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Karla Hawkins

Karla Hawkins

Alexandria, Virginia

Karla Hawkins has a background in chemical engineering and has been a patent examiner for the past 10 years, promoting STEM and educating in intellectual property.

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About the author

My background is an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering, and a patent examiner at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office for the pst 10 years. Within the past five years I’ve been speaking at colleges, STEM programs, and various science organizations about intellectual property, and being a woman and minority in the technology field. I also do quite a few hands on invention challenges to give elementary to college level students an active learning experience in creating innovative ideas and then protecting them. This has also lead me to consult various entrepreneurs and creators on an one on one basis, creating an IP strategy for them to scale their business. The examples in this book are drawn from real life experiences and questions I’ve come across  as I've consulted various people, students, startups, and even larger company’s legal teams throughout my career. I’ve noticed a large growth of entrepreneurs and people's curiosity in IP. The goal of this book is to enlighten those that want more IP information, but don’t necessarily want an entire legal course. And give the reader access to my decade of intellectual property knowledge in one pocket sized handbook.

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$21 1 Copy + Book Launch Party

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$117 IP events

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5 Copies of The Complete IP Handbook + Access to my community. I will travel to various international intellectual property events held by various IP, legal, and technology organizations to promote the books content. Organizations that I already a part of such as the Society of Women Engineers, the American Intellectual Property Association, the National Society of Black Engineers, the American Society of Chemical Engineers. I also hope to tour colleges for a academic tour of collegiate and graduate school students that are also interested in the content.

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$197 Speaking engagements

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10 Copies of The Complete IP Handbook + Access to my community + FREE speaking engagement at your event or workshop. This book will be offered at all speaking engagements that I do, offering a discount to registered guests at various conferences. The book will come with a signature.

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The Complete IP Handbook

An Entrepreneur’s/Creatives Guide to Intellectual Property

This Handbook teaches you how to protect your thoughts, and business ideas through real life examples, and from illustrations from start to finish.

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Business & Money Technology
2,400 words
25% complete
9 publishers interested


Learn how to protect your thoughts and ideas in an easy way. New entrepreneurs with startup businesses that are one to five years old; inventors that have come up with a new innovative idea or invention; and creative artists that create visual, audio, or literary works. All of these people are have created and designed valuable thoughts, and are in need to protect these thoughts which are considered their intellectual property. As your business grows or your creative work becomes more popular, people will notice. People who want to support you as well as people who want to copy you. Whatever market your business or creative work is in, it is in the public eye and can be copied or bootlegged. Business names, logos, or concepts, artwork, music, and inventions are often mimicked and stolen and put into the public market as competition. This competition can have a direct impact on the originator's sales. Protecting your intellectual property with a trademark, copyright or patent will not stop others from attempting to copy your property, however it will serve as proof that you own your intellectual property and likely allow you win any legal dispute. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights are also backed by various governments all over the world. The topic of intellectual property can be hard to grasp, even for those who study law. Most books on the topic are educational texts that give an academic approach of explaining the topic and do not explain how to actually attain a trademark, copyright, or patent yourself. However, this book is more of a handbook and an easy guide for the everyday entrepreneur or creative that is need to protect their ideas and own property so that it can be apart of their asset portfolio. Often inventors, entrepreneurs, and creatives are busy focusing on designing and creating, and not focusing on protecting their ideas or thoughts. This book is a way for creators to take intellectual property protection into their owns hands, and register their own trademark, patent, or copyright. This will empower the creator to protect their thoughts, ideas, and business from copiers or bootleggers that can ruin whats been created. This book will contain real life examples of how to protect a new business, a new song, or an artwork. With quick reference guides at the beginning of each chapter, this book will be a pocket-sized go to on how to protect intellectual property and specifically how to use the United States Patent and Trademark Office's official website with form illustrations to register a trademark, copyright, or patent in a few easy steps. This book will break down the complications that other IP texts have and will allow the creator to start on the road to possible generational wealth. 


Chapter 1- What is intellectual property?

Often people have heard of the term trademark or see the word copyright at the beginning of a book or movie. This chapter gives an in depth description of what intellectual property is (trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets), and also how it should be protected.

Chapter 2 -Why is intellectual property important?

This chapter outlines how IP has changed technology and our society throughout history. and how wealth an b created over time with the correct protection in place.

Chapter 3 - Example (a) Adrian the real estate agent recently started a new business and wants to know how to protect his name, business, and brand, so that other real estate businesses and real estate agents can not take away from his already existing popular name and already built professional integrity.

