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Ewoud Venema

Ewoud Venema


Since five years I have been putting my attention to how we can accelerate our growth as human beings, both individually as collectively. Ex-consultant, Master in Economics and Business, Workshopleader.

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Independent workshop leader, society innovator, researcher, former consultant and economist. 

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Step into creation

Guidebook for a co-creative universe

A message from the future, here and now. How do we create a world where we are living our true loving and expansive energy? Where we step into creation.

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Mind & Body Spirituality & co-creation
41,988 words
75% complete
5 publishers interested


Soon after I started working as a consultant I felt that there was something off in the world of organizations. It was like they were blinded by something. It took me about a year to finally see what was happening. I quit my job, to look for alternatives and a life that made sense to me. Here I am with a first presentation of my experiences. After having researched spirituality and after having transformed and accepted all of myself I am excited to share with you; "Step into creation - guidebook for an amazing world". In this book you'll find the tools and experiences to tune into your unique energy and you'll learn how to distinguish between your true and untrue excitement. Also the book provides a guidebook how we can turn society around into one that's based on principles of openness, transparency, natural expansion and acceleration. I consider it a guidebook for humanity because of it's simple explanation of the dynamics of natural creation and how we can apply them in society. 


We are waking up? Yeah, finally there's some movement into the world of unique & authentic creation, is every aspect of society. Yet, to collaborate and co-create in a way that's inspiring and connected for a longer time hasn't been showcased so much up until now. How does inspired co-creation look like? How do you raise your frequency and express who you are? How does a world look like that's supportive of our conscious potential? On these and more questioned you'll find answers in "Step into creation - guidebook for an amazing world". 


Enlightened activists, millennials who want to create a more beautiful world, social entrepreneurs and life lovers who want to step into their individual creation. 

Anyone who wants to understand the world and be ready for the co-creative universe we're stepping into. Anyone who wants to be the most authentic version of themselves and help create a more amazing world for all life on earth. 


I'm giving book presentations and workshops in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Berlin and (perhaps) Barcelona. Also I write weekly blogs which I share on Facebook. 


Bentinho Massaro - Super accelerated living. (2016)

My book is similar to Bentinho Massaro's book in the sense that I share my perspective of stepping into creation, what he calls Super accelerated living. We both share our perspective and experience of the dynamics of the universe and we both encourage the reader to step it up. I use very much my personal experiences. Bentinho talks more in abstract, yet practical words. Bentinho uses the spiritual teacher perspective. I use my perspective. 

Charles Eisenstein - The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible. (2013)

Then, Charles Eisenstein he explores a new Self, one which is authentic. A self that's able to be an authentic creator facing many challenges in the (academic) world. I love Charles Eisenstein for his Sacred Economics and More Beautiful World. I know him especially as an authentic man. I consider myself and my book also as an authentic expression. I believe where I differ from Charles is that I step it up in the book. I show scenario's for society to move towards and I share personal experiences of flow and illusion. I show through my experiences what it's like to be a conscious creator whilst I share my perspective on the dynamics of conscious and natural creation. 

Jed McKenna - The Enlightenment Triology. (2003 - 2008)

Jed McKenna. The books of Jed McKenna have impacted my perspective of life and the world tremendously. They teared me apart and they made me question everything I knew. The trilogy he wrote was truly like a spiritual bomb planted under my belief system. Step into creation comes to a similar point: into peace. Into unmistakable knowing of oneness. And, my book is an exploration on how to transition society into an enlightened society. In that sense my book is a more practical guidebook on how to understand the dynamics of the universe and how to create a life that resonates. On top of that I share ideas and perspectives on how a resonant society looks like and what's necessary to get there. 

Vera Helleman - effortlessly being yourSelf. 

Vera's book and teachings are amazing. To me she has a very clear natural perception of how life works. I learned to see life in a way more aligned way thanks to her. I can't point out exactly what it is, as I have been following her for about four years now, but I can say that through many pointers she has pointed about concepts such as resonance, connection and co-creation to me. Her book "Effortlessly being Yourself" was my introduction to her vision and she helped me ground my perspective of life and how here and now we can always feel into what's true and exciting. My book integrates these teachings and I share my experiences on how this works. Also I add to share a perspective of how society could like like using principles she teaches such as resonance and connection. Vera's been a true inspiration for me. 

