Fiction, Science Fiction & Humour


Bright Communications LLC logo Bright Communications LLC

Looking for all types of books, including fiction, children's books, health, memoir, business books, and cookbooks
Bright Communications LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founding CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. Our team of expert editorial, design, and marketing pros help authors go from idea to completed books and retain 100% of the rights to their work. We also offer four custom publishing packages and a $1900 self-publishing assist program.

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Children Fiction, Christian Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, LGBT Fiction, Literary Essay, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Mythology & Folk Tales, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Women's Fiction, YA Fiction, Art & Photography, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Children Non-Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Coloring Books for Grown-Ups, Comics & Graphic Novels, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Communication Skills, Corporate Culture, Crafts & Hobbies, Creativity, Current Affairs, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Humor & Entertainment, Illustrated Books, Journalism, Management & Leadership, Marketing & Sales, Mindfulness & Happiness, Money & Investment, Motivation & Inspiration, Nature & Environment, Parenting, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Politics & Social Sciences, Popular Science, Productivity & Time Management, Psychology, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Sex & Relationships, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel, YA Non-Fiction, Science Fiction & Humour

United Kingdom, Canada, United States

eBooks2go logo eBooks2go

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
eBooks2go, Inc. was founded in 2011 to provide the missing link for all your publishing needs. Our end-to-end solutions provide the guidance and support that enable publishers and independent authors to pursue their passions. To date, we have helped more than 750 authors and 100 publishers worldwide. We offer an array of simple and affordable solutions to assist self-publishing authors at every stage of the book publishing process. Our comprehensive service offering includes editing, print and eBook production, book marketing, cover designs, ISBN registration, and even website designs. We are a single source for all of your publishing needs.

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


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  • Scott Hall
    on Jan. 15, 2021, 5:10 p.m.

    Hello from Orlando! I love seeing your bold moves and hard work delivering dividends.

  • David Lively
    on Jan. 16, 2021, 12:51 a.m.

    Ordered this for David!
    Best wishes to you, Troy!

  • Joel Meyer
    on Jan. 16, 2021, 9:32 p.m.

    Looking forward to reading the book. Joel Meyer

  • Cade Hairgrove
    on Jan. 23, 2021, 3:26 a.m.

    Cant wait to see what God has put on your heart this time! I needed a push right now and you are just the one to do it.

  • Kenneth White
    on Jan. 24, 2021, 5:23 p.m.

    It is an honor to be able to take part in such an inspirational event. Troy thank you for sharing your spiritual knowledge with us.

  • Tom Hettenbach
    on Jan. 25, 2021, 1:14 a.m.

    So grateful for your training and it’s about time to get serious again