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Kirstin O'Donovan

Kirstin O'Donovan

Madrid, Spain

Kirstin O'Donovan is a productivity coach, author and founder of TopResultscoaching, supporting thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide to triple the results in business while working less.

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About the author

Kirstin O’Donovan is an “international” business coach, author and founder of TopResultsCoaching®.  With over 8 years working in the field of coaching and personal development, she provides her expertise to help entrepreneurs and small business owners to improve results and performance. Kirstin provides executive training, workshops and seminars for multiple international organizations in areas surrounding performance, productivity and entrepreneurship. 

Working with some of the top names in coaching, she also writes for various international publications in small business and productivity. She is the author of – Maximize Your Time to Maximize Your Profits and she is the Co-Author of ‘The Confident Woman’ and ‘There is GOLD inside YOU’.  Kirstin's experience and background focuses on entrepreneurship, productivity and human psychology.

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Tapping into Neuro-Productivity

Cutting through the noise to catapult your success

An essential guide for entrepreneurs who are serious about playing at a higher level in business and life.

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Business & Money Wealth
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Secrets of the productivity masters – from psychology to strategies, what you don't know that you need if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur.  Understand why you are not getting the results you desire!

This book will transform any entrepreneur into a highly successful productive business owner, cutting through the noise. The problem is that most business owners don't get the results in their business that they should, not because of external factors, but internal, their mindset and how they use their time. You can have the best business strategies and all the resources in the world, but businesses still fail to succeed.

My message is unique because, most books focus on strategies for businesses or habits of the successful. This book combines a wealth of principles and concepts in how to master your internal world to succeed on the outside, so you can then use the resources and strategies effectively and leverage your productivity. It looks in the mind of the entrepreneur, how this shapes business and your ROI on time. It covers the tactics of building a mindset geared for success and productivity, the foundation of success and then we work through the strategies of productivity, from thinking to habits, to apps, to systems. You need to know where you are going wrong if your business isn't making money and I've got a system to always identify why!!

I had to write this book because after years of working with thousands of businesses, there is a common theme, and the business owner 90% the reason the business fails, not the business. Not many people focus on the direct connection between emotions and the business owner and how they influence everything he/she does. It is not strategy that will be the reason for success, it is the mindset behind the owner, that influences how you carry out strategies and how you invest your time.

This book will show you everything you need to know, from time management to habits, to mindset, to improving business results and understanding why your business might not be working and how to get results.

It takes the owner and puts him solely responsible for everything that shows up and understand what is in his control, where his leverage is and what he needs to do when he isn't getting results. It gives you insights into energy, productivity, planning, but also strategies and psychology.  


Chapter 1. Cutting the crap 

This chapter is about taking responsibility, understanding where you are, and why. We dive directly into the mindset of the entrepreneur, uncovering the beliefs and values driving behavior.

Chapter 2. Empty canvas and the paintbrush

Clarity is power in business, you can't plan if you don't know what you are ultimately creating. How do you connect what you are doing today to what you want to achieve in 3 years? This is where we also build the foundations of motivation, your vision, fulfillment, and the identity of the entrepreneur you need to be.

Chapter 3.  You are your habits

Identify the gap you need to close to succeed.  From rituals to routines, success habits vs unsuccessful, we dive in what drives your behavior and how to break habits that you just can't seem to do on your own. Discover how to effectively build the consistency and momentum to form new habits you need to succeed.

Chapter 4. Creating your master plan

The masters don't use to-do lists and they have massive plans! Uncover how to effectively plan your business goals while maintaining life balance. Connecting everything from your goals, to routines, to rituals, and outcomes you ultimately desire.

Chapter 5. Following through with your master plan

Learn how to motivate yourself, how to follow through with your own plans, and get out of your own way. Here I unveil the secret tactics high performers use to always show up and win at their game.

Chapter 6. From Procrastination to Profit

How to turn your procrastination into profit, understand the gift and insights to be gained and how they hold the key to what you need to know about yourself and where you are!

