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Adam Weiss

Adam Weiss

Buffalo Grove, Illinois

Adam Weiss is a board-certified chiropractic physician. Dr. Weiss graduated from National University of Health Sciences in 1992 and completed his clinical residency training at the Lombard and Chicago National Out-patient Centers. Dr. Weiss has been in private practice for the past 24 years, specializing in neuromuscular injuries working with Olympic and professional athletes.

As the medical director of Body By Pilates Fitness Center in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Dr. Weiss has been successfully integrating the StretchSmart, AbSmart and Back Smart methods, sports conditioning, and lifestyle changes including weight loss programs into his practice. Dr Weiss’s knowledge of flexibility, endurance, and strengthening exercise is a result of his own experience with martial arts and years of weight training and Pilates. He has held a first-degree black belt in tae kwon do since the early age of 15, having competed in state and national competitions at the junior and senior levels.

Dr. Weiss is highly sought after as a team physician for Olympic and professional level athletes and young inspiring high school enthusiast. Dr. Weiss works with these athletes and teaches Pilates reformer cases daily while maintaining a full time practice. He also presents strengthening and conditioning exercise at workshops for professional and amateur sport clubs and martial arts studios throughout the United States.

Dr. Weiss own experience with back pain at an early age forced him to modify and adapt exercise routines, resulting in more productive and effective forms of exercise for people of all ages. Dr. Weiss has also written The Backsmart Fitness Plan: A total Body Workout to Strengthen and Heal Your Back, a complete fill body workout. The AbsSmart Fitness Plan: The proven workout to Lose Inches and Strengthen Your Core without Straining Your Back.

Dr. Weiss has also contributed to national magazines on health and fitness based on these systems of toning and conditioning. Dr. Weiss has also been interviewed on Project Health Radio.
When not seeing patient, teaching Pilates, cooking, writing, reading and learning Japanese, he is experimenting with new exercises.

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The Fat Loss Diet is a quick analysis of what your current diet 3 days is and what your nutritional needs are to lose weight while toning up. Recommend a plan of action.

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An analysis of what your current Workout is and what your goals are to lose weight, toning up or put on size. Recommend a plan of action.

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Week Long Diet analysis of what your current diet 7 days is and what your nutritional needs are to lose weight or clean up your food habits. Recommend a plan of action includes elimination of foods and replacement suggestions. A personalized 20 day Diet plan.

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Get the body you desire with 1 month transformation. No matter what your goal is, I will help you reach it. This plan includes nutrition plans, workout plans and unlimited e-mail support for 30 days.

In depth Diet analysis of what your current diet needs are to lose weight or clean up your food habits or increase your muscle mass. Recommend a plan of action includes elimination of foods and replacement suggestions. A personalized 30 day Diet plan and workout.

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Dynamic stretching to improve the way you feel and move

Time effective Dynamic Stretching movements for people who hate to stretch and those of us who should!

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Why read this book? I know that I can make a difference and help you expand your flexibility, regardless of your age,how out of shape or stiff you are and however many past attempts you have made to commit to a flexibility routine, just like I have taught thousands of clients over the past 20 years. Improving your flexibility does not need to be as difficult as people make it out to be!

People often self-sabotage their own progress by placing mental barriers in their way towards getting fit. The human body has a memory pattern and thrives on being healthy and strong and more supple. I guarantee that when these exercises are incorporated into a daily routine, anyone attempting them will be able to increase his or her flexibility, as well as improve muscle tone, shape and posture. You will notice your overall health will be improved and you will be able to participate in your chosen physical activities. By combining these methods of exercise you can change your physical appearance by improving your posture--standing and sitting taller and in more relaxed positions, reducing joint and muscle tightness all while enhancing your flexibility.


While there are books on the market today that have covered stretches from daily
stretching to sport specific, StretchSmart takes you instead through a series of dynamic functional stretching movements actively lengthening and relaxing major muscles groups while
performing an easy to learn rhythmic series of exercises. StretchSmart will teach you how to eliminate improper straining and overcome structural limitations such as tight hamstrings or a stiff back, shoulder or knees. StretchSmart will help you conquer “bad” chronic posture while preventing injuries at the same time.

