That One Cigarette is an alternate history novel that follows multiple members of four families from November of 1963 to January of 2009.
Hi everybody,
As we enter the last five days of the pre-sale campaign, I wanted to let you know what's happening. Even though our initial goal was to sell 250 books, we've managed to make it to 305 which is amazing. I've now been approached by 11 publishers and am in active discussions with four of them. In the meantime, Publishizer is continuing to reach out to other publishing companies to find the best fit.
I guess this means, one way or another, THAT ONE CIGARETTE will be in your hands some time next spring or early summer. I can't wait for you all to get the chance to read it.
Some folks emailed to say they had purchased the book but didn't actually complete the transaction so if you didn't get a "thanks for your order" email, you might be in that boat. I have a complete pre-order list from the site so feel free to pop me an email if in doubt.
Thanks for the incredible support and it's onward from here!
Lots o' love,