Chapter 7. Identify your time thieves 

Discover where your time is going, the hundreds of ways you lose time and others take it from you. Identify your time thieves so you can be in control again and gain back hours each week. You don't know what you don't know!

Chapter 8.  Don't let your emotions run your business

Learn how to take action no matter how you are feeling! How to manage your emotions effectively so you don't get highjacked by them!  Don't let stress, overwhelm and frustration get in the way of taking action. 

Chapter 9. Clueless why you aren't winning in business

Too many entrepreneurs are completely lost as to why they aren't making money, they are also often working on the problem that isn't. I'm going to share the most powerful and successful ways to identify why your business isn't succeeding and what you need to do!

Chapter 10. Technology – enhancing or undermining

How do you seamlessly incorporate and take advantage of all the apps & technology so you are always on top of your game, and playing at the highest level and ahead of the game. Taking productivity to a completely different level. 

Chapter 11. Seamless Systems 

Putting it all together, connecting the moving parts so you have a rocking balanced successful life and business!  What does your winning system look like to succeed? 


This book is for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, we have never been in an era with so many people moving from corporate to self employed. It is an industry that is booming and growing. There are close to 400 million entrepreneurs worldwide. 

More and more individuals are quitting their jobs, to be in control of their income, to create more freedom for themselves and meaningful and fulfilling lives. The success of these entrepreneurs is critical for our economy and evolution as a society, they are changing the world!  However, the stats are disheartening, a Harvard business school study found that 75 % of venture-backed startups fail. Smallbiztrends statistics say a little more than 50% of startups fail in the first four years. While around 9% of all American businesses close each year, only 8% are opened.

Entrepreneurs don't know exactly why they aren't succeeding and this book cuts through the noise out there to show them why.  They doubt themselves, their business and struggle to get the right guidance and tend to focus on strategy alone to often fix what isn't. Most don't have the money to pay for a business coach or consultant either – with fees starting from $150 to $1500/hour. 

They try to leverage the internet, but end up more overwhelmed and confused than before, lost at what to do to change. Many entrepreneurs aren't having fun and enjoying their time, and the freedom they thought they would have. Most entrepreneurs are working 60+ hours a week and another study revealed only 5% work less than 30 hours per week. Burnout is increasing too and the current data indicates that 8% of startups get closer to failure when their entrepreneurs burn out.

This book will show entrepreneurs the foundations to succeed, without the foundations, business is shaky.  They need support now more than ever.  Many aspiring entrepreneurs don't start businesses because they are filled with doubt and fear and we pay the price as a society.

This book details exactly what an entrepreneur needs to know, how to think and what to do to succeed in today's world of entrepreneurs, not matter what industry you are in. 


Kirstin coaches over a hundred entrepreneurs monthly, this book is for this audience of entrepreneurs and business owners collectively. Kirstin will establish awareness and relationships on her platforms and internal database of over 3 000 entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs.  

There is potential to reach an additional audience of entrepreneurs through her network of past / potential clients / her collaboration with over 120 business coaches worldwide and their audience – thousands.

Kirstin has a range of upcoming speaking-engagements scheduled in Spain and Ireland in 2019, to an audience of entrepreneurs. Not including upcoming webinars and online videos to promote and inform potential readers of this book scheduled for the first quarter of 2019. Depending on the publishing options available to Kirstin and this book, Kirstin will arrange more international speaking-engagements.

Featured on - Steven Aitchison, Evan Carmichael, TimeManagement Ninja,, Toggl and Monster.

Previous Book reviews Amazon – Maximize your time to Maximize your profits – 8 - 

Regular Guest Contributor to leading websites – with millions of visitors each month  -  and

Subscriber list – 1500

Facebook - 2731

Twitter- 2364

Awards – Top 100 Productivity Blog 2017 / Inspirational blog 2016 / 101 Top Blogs for men

When will you get your book? 

