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Kareem Kamal El Gazzar

Kareem Kamal El Gazzar


Kareem is a writer who writes children's books, graphic novels, and cartoon gags. Kareem was born in Cairo-Egypt & still living in Egypt.

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About the author

Kareem is a writer who writes children's books, graphic novels, and cartoon gags. Kareem was born in Cairo-Egypt & still living in Egypt.
They have diagnosed him with a social anxiety disorder during his teenage years which had led him to discover a path through my life that leads to authenticity.
This kind of illness has hindered him from studying at the high school the right education where he had studied business degree instead.
Later on, his life got worse by being diagnosed with a specific psychosis which had let him be determined with himself to know who he is and discover what he wants to be in his life.
After some years of agony and troublesome in life he has discovered that he is more inclined towards arts and humanities, especially the love of music and the love of telling stories.
Through this life journey, he is a scriptwriter who writes scripts for children's books, graphic novels and cartoon gags.
Now he thinks he is doing fine with his life, not feeling any awkward feelings he felt in his past life.
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The Dark Cities

An underdog polished prince wants to prove to his family and his kingdom that he’s capable of leadership and can be responsible for himself beating the evil in his kingdom.

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Comics & Graphic Novels
10,400 words
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The dark cities kingdom wants to decide about who would be its next king. The current king of the dark cities wants to choose a king from his two sons (princes). Sir Kay which was believed to be the king has been betrayed by his brother Sir Darko because Darko is older than Kay and Darko does not like Kay this much. He had betrayed himself by stealing their mother (queen) ring from Kay box as for Darko to be qualified to be the next king. Then Kay gets kicked out of the kingdom castle because he has lost his mother’s ring. The new royal family tells sir Kay that he will not be able to survive the outside of the kingdom because there is an evil witch which is known as the dark witch Talon and Talon will kill Kay for sure.

Kay arrives in the first city of the dark cities where he is looking for some accommodation. Kay finds accommodation at a special merchant house where Kay has worked for the merchant for the sake to be fed and to drink at the merchant home. Kay tells the merchant about his story being a prince and how he was kicked out by his family.
The merchant warns Kay from meeting the dark witch Talon and say to him that the witch will sure kill Kay if he tries to fight him.
The merchant finally agrees to train Kay with some lifting order to be strong to fight Talon. Kay then falls in love with the merchant daughter and Kay promises the merchant daughter that he will get married to her once he beats up the witch Talon. The merchant knows about the relationship between Kay and his daughter and the merchant was angry about this relationship to the degree that he kicks Kay out of the first city.

All the people of the second city heard about Kay and how he wants to fight the witch Talon. Talon knew abbot Kay arriving at the second city, so Talon sends a storm to the second city to kill Kay and to show his powers. They introduced Kay to a gang that can be Kay’s soldiers against Talon soldiers. This gang trained Kay on how to fight Talon and they were preparing to fight Talon soldiers. Talon sends his soldiers to the second city to fight Kay and his gang and ultimately Talon soldiers have beaten Kay’s gang or soldiers. Kay has no option now but to move to the third city where he must face the dark witch Talon. No one was in the city like dead people with all lived the city has black walls.
Kay found Talon waiting for him in his palace as Kay told Talon that he is here to fight him to win the cities royalty.

Kay finally beats Talon with all his training and the soldiers of Kay (The Light Gang) has beaten also Talon soldiers. The story ends with Kay celebrating his victory marrying the merchant daughter and being crowned over the dark cities’ kingdom as a king instead of Kay's brother Darko. The cities have seen the sunlight again after years of darkness.

Sales arguments

  • The graphic novel book market has increased in sales by $80 million from 2017 to 2018 - Total industry sales 1.095 billion in 2018.
  • The reader will get indulged into the story world.
  • Huge social following on Twitter & Linkedin: over 500 Twitter and LinkedIn connections

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Fantasy comics book lovers

Advance praise

"Seth Donsky" my instructor of screenwriting course at NewYork Film Academy has described the story as a solid intriguing story.

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