StretchSmart will show step-by-step a method for improving your flexibility, even for those who think they were born “stiff,” to provide fuller range of motion in joints and muscles for a more enjoyable lifestyle--be it improving your tennis or golf swing or just bending over to tie your shoes.

StretchSmart will vastly enhance your body awareness and motion. No difficult positions to learn or get into and maintain to benefit from these stretches. You'll not have to hold awkward positions for a long period of time to improve your flexibility. While the StretchSmart exercises can be performed safely by all ages and fitness levels, simply following the instructions of gently moving the body through a series of movements using the path of least resistance will help you achieve a greater flexibility in a shorter period of time. These techniques have been used in providing therapeutic relief for thousands of my clients over the past 20 years at my center, and you can get the same positive results.

StretchSmart will offer a protocol for those who are “stiff as a board” to get on board to a healthy stretching routine, which they have been avoiding because of the difficulty in touching their toes or the discomfort associated with stretching for someone who has not done so in a very long time. StretchSmart will show you how to integrate stretching easily into your daily routine. Speaking of schedule, StretchSmart will appeal to those who are on the go and have only a few minutes a day to get in a workout, as well as the more athletic reader who wants to improve his or her range of motion to prevent injury.

  Chapter Outline 
Chapter 1 
The Ultimate Stretching Program For Muscle Tension Relief

While many believe they have the basics of stretching down from bending over and trying to touch the floor--which you will see later in the book is not only an ineffective stretch but possibly the worst stretch for you--this chapter will explain the smartest solutions for improving your flexibility and preventing injuries from overstraining. 
My introduction to the importance of flexibility came when I joined a martial arts club that emphasized kicking and we stretched before, during and after class, which was a big part of the exercises we did.  I spent a lot of time stretching my legs, hips, and lower back muscles to improve my range of motion for stronger and faster kicks and overall flexibility and strength in my body.  In this chapter I share with you why stretching is beneficial and how to get the greatest benefits of the exercises while preventing injuries. 
Most people wait too long to start a stretching program, often after they have sustained an injury and are seeking professional advice for their injuries, and in most cases are given stretches to help them speed their recovery back to health. 
Most people who first come to my center are patients who have injured themselves by overstraining a stiff muscle group, something that could have been easily prevented if they stretched daily, not just a few minutes before an athletic event or workout. 
This chapter will explain why stretching helps improve range of motion in your muscles as well as your joints for better flexibility and strength throughout your body. 

Chapter 2 
Stiff As A Board? Protocol For Easing Into It. 

This chapter was created for all those individuals who think they can’t stretch no matter how hard they try.  It was also written for those who want to improve upon their flexibility by intensifying their efforts. 
Let’s address some concerns about your limitations and when to stretch before dealing with the recommended protocols for improving your flexibility. 
Are there “normal” ranges of flexible motion for everyone?  Not really, there are only guidelines based on the general population and those guidelines do not take into account past injuries to joints, ligaments, muscles or bone fractures.  Pardon the pun, but give yourself a little slack if you don’t fit into a certain category when it comes to your flexibility.  The only one you should be competing with is yourself. 
So you never could touch the floor when bending over at the waist while standing?  This doesn’t mean you can’t improve on your muscle flexibility by outsmarting some shortcomings in your structure, such as long legs and shorter arms or a longer torso and shorter legs; disproportional body parts will not slow your progress during the StretchSmart program. 
Using  StretchSmart , you’ll be able to overcome these barriers and improve your flexibility and the way you feel with new and improved range of motion.  You’ll be able to notice these successes in a shorter period of time than you would with traditional reach-and-hold stretches. 
How far you travel within a given joint and muscle range determines your flexibility, and being able to travel through the whole range without pain is key and always desirable.  This chapter will teach you how to accomplish that in the shortest period of time using science, relaxation techniques, and protocols to enhance your flexibility regardless of how stiff you are now. 