Depending on the publishing contract and outcome  you should receive your book early/mid February 2019.


Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

By David Allen 

Publisher: Piatkus Books; Revised edition (March 17, 2015)

David shares the breakthrough methods for stress-free performance that he has introduced to tens of thousands of people across the country. His message is clear:  Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effective productivity and unleash our creative potential. Kirstin O'Donovan couldn't agree more, and adds how to also manage other emotions, like stress, overwhelm, and also lack of motivation, anxiety. Productivity Secrets really dives into the psychology of the mind and shows you not only how control your emotions for business , but also, how to get back control when you have lost it. 

The 4-Hour Workweek - Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

By Tim Feriss

Publisher: Harmony; Expanded, Updated edition (December 15, 2009)

Tim covers some brilliant productivity and time management concepts and rules to take your productivity to another level, focusing a lot on less is more, automation, leveraging VA's, so you can work less and live more Kirstin O'Donovan's book, Productivity Secrets for Entrepreneurs is for any entrepreneur and industry, a lot of the concepts cannot be applied by many entrepreneurs who are not a certain level of thinking and depends largely on their business.

No B.S. -  Time Management for Entrepreneurs 

By Dan Kennedy

Publisher: Entrepreneur Press; 1 edition (July 7, 2004)

This book has been a bestseller for anyone wanting to be more effective in time management basically, it has mixed reviews but hold important concepts of time management. This book is mainly applicable to entrepreneurs in America while Kirstin O'Donovan's book applies to any entrepreneur worldwide.  

Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money

By Robert Kiyosaki

Publisher: Rich Dad on Brilliance Audio; Unabridged, Anniversary edition (June 20, 2017)

This is the number 1 personal finance book of all time and looks in the beliefs and how they affect your financial success. It's an excellent book to show how your thinking, affects your world and business success. Kirstin O'Donovan's book actually shows you how to condition new beliefs and ways of thinking, not just giving you the concept, but actually how to apply this so you can experience real life changes in your business immediately. Kirstin really dives deep in how our brains are structured and how beliefs are formed and can changed, backed up by science. 

8 publishers interested
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Bonus: Part of sample Chapter

Chapter 1. Cutting the crap – why you are where you are and how to get control

I have always been passionate about time management, I know it’s one of the least sexy words, but the passion comes from how much your life changes when you look into this subject a little deeper. I have also always been passionate about helping other people, so it isn’t really a surprise that I love helping entrepreneurs to get better business results.

What is also true is that, the world needs the people like us, those that obsess about time and productivity and how to get more out of it, because we are the ones who bring all this expertise and experience to you!!  You don’t need to pay for countless courses, programs and books to find out what works and what doesn’t. I’m going to tell you and I can do this because I have been coaching and studying productivity for over 10 years. I use the same principles and techniques in my life and my practice. 

And the truth is, the more that I learn and apply and live by, the more I know it is a key ingredient for success. You simply cannot manage your business and life if you are all over the place and not in control of your time. If you are not managing your time, the truth is you are not managing your business as effectively as you could be. 

We very interested in getting a return on our monetary investment, but what about your time? Are you getting the results you desire and winning at the end of the week, or do you often wonder where your time went with little accomplished? Successful entrepreneurs and business owners always leverage their time and day! 

You won't often find a 'happy, calm, successful person', complaining about the lack of time they have and all the things they need to do!  One of the very first invitations I have for you moving forward, is to remove the 'disempowering language' from your vocabulary and stop complaining about the lack of time! Even if you don't feel like you have time, stop reinforcing this feeling by making this your daily excuse. “I couldn't do my rituals today, I don't have time.”  “I don't have time to look into the optics of my business'.  I’m going to get straight to it and cut the crap, and I apologize if my language offends you, there is a reason why I choose to use the words I do.

