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Jacquie Treagus

Jacquie Treagus

A Business Analyst by day and hence always looking for ways on how to make things ‘more efficient’, Jacqui thought of her own experiences of travel, seeing other people cook different sorts of meals in hostels and wondering how did they know what to cook? She created a whole website around the topic at

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About the author

Jacquie loves to find recipes that are simple and tasty that would make great recipes to turn to when travelling (or anywhere really). After a while eating out all the time does take its toll (on the budget and stomach) and sometimes you just want to prepare a home-cooked meal – quickly and simply.
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$20 Ebook

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- An invite to the early draft once the book reaches 250 preorders.
- The 'Backpacker Chef' in print. It's light as a feather and fits in your backpack.
- The ebook in ePub, mobi and PDF formats, so you can read it on your smartphone, tablet, laptop and any eReader device.
- Credited in the list of acknowledgements inside the book.
- Free entry into a competition to win 'The Scrubba Washbag' - the world's first pocket-sized washing machine!

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The Backpacker Chef

Pocket-Friendly Recipes For Backpackers Anywhere In The World

The Backpacker Chef is a pocket-friendly cookbook designed for backpackers anywhere in the world. Recipes contain basic ingredients, are minimum fuss, leave minimum left over ingredients, require no fancy cooking equipment (not even a blender!) or skills.

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Cookbooks, Food & Wine
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The Backpacker Chef is a book I would have loved during my backpacking travels and hope you do, too. As far as I am aware, there is no other book like it currently available. With 250 preorders, I can print a pocket-sized cookbook and create an ebook for your smartphone, tablet or laptop. The preorder funds will be used to hire a professional editor, designer and photographer and cover printing costs. It will also be used to approach traditional publishers and make it available in backpacker hostels around the world.

Why A Cookbook For Backpackers?

Do You Waste Money on Ingredients You Only End up Using a Little Of?

…and then have to worry about storing them in limited storage space or carrying them around with you.

Do You Waste Time Trying to Find a Suitable Recipe On-line to Make for Dinner?

…only to find it has too many ingredients or requires a piece of equipment you don't have access to.

Do You Get Tired of Eating the Same Thing Over and Over Again?

…you really cannot face another bowl of pasta and tomato sauce!

Do You Stand in Supermarket Aisle Having No Clue What to Buy?

…and end up buying a prepackaged meal full of chemicals and preservatives.

Do You Get Envious of What Other Travellers Cook in the Hostel Kitchen?

…and secretly wish you could cook like them?

“It's a difficult skill to learn how to cook simple dishes that don't require many ingredients and still be delicious. The tricky thing is, is that it's by far cheaper to cook your own meals in Europe than going out to eat. The Backpacker Chef is the traveler's dream cookbook. It's simple to understand, most of the ingredients can be easily found anywhere in the world, and many of the dishes are healthy. “

Michael Tieso, Art of Adventuring

The Solution – A Cookbook Designed for Travellers!

What's so Special About the The Backpacker Chef Cookbook?

  • Print version is pocketsized and lightweight – great for travellers!
  • Only require a few, basic ingredients you can buy almost anywhere
  • Leave minimum left over ingredients
  • Do not require fancy cooking equipment
  • Leave minimum dishes to wash up
  • Can make in a few easy steps
  • Are tasty and filling!

Benefits of Cooking on the Road

1. More Freedom & Savings

More money saved by cooking rather than eating out all the time, means more freedom to do more paid activities!

2. More Friends

One of the best ways to meet new people is by cooking in the hostel kitchen. By holding a new friend feast' you can reap many benefits:
• Share the cost of the meal
• Share the cleaning and there is always less mess if you cook meals for more people in the same pot.
• Share ingredients everyone might already have.

3. More Energy – sick less often

Dry prepackaged meals may be quick to heat up but are filled with chemicals, preservatives, fats and sugars which eventually will take their toll on your energy. The last thing you want is to be tired or sick and not able to enjoy your travels.

4. More Variety – no more pasta & tomato sauce!

Eating out might have lost its novelty factor, or perhaps your stomach cannot afford to eat another curry or local cuisine but the thought of throwing together another pasta and jar of sauce meal does not whet your appetite either.

5. More Confidence

Cooking in a hostel kitchen can be a daunting task if you do not feel confident in your cooking skills or have simple recipes at your fingertips. The directions are written in a way that even the least skilled in the kitchen will understand.

6. Looking to impress someone?

Cooking a meal for someone is one of the most romantic things you can do! Be prepared with easy recipes up your sleeve.

You will be surprised at the masterpieces you can create with little effort. The directions are also written in a way that even the least experienced in a kitchen will be able to understand.

Save Money. Save Time. Stay Healthy. Be Proud.

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