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250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Anaphora Literary Press was started in 2009 and publishes fiction, short stories, creative and non-fiction books. Anaphora has exhibited its titles at SIBA, ALA, SAMLA, and many other international conventions. Services include book trailers, press releases, merchandise design, book review (free in pdf/epub) submissions, proofreading, formatting, design, LCCN/ISBN assignment, international distribution, art creation, ebook (Kindle, EBSCO, ProQuest)/ softcover/ hardcover editions, and dozens of other components included in the basic package.

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Authors Unite helps you become a profitable author and make an impact. We take care of printing and distribution through major online retailers, developmental editing, and proofreading with unlimited revisions. We take care of the entire process for you from book cover design all the way to set up your backend so all your book royalties go straight to your bank account. We can also help with ghostwriting if you prefer not to have to figure out all the steps on how to write a book yourself.

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Bookmobile provides book printing, graphic design, and other resources to support book publishers in an ever-changing environment. Superior quality, excellent customer service, flexibility, and timely turnarounds have attracted nearly 1,000 satisfied clients to Bookmobile, including trade houses, university presses, independent publishers, museums, galleries, artists, and more. In addition, we manage eBook conversions and produce galleys, and regularly provide short-run reprints of 750 copies or fewer for major publishers such as Graywolf Press.

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Happy Self Publishing has helped 500+ authors to get their books self-published, hit the #1 position in the Amazon bestseller charts, and also establish their author website & brand to grow their business. And the best thing is, we do all this without taking away your rights and royalties. Let's schedule a call to discuss the next steps in your book project:

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Jetlaunch book design and project management services give you back the hours you need to grow your publishing business. We've done work for John Lee Dumas, Ed Mylett, Rachel Pedersen, Dan Sullivan, Aaron Walker, Amy Landino (Schmittauer), Kary Oberbrunner, Jim Edwards, and many publishing companies. You retain all rights and royalties.

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Dear reader, 

This is the first and only time that I speak to you directly. I write this after completing the book. So I start with the end. This book is a guidebook to step into your unique energy first and foremost. Second and almost as important, this book is about how we can collectively evolve and create a world of abundance for all. A true paradise where we can explore our conscious growth in service to each other and the whole. I share with your my perspective and ideas about the world that I feel excited about. A world that’s a true paradise and enables us to grow into our conscious creation. I believe my projections are pretty accurate as it comes to the natural way the human interaction and process of creation works. At least they make me feel happy and inspired and that’s mostly a good sign. I feel that when we as human beings know ourselves as loving creators more and more, that a more amazing world is inescapable. It just only makes sense to create an amazing world for everyone. To me that seems natural. I love you and I hope you’ll enjoy reading this book. I hope it helps you in stepping into your unique creative energy and I hope to happily cheer with you (in mind) in a world of (inner) abundance.

With love and excitement,

Ewoud Venema.


We can easily create a world of abundance when we know how to distinguish genuine desires from fake ones and when we know how to recognize limiting ideas that hold us back. Also we “need” to stop paying attention to thoughts that don’t inspire us. Distraction is one of the major impediments to collective growth in my opinion. Another one is being satisfied with the boring and heavy, often just because it will generate income and thereby security. We can do so much better. There’s hardly people that really inspire me. Many proposals for new creations are just small advancements of the known. And the known is super boring to me.  So this book is also a call to tune into your imagination and inspiration. I invite you to go into the fields of the unknown. There’s the magic. There’s infinite inspiration available for you. There’s infinite new feelings to explore and energetic experiences to have. Experiences that will surprise you. Feelings that will feel like home and well known to you and surprising and fresh simultaneously. I promise you, you will encounter inspiration and genuine feelings for yourself. I will give you so much joy and warmth. I will also give challenges as it will display everything “in” you that’s not authentic. The more authentic you become, the more obvious do the inauthentic expressions of yourself become.

