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Shevaughn Henderson

Celebrating All of Who We Are

A guide to walk new mothers through the challenges of motherhood & give experienced moms a new outlook, while bridging the gap.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   10,000 words   50% complete   0 publishers interested
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It has happened to the best of us. Being judged on our abilities to multitask as a mom by our peers. Walking through the supermarket with your screaming child. The strange looks from strangers. Some even bold enough to go up to you to ask you can you quite down your child. Extreme it may be, however, it doesn't mean it isn't true to form. On the other hand, maybe you get someone that is very intrigue on how well you can handle your three plus children on an outing. "How do you do it?" they ask. "You must not work full time." On the contrary, you do work full time and manage your family very well. Intrigued by this, you become SUPERMOM to others.

Validation from our peers is nice to receive at times. However, it is not needed. The true validation of how hard you work is from your children. When they bring you home that report card with above average grades. When they run up to you after a long day at work with the love in their eyes. It is then, that you know why you work so hard to give that little person you love so very much in the world.

SUPERMOM was brought on by the need I felt we as women need to share and embrace. Being who we truly are, great moms. It is important to women's society that we let go of the old and embrace the new. The old way of thinking, behaving, and interacting with other women. Putting each other down for not being able to take the day off to be at that parade, or for staying home all day with nothing better to do, so some think. That is not the way to live.

Lifting each other up for doing what is best for them is the important issue. Working moms to Soccer moms should stand together and embrace the friendships that could be if they old labels were taken down. We were all blessed with having children in our lives and that is the important issue.

From a mother who has experienced it all, the looks to the complements on being a SUPERMOM, I too have learned to drop the old way of living and thinking. Indeed, I have truly embraced the new way of thinking.

No one said this job was an easy job to hold. However, it is the most important job we will all have. Lets make this journey of motherhood be a great one by fully embracing the motherhood we share.

WE ARE ALL SUPERMOMS. For that new mom, you will be too!!


My target audience is Moms.

  • The Working Mom
  • The New Mom
  • Mom of 1+ kids
  • Adoptive Mom
  • The Single Mom
  • The Stay at Home Mom

As you can see this book is for every mom. To inspire the new and the experienced mom to greater heights. If you know a mom, this book would be a great gift for her. Encourage her with this!! You won't be disappointed.


I am now laying the ground work for myself as a writer on the web. My website is now live at On my website it features the book and my blog with links to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and soon Publishizer.

If my book reaches it's funding goal, I will be able to use it for Advertising fees, Marketing fees, hiring a Professional Editor, other shipping expenses that may arise, & a mini book tour here locally in Los Angeles, California. The ultimate goal for me would be to work with a publisher for this campaign and many others.

I plan to publish the book using Amazon Createspace just in time for Mother's Day 2016. My Official Book Launch Date is April 26, 2016. The Exclusive Book Launch Party will be held here is Los Angeles, California just before the launch date for the patrons who purchase the coordinating reward packages. As a reward for the coordinating reward packages, the T-shirt available is:

What's Inside the Book?

Title Page
Copyright Page
Dedication Page
Acknowledgement Page
Official Sponsor Page
Chapter 1: The Transition
Chapter 2: Accepting Your New Position  
Chapter 3: The Everyday Guide
Chapter 4: Learning How to Be You
Chapter 5: My Mom is SUPERMOM
Chapter 6: How Do You Do It?
Chapter 7: It's Ok to Be a Woman Too
Chapter 8: I Wouldn't Change My Life For Anything in the World
Author Biography

Sample Reading:

The Transition

Growing up as a young girl you often play with dolls, pots and pans and other child size toys that represent household items. This is when a little girl has the chance to practice becoming a mother, a mother to her baby dolls. Initially, you can see in their eyes the joy they have when they are rocking their baby to sleep. You can often bond with a young child during this experience as a mother or even an aunt. Teaching young children how to properly hold their baby doll during playtime is when they learn how to become mothers themselves.

Often mimicking what they see at home is how they portray it onto the baby doll.
Ensuring children have a good role model is of the essence. Whether it be their
own mother, aunt, or babysitter is very important to the developmental stage of
young girls. Eventually the young girl has to grow up and the time playing with baby dolls has ended. She is now in high school, boys are starting to notice her and she is either feeling self confident that as she starts dating she will find a nice boy one day and settle down and have her own children.