Chapter 4 - Example (b) Dara is a traveling yoga instructor and would like to start selling tickets to her events and merchandise to her consumers directly, without anyone else stealing her merchandise and logo designs. This chapter goes thru the steps she should take to protect her yoga name, and merchandise designs.

Chapter 5 - Example (c) Bryan is a independent movie director and owns a videography business where he records audio and video content of different events such as weddings, birthdays parties, and his own independent movies. This example walks thru the steps of the correct copyrights and trademark protection he would need to insure no one else profits from his audio/video content. 

Chapter 6 - Example (d) Tyler is a local singer, songwriter, and producer in his local town and has recently created lyrics to various songs, and  produced a background tracks, for a possible musical album. Tyler is very good at producing music and wants to know how to protect his music productions, and lyrics in the most efficient manner.

Chapter 7 - Bianca has always always enjoyed fishing, but noticed she always had small cuts on her fingers when she used certain fishing rods. Bianca came up with a new glove that she designed and sewed at home that she uses now every time she fishes. After winning a couple local competitions using this glove, her friends, family, and co-fishers are interested in Bianca creating a glove for them, because they suffer from the same cut issue. This chapter runs thru the correct patent, and trademark application process Bianca should take to ensure no one steals and profits from her unique glove design.

Chapter 8 - Mateo is a known hair stylist in a large city, he currently is very popular and is busy with clients at least two months in advance of booking. Mateo has celebrity clients and either works out of his home, transports himself to photoshoots,  or trusted clients homes to style his clients. Mateo also creates some of his own custom hair care products for clients, and would like to move into a hair salon instead of working on the go and out of his home. This chapter follows the steps Mateo would take to protect his brand, salon name and logo, and how to patent his custom styling products.

Chapter 9 - Bonus chapter, how does social media and posting information and content about your business online effect your protection rights.


Entrepreneurs are changing the world, one solution and one innovation at a time. America entrepreneurship has decreased at about 36% in startup formation over the last decade. Knowing the patent patent system is vital to protecting young companies from larger market predators. As patents weaken, startup businesses do as well, which also slows job creation and the overall health of our economy. Investments in startups has gone up to its highest level ever, at 148  billion dollars last year alone. This along with a sturdy economy, steady job growth, and a thriving stock market are making for an abundant environment for entrepreneurial companies to grow faster than has been seen in years. Patent rights have also become a major priority for our government at the Patent & Trademark Office in the past year. With new innovations surrounding artificial intelligence, a large leap forward in technology is right over the horizon. Its been said that artificial intelligence may be the biggest break in technology since the internet, thus allowing evolution in what we will be able to do with machines, systems, software, sensors, data, and even our own human bodies and brain. Huge technology shifts like this have always crated new opportunities for entrepreneurs and startup businesses. Fostering a need for problem solving, on a small or large scale and automating mundane tasks and customer insights create a more thriving environment for startups. Intellectual property education is becoming crucial to the career of an entrepreneur or artist. IP now accounts for 38.2% of total U.S. GDP, thats over 6 trillion dollars a year! However many American universities fail to provide any basic IP courses for entrepreneur undergrads or even science and engineering undergraduate students. This book is made for the everyday entrepreneur, the garage inventor, or anyone that wants an easy and practical guide on how to protect their ideas, inventions, startup in a growing IP driven economy. With IP protected innovation becoming the principal driver of corporate value and national economic growth, this book is an asset to anyone that wants to not only survive but empower themselves and thrive in what could be the most successful time for creatives and entrepreneurs. 


I currently am working on a website to field more speaking engagements, consulting, and questions I already receive from my social media following as STEM promoter and IP educator with over 1500 followers. I’ve spoken to various  organizations (The National Society of Black Engineers, Phi Sigma Rho Engineering and Science Sorority Inc.), university’s (Howard University’s Intro. To Engineering Freshman Design class), and even various elementary to high school science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) schools, programs, and camps (Patriots Technology Training Center of MD, Reid Temple STEM Vacation Bible School, Shiloh Baptist STEAM Vacation Bible School, etc.). All of which has been documented on my social media handles (Facebook: Karla Hawkins, and Instagram: Disruptive_Innovation_Tech, and my personal Instagram: K_rockaflockaflame), which has already yielded a small audience and consulting prospects.