Practically I notice this whenever I ask people to work with me. The work they share is often far from inspiring. This messages make me want to inspire you. We can do so much better and we are so much better than we realize. We are all inherently perfect, yet many of, almost the entirety of humanity including me (sometimes) don’t realize the perfection of our nature. We are so beautiful. If only we knew… So now that you read this, please give yourself some space to imagine and tune into the field of infinite potential. Know yourself as the indescribable. Know yourself beyond any perspective. Know yourself as the undefined. Know yourself as the feeling of love and potentiality.

1 Dis-traction and expansion

It’s so easy to get distracted. There’s so many aspects to life. So many different qualities and images that we have been fed with, idealizing life in a superficial romantic way. It’s so easy to feel lonely and desire something that seems to solve this loneliness and in fact many people and organizations play the trick to distract us. Not to blame them or point the finger, but distraction is one of the main reason, in my opinion, that we as a human species have not evolved any quicker. Especially in cities the level of distraction is incredible. Then again, in many villages the slowness of people is unprecedented.

Expanding our minds - please, so we won’t get distracted.
One important remedy to distraction is imagination and expanding our minds. When I dream big and I let the energy in, I can’t be distracted by some sort of silly invitation or proposal. When I’m clear, I’m clear. I know what’s my vibration. I know what I feel and what I want to choose. I’m open, yet focused. I’m focused yet light and flexible. It’s by expanding my mind that I regain clarity about what I truly want to bring to the world. It’s through expanding my mind that I know the feeling of my core energy and it’s through expanding my mind that I am connected to source energy constantly, and I notice when I lose it. I’m aware. When I’m open and connected, there’s no distraction possible. Let me give you an example. This weekend a famous Dutch comedian and writer wrote a little blog about the some problems of the wealthy people here in the Netherlands. They complained about a school coming in their rich neighbourhood which could lower the value of their house. He was being funny about them that they are so small minded, which of course they are (at that current state of mind/ which appears to be their constant state of mind and therefore almost appears to be them). And how there’s so many more world problems in the world that they could spend their attention (or their money) on. At the end of the blog he ironically puts that sometimes people ask him whether he feels nostalgia towards this wealthy area in The Netherlands :). Implying that of course he doesn’t. Yet not realizing, or maybe he does, that there’s so more ways in which he himself could expand his own mind. And it’s all fine. And he does what he does. He has done a lot and he has inspired me in the past as well, so there’s no complaints about him. Yet, there’s always more ways to expand. And the more we expand, the easier it becomes for us to change collectively and to shift to higher more light and harmonious frequencies. And the less likely I/ we become distracted by lower frequencies and the problems that arise from that state of being. The less likely the physical reality (or circumstances) will distract us from the reality we which to create. Still having to face the physical challenges that come along the way.

60 Allow, don’t resist

All energy is creative energy. Allow it. Feel it. And you will feel that all energy is really divine.

I just felt frustrated for not knowing what to do. No idea I had seemed to really feel satisfactory. I almost send a friend a proposal for a business idea. I almost pushed forward an idea, something I’ve been doing for the last week sometimes. Out of frustration pushing forward an idea that I felt somewhat excited about. Luckily I didn’t. Instead I went upstairs to go to bed for a minute. When I let go of my focus and I simply felt the energy, it just felt amazing. Still feels amazing, still feels like there’s more unknown subtleties that I want to feel right now.

Sometimes following my highest excitement is simply feeling into the energy of presence. Tapping into new sources of inspiration that I can’t direct into a form yet. Sometimes I need to not know for a while to actually get to something new. To perceive the world from a more loving, flexible and receptive point of view. And deepen my connection to life itself. That feels like what’s happening right now. Simply allowing in more love. Simply allowing more life to run through me.

There’s just love behind. Writing this somewhat later makes me realize that behind frustration there’s just love. When only I allow myself to experience the pure energy, flow will return. It felt new and somewhat uncomfortable I must admit. But in fact it was only energy. And quickly turned into a pleasant feeling of awe and amazement. It just felt calm and loving. When only I allow…

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