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Monika Spiess

Monika Spiess

Aguadulce, Spain

Author of 9 published Books & Amateur YouTuber & Selected in 3 literary Competitions.

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About the author

Monika Spiess was born on September 22, 2001 in Berlin (Germany).
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Update #1 - Campaign The Best Short Stories to Read in a Few Minutes July 24, 2020

Often when se are on the move we have the illusion of enjoying quality reading, but we do not have enough time to achieve it.
The Best Short Stories to Read in a Few Minutes is a short book with 28 different stories to read in few minutes, to make the most of your time while sitting in public transportation. 
All tasted are inclued.
Public transport entertainment. People who are too busy with work or studies. Entertainment and reading promotion in a reduced space and time. The message of this book is unique because it is based on the heart. 
I think even the shortest moments are precious and valuable in life. Having a brother who suffers from type 2 diabetes, I always try to enjoy even the tiniest moments with him. My book is an attempt to fill this small time and space slices with joy and happiness.