Chapter 3 
Perfect Posture--Beyond Structural Limitations 
and Improving How You Look 

Why do you need perfect posture anyway?  What are the benefits of good posture?  We have been told to sit and stand up straight since we were children.  Posture has been considered important for our health and image, but what is perfect posture?  How do you compare it, from one individual to the next?  It is not about sitting like a board in a rigid position, staring straight ahead in an uncomfortable position with your back muscles tight and your shoulders thrown back. 
First let’s look at your posture as it is now and see how it not only affects your image and how you feel but also how it influences your range of motion.  You can’t stretch out your muscles if you hold yourself in an improper position when you are not exercising. 
Poor posture not only affects your muscle flexibility, it also makes you look older, shorter, and heavier.  Besides the appearance, your health is affected by poor posture, by causing your breathing to be forced and labor-intensive as it compresses your spine and weakens your core. 
You’ll be happily surprised to learn that you will actually be able to stand and sit straighter in a short period of time with StretchSmart solution stretches.  By incorporating these stretches a few minutes a day you will remain supple and improve your circulation and range of motion after completing this chapter. 

Chapter 4
Wall Stretches--A Partner to Enhance your Flexibility 

This is one training partner you can count on to always be there no matter where you are--your house, office, gym, airport--there will always be a wall for you to stretch on.  You can use as little or as much force against the wall without concern of your body weight or fitness level to start these movements.  You will be amazed at how many muscle groups you can actively stretch in a short period of time. 
These stretches have been career savers for many of my top competitive athletes as well my other patients, they’re easy to do and I will share with you in a step-by-step manner how to perform them safely and in the most productive way in this chapter. 

Chapter 5 
Towel Stretches 

This chapter was written after many people came up to me following one of my AbSmart conditioning and stretching seminars and said how much they enjoyed the session and wanted to know what more they could do to improve upon what they had just learned.  Like the ladder I mention in The BackSmart Fitness Plan, there are common household items readily available to enhance your flexibility if you just use your imagination.  For example, a towel is usually carried around by those who work out, and is readily available at most gyms and certainly at home. 
A common phrase we’ve all heard is “If only I was just a little bit taller I could reach a bit farther.”  While this chapter doesn’t promise you that you’ll become a lot taller, it will help you improve your flexibility in a low-impact way, while still being highly effective.  By extending your ability to reach a bit farther or by allowing you to place your body in a position that you could not get into before, you will become stronger and more flexible with a newfound range of motion.  You will have also prevented potential injuries from occurring from stiff and inflexible muscles and joints in a safe, controlled manner. 
If your body is very inflexible you will enjoy using the towel stretches because you will gain a greater range of motion in a shorter period of time by extending your fulcrum point away from your body, causing a deeper stretch to occur in your muscles, thus enhancing your flexibility. 

Chapter 6 
Props-Chair  and Ball Stretches: Release Nervous Tension 

When you sit for long periods of time your spine tends to compress and your body slips into poor posture; gravity accentuates this problem, as we discussed in chapter three.  This can lead to back and neck pain and stiff leg muscles as well.  Be it after a long airline flight or sitting and waiting for a few hours, your body is going to tighten up.  This prolonged inactivity makes moving more difficult or even painful when you try to stand up.  This can occur even while you’re sitting at work. 
No matter how sound your ergonomics chair is your body will suffer from long periods of sitting and inactivity.  This chapter will teach you just how easy it is to complete a full body stretching routine at your chair and even incorporate it into your regular workouts as well.  By using different positions, you will be able to stretch out your muscles in a short period of time to remain supple throughout the day. 

Chapter 7 
Dynamic Moving Stretches 

This chapter will teach you how to use your own body weight with dynamic movements to increase your flexibility.  You will effectively learn to use combinations of exercises, one building upon the next, improving your range of motion, allowing you to easily stretch to reach muscle groups in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, and legs. 
This type of stretching is more effective than trying to isolate individual muscles and will enhance flexibility throughout your body in a shorter period of time. 

Chapter 8 
Stretching Routines –Suggested Stretches for Sports

Now that you have learned the stretches and the proper breathing, it’s time to put together a routine.  This chapter will give you a number of options at each level, for the beginner to the more advanced athlete, giving guidance and direction for a complete full body stretching program.  Included in this chapter are routines for those short on time who need a full body routine, as well as those who need to focus on a particular region for a given sport.  This chapter will offer recommendations for a daily and weekly routine and show how to incorporate a successful stretching program with the rest of your workouts. 


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Why read this book? I know that I can
make a difference and help you expand your flexibility, regardless of your age,
how out of shape or stiff you are and however many past attempts you have made
to commit to a flexibility routine, just like I have taught thousands of
clients over the past 20 years. Improving your flexibility does not need to be
as difficult as people make it out to be!