If you want to catapult your results in your business and if you want to be the successful business owner that you dream of, then you need to get real, it’s that simple. You cannot tell yourself these weak excuses and think its ok, that it justifies why things are the way they are. You are responsible for you time and the lack of it. It is not out of your control. How can you manage multiple businesses if you tell yourself this crap.

If you are not getting the results you want in your business, the harsh truth is that it is probably because of you! I know this might sting at first; but stay with me, the moment you start to take responsibility for your results, the moment you are able to actually influence them positively. 

Your business success is in your control, the results you get and the results you don’t get. You cannot blame others for the results you have in your life or business, because you will never take responsibility for them. If you never take responsibility, you are never really empowered to make the changes you need to succeed.  There is nothing worse as a business owner, than feeling that everything is on top of you, instead of you being on top of it. Of course, there are situations where the results are out of your control, but independent of those, the first foundation is taking responsibility and constant and never ending improvement. 

The point is; you need to be on top of your emotions and not let your ego and excuses keep you from creating the success you desire. We are going to dive straight in and before we even start with time management and productivity; we need to start by you getting clear on how you get in your own way!! 

I have had enough experience and time to go through my own stuff. I have started my own business and worked for myself for most of my life, and I have gone through periods when I let go, I get off track too and let me tell you, the effect slaps you in the face, and I just get back onto what I know works. I know, that if i don’t follow these principles, my results are undermined immediately! It’s insane. For me, living my life with a few productivity principles which you will learn in this book, is like brushing my teeth or taking a shower, they are must’s in business!

You simply cannot achieve the results you want if you are not taking responsibility for what is showing up, if you don’t apply certain principles and if you believe your own bloody excuses which stop you from acting…

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  • Fani Stipkovic
    on Nov. 15, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

    You are so amazing Kirstin! Can’t wait to grow more with your book and to achieve my goals!

  • Nathalia Dajello
    on Nov. 16, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

    Hi Kirstin,

    I thank you very much for this and wish you success in all your endeavours.

    All the best,


  • Kirstin O'Donovan
    on Nov. 18, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

    @Fani - Thank you so much for your encouragement and support! I'm excited for you to achieve your goals and all you desire!

  • Kirstin O'Donovan
    on Nov. 18, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

    @Nathalia Dajello - Thank you very much for your support and I'm wishing you all the best too in all you do!! Trust this book will support you in meeting all your goals! All the best too!

  • Mandy Jeffery
    on Nov. 22, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

    Super excited to read this and so inspired by your trail blazing light xxxx To infinity and beyond xx. Mandy J

  • rashida pirbhai
    on Nov. 27, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

    You've got a wealth of useful and practical knowledge. Happy to help!

  • Verity Trompeter
    on Nov. 29, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

    So proud of all you're achieving and super grateful you supported my crowd funding journey all those years ago!

  • Kirstin O'Donovan
    on Dec. 1, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

    @Mandy Jeffery - I cannot wait to send you a copy - thank you so much for your support Rockstar! xx

  • Kirstin O'Donovan
    on Dec. 1, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

    @Rashida Pirbhai - Thank you for your support - looking forward to sharing with you!

  • Kirstin O'Donovan
    on Dec. 1, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

    @Verity Trompeter - Wow - such a wonderful surprise and message!! Thank you for supporting me - appreciate you so much

  • deleted deleted
    on Dec. 3, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

    Sounds like you and I are on the same mission. Good luck. I wish you great success in making the business world a better place. Look for my text to be available in January.

  • Fabien Rossetti
    on Jan. 3, 2019, 8:52 p.m.

    I can't wait to receive the book and learn from all your insights. You are such a great coach! Thanks for everything!

  • Whitney Gilliece
    on Jan. 4, 2019, 12:02 a.m.

    I couldn't be happier for your success. So well deserved. I hope you're still coaching too! xoxoxo

  • Stefan Bunte
    on Jan. 5, 2019, 10 a.m.


    You deserve this so much. Great work on your book! Really looking forward to reading it. Thank you and god bless.

    Kind regards,

    Stefan Bunte