Growing up is a challenging thing for some young ladies. However, with the right guidance for any child they can soar to their hearts desire. Dating and committing one self
to a young man by marriage is the idea practice any parent would want their
child to do. Today's society has seemed to stray away from the 1950's marriage
idea and has now accepted Single Parent status as the norm.

Few and far between still hold on to the marriage concept and proceed to do just that by marring their college sweetheart or their significant other they met at a grocery store, even online dating. Over the coarse of your marriage there comes a time and place where you will be blessed enough to experience a beautiful blessing. Perhaps, it's at the very beginning of the marriage. Maybe even before you say “I Do." Either way of how your own start to this happens it can become this most precious moment of all. From all aspects of the different emotions one will experience.

Shevaughn Henderson

About the author

I'm Shevaughn. I'm an Author, Uniqueness Coach, & Special Education Teacher. More than that, I'm a wife, mom of 4, dog mom.

Through coaching I bring queen vibes to women to empower their uniqueness and positivity to live out their divine purpose.

In education I inspire the next generation to reach their full-potential.

View profile


An Excerpt from the first chapter:

The Transition

Growing up as a young girl you often play with dolls, pots and pans and other child size toys that represent household items. This is when a little girl has the chance to practice becoming a mother, a mother to her baby dolls. Initially, you can see in their eyes the joy they have when they are rocking their baby to sleep. You can often bond with a young child during this experience as a mother or even an aunt. Teaching young children how to properly hold their baby doll during playtime is when they learn how to become mothers themselves.

Often mimicking what they see at home is how they portray it onto the baby doll. Ensuring children have a good role model is of the essence. Whether it be their own mother, aunt, or babysitter is very important to the developmental stage of young girls.

Eventually the young girl has to grow up and the time playing with baby dolls has ended. She is now in high school, boys are starting to notice her and she is either feeling self confident that as she starts dating she will find a nice boy one day and settle down and have her own children.

Growing up is a challenging thing for some young ladies. However, with the right guidance for any child they can soar to their hearts desire. Dating and committing one self to a young man by marriage is the idea practice any parent would want their child to do. Today's society has seemed to stray away from the 1950's marriage idea and has now accepted Single Parent status as the norm.

Few and far between still hold on to the marriage concept and proceed to do just that by marring their college sweetheart or their significant other they met at a grocery store, even online dating. Over the coarse of your marriage there comes a time and place where you will be blessed enough to experience a beautiful blessing. Perhaps, it's at the very beginning of the marriage. Maybe even before you say “I Do." Either way of how your own start to this happens, it can become this most precious moment of all. From all aspects of the different emotions one will experience.

The day has come where you never thought of yourself going through. At least going through
at the age of twenty-one or maybe even the ripe old age of 28. You know what day that is. It is the day of that missed period. The wonder, the not knowing “Am I pregnant?"

The first initial reaction you have is “OH-MY-G**, Am I really going through this right now?" Hopefully, you will have a happy sense of the reaction as these thoughts go through your head. Excitement building up and thoughts of “how am I going to tell Joe about us expecting? Should I surprise him?" “Or maybe should I buy a baby blanket?" These are all very exciting to things to think about as your mind goes through this phase of becoming a parent. However, not everyone experiences these happy feelings at first.

They may often experience the frightfulness of the idea of being a parent. Many of these ideas are things they may have seen others experience or even ideas they got from a movie or simply from their childhood experience. Becoming a parent does not come with a rulebook. There is no such thing as a parenting rule book. Yes, of course, there are books out there to show you what to expect, how to react to teenagers, children, etc. The only rulebook you truly have is the one God gave you inside. You're heart and intuition.

Copyright 2015 Shevaughn Henderson

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+ Invite for 8 to my Exclusive Book Launch Party in Los Angeles, CA
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+ 5 ePub codes for a digital copy in PDF format to be retrieved through author
+ Invite for 12 to my Exclusive Book Launch Party in Los Angeles, CA
+ Special Acknowledgement on your own Official Sponsor page in the book
+ Special Acknowledgement on my website as the Official Sponsor
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