People often self-sabotage their own progress by placing mental barriers in their way
towards getting fit. The human body has a memory pattern and thrives on being
healthy and strong and more supple. I guarantee that when these exercises are
incorporated into a daily routine, anyone attempting them will be able to
increase his or her flexibility, as well as improve muscle tone, shape and
posture. You will notice your overall health will be improved and you will be
able to participate in your chosen physical activities. By combining these methods of exercise you
can change your physical appearance by improving your posture--standing and
sitting taller and in more relaxed positions, reducing joint and muscle
tightness all while enhancing your flexibility.


While there are books on the market today that have covered stretches from daily
stretching to sport specific, StretchSmart takes you instead through a
series of dynamic functional stretching movements actively lengthening and
relaxing major muscles groups while performing an easy to learn rhythmic series
of exercises. StretchSmart will teach you how to eliminate improper straining
and overcome structural limitations such as tight hamstrings or a stiff back,
shoulder or knees. StretchSmart will help you conquer “bad” chronic
posture while preventing injuries at the same time.

StretchSmart will show step-by-step a method for improving your flexibility, even for those who think they were born “stiff,” to provide fuller range of motion in joints and muscles for a more
enjoyable lifestyle--be it improving your tennis or golf swing or just bending
over to tie your shoes.

StretchSmart will vastly enhance your body awareness and motion. No difficult positions to learn or get into and maintain to benefit from these stretches. You'll not have to hold awkward positions for a long period of time to improve your flexibility. While the StretchSmart exercises
can be performed safely by all ages and fitness levels, simply following the instructions of gently moving the body through a series of movements using the path of least resistance will help you achieve a greater flexibility in a shorter period of time. These techniques have been used in providing therapeutic relief for thousands of my clients over the past 20 years at my center, and you can get the same positive results.

StretchSmart will offer a protocol for those who are “stiff as a board” to get on board to a healthy stretching routine, which they have been avoiding because of the difficulty in touching their toes or the discomfort associated with stretching for someone who has not done so in a very long time. StretchSmart will show you how to integrate stretching easily into your daily routine. Speaking of schedule, StretchSmart will appeal to those who are on the go and have only a few minutes a day to get in a workout, as well as the more athletic reader who wants to improve his or her range of motion to prevent injury.

Chapter 1

Ultimate Stretching Program For Muscle Tension Relief

Why you need to stretch and why it doesn't have to hurt.

By picking up this book you are one step closer to restoring your
functional ability without the pain of getting there. By using exciting and
challenging exercises, you'll increase your flexibility, which can help you in
sports, training, and everyday life--from bending over and tying your shoes to
better upright posture while standing and sitting. Stretching is a powerful
part of any exercise program. Here's why—-and how—-to include stretching in your
fitness routine.

The key to stretching is to prevent injury

Whether you obtained your initial information from your sixth-grade gym teacher or
picked up a few new moves at the gym, the key reason for stretching is to
prevent injuries from occurring while doing other activities. Most people wait
too late to start a stretching program, only seeking one after they have
sustained an injury and need professional advice for their injuries. In most
cases they are given stretches to help them speed their recovery back to

In my center, most of my new patients have injured themselves by over-straining a stiff muscle group or joints, and these injuries could have been easily prevented by daily stretching. Not just a few minutes before an athletic event or workout but as a routine of awakening your body for the day ahead, during and at the end of your day to truly improve the way you move and feel.

To improve range of motion

I was introduced to the importance of stretching early on in age when I joined a martial arts club that emphasized kicking. So we spent a lot of time stretching our legs, hips, and lower back muscles to improve our range of motion for better performance and power and speed in our kicks. Today, later in life, I find it is so important to stretch to move in and out of positions that I would never had thought about at a younger age.

Your goal is to improve your motion, period. If you want to excel at your chosen
sport or just want to work out the kinks out in your body, you need to
incorporate stretching. Most people go about it the wrong way so they disregard
it completely, or make a half-hearted attempt at swinging their arms in big
circles or twisting themselves side-to-side at the waistline for a few times.

