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The Grave in My Soul

Lisa A. DeRoché

Abortion: Consequences, Regrets, Lessons, and Blessings

An intimate portrait of the author’s experiences growing up as a young girl who received limited mentoring and guidance on sexuality, relationships and career challenges and how she navigated them.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   65,462 words   100% complete   4 publishers interested
112 preorders
$2,640.00 funded


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Update #3 - Last 2 hours to Pre-order! Oct. 25, 2019

Thank you all so much for pre-ordering a copy of my book:  

The Grave in My Soul! 

Turn to your friend, co-worker or family member and tell them they need this book in their life.  If enough pre-orders come in, a publisher may take it on but either way, I will use it as a tool to mentor anyone who needs support getting through tough decisions. 

Life has challenges and I am sharing my story to open the door for others to feel safe enough to tell their story, ask for help and get healing when it's needed.  Let's create a no judgement zone for our friends and family members.  

Now is the time for forgiveness! 


Lisa A. DeRoché, Author