The Guide to Intellectual Property: What it is, how to protect it, how to exploit it (Economist Books) is one of the most similar books on the subject of IP. This book focuses more on Court decisions and interpretation of IP laws and how they can be unpredictable, and can dramatically change the fortunes of businesses that rely on their IP. It’s focus is to help companies, investors, and creative thinkers understand the scope and nature of IP issues, to pose the right questions to their advisers and maximize the value from this crucial intangible asset. Intellectual Property Strategy (The Mit Press Essential Knowledge Series), is a short briefing on intellectual property strategy for corporate managers and nonprofit administrators. Focusing on different strategies that go beyond the traditional approach. Key to IP: Identifying Your Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and Trade Secrets is another competing IP book. This book is not a step-by-step guide to filing applications, but a place to start when you're looking for a primer on identifying intellectual property. These books act as a more of an academic reference or text about IP law, the history of those laws, and knowledge to be prepared to discuss with a law professional. These books do not however teach you how to file for a patent, trademark, or copyright in a step by step manner such as my book. Navigating the Patent System: Learn the WHYS of the fundamentals and strategies to protect your invention and Patent It Yourself: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Filing at the U.S. Patent Office, are a lot more similar to my book such that it gives you a guide on how to conduct a patent search , evaluate your idea’s commercial potential, file a provisional patent application to get “patent pending” status, prepare a patent application, respond to patent examiners, and protect your rights in foreign countries. They also include copies of forms that would be filled out to apply for patent. My book however, will give real life examples of some the most common and lucrative startups as well as a more personalized IP protection strategy that is catered to these examples. Through real life examples and case studies, from my own personal consulting and patent examining expertise. This handbook breaks down the intricate subject of IP in a pocket sized handbook, with quick reference guides at the begining of each chapter and illustrations of online filing guides for the everyday entrepreneur who wants to file themselves in an efficient manner.

9 publishers interested Express interest
Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. logo Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Atlantic Publishing has been providing millions of readers information to jumpstart their careers, start businesses, manage employees, invest, plan for retirement, learn technologies, build relationships, and live rewarding, fulfilling lives. Our award-winning authors and publication staff strive to make our products the best and most up-to-date available. We go further than most publishers to get our customers the best products.

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Blooming Twig logo Blooming Twig

500 copies • Complete manuscript.
Blooming Twig is an award-winning boutique publishing house, media company, and thought leadership marketing agency. Based in New York City and Tulsa, we have represented and re-branded hundreds of thought leaders, published more than 400 titles in all genres, and built up a like-minded following for authors, speakers, trainers, and organizations with our bleeding-edge marketing strategies. Blooming Twig is about giving the people with something to say (“thought leaders”) a platform, walking its clients up to their own influencer pulpit, and making sure there is a like-minded crowd assembled to hear the meaningful message.

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


Boyle & Dalton logo Boyle & Dalton

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Boyle & Dalton was founded in 2014 and publishes works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. The world of publishing is changing, we're changing with it. Our founder Brad Pauquette, conceptualized a hybrid model that balances the financial and rights model of self-publishing with the quality controls and production excellence of a traditional publisher. Our designers and editors produce exceptional books that are distributed in both print and digital formats to all major retailers, including and Boyle & Dalton carefully consider all submissions for publication, based on manuscript quality. We do not accept erotica or children's books.

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Christian Fiction, Comics & Graphic Novels, Commercial Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, LGBT Fiction, Literary Essay, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Mythology & Folk Tales, Poetry, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Women's Fiction, YA Fiction, Art & Photography, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Children Non-Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Coloring Books for Grown-Ups, Comics & Graphic Novels, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Communication Skills, Corporate Culture, Crafts & Hobbies, Creativity, Current Affairs, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Humor & Entertainment, Illustrated Books, Journalism, LGBT Non-Fiction, Management & Leadership, Marketing & Sales, Mindfulness & Happiness, Money & Investment, Motivation & Inspiration, Nature & Environment, Parenting, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Politics & Social Sciences, Popular Science, Productivity & Time Management, Psychology, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Sex & Relationships, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel, YA Non-Fiction


1106 Design, LLC logo 1106 Design, LLC

Dear Author,

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1106 Design is an author services company. We offer all the editorial and design services you’d expect from a publisher, transforming your manuscript into a market-ready book. But here's the difference: we help you secure print-on-demand printing and worldwide distribution in your name. This means you earn several dollars more for every book sold instead of a meager “royalty.”

We understand that your book is not just a passion project but also a potential source of income. That's why we offer a range of services tailored to your needs at affordable prices. Depending on your manuscript's word count and complexity, our packages range from $4,000 to $10,000. And here's the best part: after this one-time investment, every penny of net revenue from book sales goes directly to you, never to us.

If this sounds like a better way to publish your book, I invite you to browse our services, design samples, no-surprises pricing, outstanding customer reviews, and educational articles at You can download a free PDF of my book, "Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing and an Insider's Look at a Misunderstood Industry," and request a free, no-obligation consultation.