So many former professional and amateur athletes' careers are cut short due to an
injury that possibly could have been prevented if they had taken the time to
improve their flexibility, not only their strength.

If you or someone you know “pulled” a muscle, was it a result of not thoroughly
warming up and stretching from every angle possible?

Pulled, or micro tears in the muscle groups, can be prevented by stretching your
muscles and allowing the fascia (thin but strong connective tissue) that
surrounds the muscle to adapt to your new range of motion. This will give you
more flexibility and prevent “pulled” muscles from occurring in the first

The StretchSmart technique of stretching will pinpoint individual muscle groups
with compound movements to allow you to perform at your highest potential,
rather than just isolate a single muscle. Thus it is a less painful way of
stretching because you are using your muscles as a whole unit as they function
in everyday activities.

These series of stretches will reduce your workload by removing tightness so you can
move more freely throughout your entire body, not just in one area.

These StretchSmart stretches transport oxygen to your sore muscles and quickly remove
toxins from your muscles so your recovery is faster from your other workouts,
improving your overall flexibility.

Better flexibility results in less joint pain

Good flexibility is known to bring positive benefits to the muscles and joints by
minimizing muscle soreness on a cellular level, while preventing future injury
that might occur due to lack of motion, as well as improve efficiency in all
your everyday activities and improve your quality of life and functional

Rather than making your stretching attempts too brief, you'll be able to use StretchSmart
routine to concentrate on your often neglected postural muscles that run
throughout your entire body and have the tendency to be chronically stiff, in
addition to stretching the major muscles groups in your body. By focusing on
these muscles you'll utilize your time more efficiently and as your flexibility
improves the movements become easier and more graceful.

StretchSmart is your comprehensive guide to the most important aspect of your fitness routine.

Whether you're a weight lifter, tennis player, runner, golfer or a walker or simply
trying to get the kinks out after a long day of sitting, Stretching Smart is a
proven way to improve your sense of body movement and fitness. By lengthening
your muscles and lubricating the joints, stretching smart will prevent injuries
from occurring due to tightness. Stretching smart will also promote recovery
and improve your posture and balance. Learning these series of stretches
correctly will help you maximize your other workouts.

The following chapters of stretching movements are easy to use, and take you
through every muscle group in the body with step-by-step instructions on these
dynamic functional stretches. Most stretches can be done anywhere, at work,
home or in the gym by using common household items such as a towel, chair and a
wall to help you make stretching a fun and effective part of your daily

Increasing flexibility can also improve quality of life and functional independence. Good
flexibility aids in the elasticity of your muscles and provides a wider range of motion in the joints. It provides ease in the body movements and everyday activities. A simple daily task such as bending over and tying one's shoe is accomplished with better flexibility.

Stretching shouldn't hurt

As you know by now, stretching offers an array of health benefits. But like any physical
activity, it's not completely risk free. If you've been stretching for a while, you or someone you know has probably pulled a hamstring, or experienced some type of discomfort while stretching. Injuries can be great teachers. They invite you to uncover your stretching faults--misalignments or overzealous attempts to force your way into a position or to hold a position too long--and
you learn to make corrections. But it's smart to learn the proper techniques, especially when it comes to your knee joints, hamstring tendons, sacroiliac joints, hip flexors and shoulder and neck regions. These parts are vulnerable to damage and take time to mend. With
StretchSmart routine you'll learn ways to bypass the weak links that have been hindering your range of motion and you'll be able to improve upon your flexibility with a better understanding of how your body moves.

The road to injury by forcing your body into positions

Have you always found it difficult to touch your toes while sitting down with your legs
outstretched in front of you, due to a tight lower back or even tighter
hamstrings? Usually when trying to force yourself into a position like this you
expose the vulnerable knee and hip joints to extreme resistance, resulting in
limited motion and possibly pain. Rather than forcing your legs and lower back
into this compromising position, sneak up on the movement by first bending your
knees slightly and slowly lowering your upper body over your bent knees. From
there gradually lower your legs out straight and relax into the stretch until
you have reached your maximum position at that moment in time. This is how to
overcome some of your earlier limitations when stretching these muscle groups,
and by using the above StretchSmart method you can improve on your
flexibility without struggling. This is just one of many examples of how you
will learn an easier approach to becoming more supple.

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