1106 Design has been in business since 2001 and is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. We are a “Highly Recommended Expert” at and rated "Excellent" at Alli, The Alliance for Independent Authors, at, where you can find a "watchdog list" of the best and worst publishing services companies.

How can we serve you today?

Michele DeFilippo, owner

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Atmosphere Press logo Atmosphere Press

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


Authors Unite logo Authors Unite

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Authors Unite helps you become a profitable author and make an impact. We take care of printing and distribution through major online retailers, developmental editing, and proofreading with unlimited revisions. We take care of the entire process for you from book cover design all the way to set up your backend so all your book royalties go straight to your bank account. We can also help with ghostwriting if you prefer not to have to figure out all the steps on how to write a book yourself.

With our book marketing services, you don’t need to worry about figuring out all the steps on how to market a book or how to become a bestselling author. We’ve helped hundreds of authors become bestselling authors on Amazon, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. We take care of the entire book launch process for you to help you sell thousands of copies of your book and become a bestselling author.

View case studies here:

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Children Fiction, Christian Fiction, Comics & Graphic Novels, Commercial Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, LGBT Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Mind & Body, Mythology & Folk Tales, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Women's Fiction, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Children Non-Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Communication Skills, Corporate Culture, Crafts & Hobbies, Creativity, Current Affairs, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Humor & Entertainment, Journalism, LGBT Non-Fiction, Management & Leadership, Marketing & Sales, Mindfulness & Happiness, Money & Investment, Motivation & Inspiration, Nature & Environment, Parenting, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Philosophy, Politics & Social Sciences, Popular Science, Productivity & Time Management, Psychology, Reference, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Sex & Relationships, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel, YA Non-Fiction, Science Fiction & Humour


Bookmobile logo Bookmobile

100 copies • Partial manuscript.
Bookmobile provides book printing, graphic design, and other resources to support book publishers in an ever-changing environment. Superior quality, excellent customer service, flexibility, and timely turnarounds have attracted nearly 1,000 satisfied clients to Bookmobile, including trade houses, university presses, independent publishers, museums, galleries, artists, and more. In addition, we manage eBook conversions and produce galleys, and regularly provide short-run reprints of 750 copies or fewer for major publishers such as Graywolf Press.

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


Happy Self Publishing logo Happy Self Publishing

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
Happy Self Publishing has helped 500+ authors to get their books self-published, hit the #1 position in the Amazon bestseller charts, and also establish their author website & brand to grow their business. And the best thing is, we do all this without taking away your rights and royalties. Let's schedule a call to discuss the next steps in your book project:

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Personal Growth & Self-Improvement, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


ShieldCrest Publishing logo ShieldCrest Publishing

ShieldCrest are book publishers based in the UK who fill that vital gap for talented authors where mainstream publishers are unwilling to give them that chance. We strive for excellence and invest in our authors and are listed in FreeIndex as the number one independent publisher in the UK for price quality and service rated author satisfaction. We publish books of all genres including; fiction, historical, biographies and children's books.

ShieldCrest publishing continues to grow rapidly with satisfied authors throughout the UK and overseas. Our range of products includes paperbacks, hardbacks and digitised e-books in all formats used globally in the myriad of e-readers.

In addition to the above, ShieldCrest provides a complete range of services including book design and layout, illustrations, proof reading and editing. For marketing we offer author web page, press releases, social media marketing packages and many other support services to help both first time and experienced authors get their books into the market quickly and maximise on the opportunities available.

These services enable us to guide our authors through the process as we transform their manuscript into a professional book, which can take its place with pride next to any famous author's book of the same genre.

The staff at ShieldCrest have many years experience in the book industry and this wealth of experience is put at the disposal of our authors.

Our clients include established authors such as Diane Marshall who has been acclaimed as the best writing talent to come from Scotland for years by The Scotsman newspaper, and Prof Donald Longmore OBE, who performed the first heart transplant in the UK and has sold thousands of medical books used by students throughout the world. We also recently released "Martin Foran-The Forgotten Man" by J.R. Stephenson, which features fraud within the police, abuse within the prison service and injustices in the courts and has been featured in the press and on TV.

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Children Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mind & Body, Mystery, Thriller, Horror & Suspense, Romantic Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, YA Fiction, Biography & Memoir, Business & Money, Career & Success, Cookbooks, Food & Wine, Health, Fitness & Dieting, History, Journalism, Politics & Social Sciences, Religion & Spirituality, Science, Society & Culture, Sports & Outdoors, Technology & the Future, Travel


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  • Marva Hawkins
    on Aug. 7, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

    You do wonderful work, and we can't wait for the rest of the world to find out.
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