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JD Lovil

JD Lovil

Phoenix, Arizona

JD Lovil is the writer of cross genre science fiction novels, dealing with the existence of a multitude of parallel earths, as required by the Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum Theory. He enjoys writing books which are essentially ‘stand alone’ books, but with similar rules and circumstances, and with some cross-over of characters.
Originally from Arkansas, JD Lovil now lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

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About the author

JD Lovil is the writer of a series of cross genre science fiction novels dealing with the existence of a multitude of parallel earths as required by the Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum Theory. He enjoys writing books which are essentially ‘stand alone’ books, but with similar rules and circumstances, and with some cross-over of characters.

JD has had an unusual life experience. He holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of Arizona, and has been a student of a diverse set of sciences, occultism, philosophies and applications throughout his life. He has specialized in cross-discipline problem solving and thought most of his life, and has experienced many events, for which the term 'paranormal' is not too strong a term.

Originally from Arkansas, JD Lovil now lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

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The Hand in Shadow

John Nomad has been drafted into a war against an ancient and powerful group, which seeks to control the world from the shadows.

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Science Fiction & Fantasy
67,000 words
75% complete
1 publisher interested


What are you, after everything you ever loved is taken away?

John Nomad lived a normal life, with a loving wife, and a beautiful daughter, until a demonic creature took their lives. Everything that John cared about died that day.

In the depths of his depression, a blind monk introduced him to a hidden world of power, of men and gods who use exotic powers to change the world around them. He showed John that a powerful group was behind his family's death, and were the real power behind every government and political power on earth.

John's depression turned to rage, and a determination to oppose the Unseen Masters, and to avenge his family. He became a part of the Resistance, and he discovered an ability to manipulate Shadow within himself. He became an important and and versatile part of the Resistance, called by gods and man
The Hand of the World.

The Hand in Shadow is the story of one man's struggle to avenge his family, and to learn to control his power, and his world, after he finds that the world is a much bigger, and darker place than humanity believes it to be.

It took the Author a lifetime to realize the nature of existence. We are surrounded by an unbounded universe, full of the quantum magicks of our dreaming minds, and of infinite universes that contain all possible events.

Humans rarely get the things that they desire, but they almost always get what they expect. Our unconscious minds exerts a level of control over the very nature of the reality that we live in that goes beyond any mundane explanation. It is truly magic, on a cosmic scale.

This book is partly entertainment, and partly to point out to the reader that they live in a world of miracles. They are a member of a species with a deeper, and longer, history than we were ever told.


The Hand in Shadow follows John Nomad, as he carries out assignments from the Resistance against the Unseen Masters of the world. We follow him in his battles, and as he hides from the minions of the Masters. 

Some battles he might lose, and some he might win, but every action on his part teaches him about himself, and about the world. While John attempts to make his world a better place, the Reader glimpses the answers to questions of an existential nature. What are we, and where did we come from? Is the universe a place of concrete and air, or is there a more etheric in the nature of the world?

We follow John through relationships, through conversations, through conflicts and loss. His world is anything but normal, but it is a place where anything can happen, and frequently, it does.


The Hand in Shadow is a science fiction novel, which uses quantum mechanics to describe the nature of reality, the origin of magic and paranormal events, and the entangled nature of the multiple world-lines created by events as shown in the Many Worlds Theory of quantum mechanics.

If you enjoy hard science fiction, you should enjoy this story.

If you like epic fantasy, you should enjoy this story.

If you like paranormal tales, you should like this book.

If you like science, and you have an open mind, you should love this book.


I will be promoting the book on Twitter, Facebook, and on my blog. At appropriate times, I will provide for a blog tour, and submit the book to various websites to increase exposure. 

I will submit it to the SEO rich Pinterest, and on Goodreads. I hope to have assistance from a publisher in finding other venues of exposure.


The Hand in Shadow has elements of the world of Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles, but with a more science oriented approach to the idea of shadow walking between parallel worlds.

There are elements of hard science fiction here, such as the books of Larry Niven or Stephen Baxter, but my books allows more latitude for paranormal events to be paranormal, and not some variation of electromagnetic transmissions.

Many nonfiction elements are included, and they derive from a multitude of sources. I crafted part of the origin of humanity aspect of the book from such notables as Lloyd Pye's Everything You Know is Wrong, a variety of speculative nonfiction Authors, and from multiple books in the various sciences.


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  • Update #2 - Time grows short June 21, 2016

    I am at the point in this process where it is starting to look like a miracle needs to happen to bump the numbers up …

  • Update #1 - Fingers Crossed May 26, 2016

    I am just beginning my campaign for Pre-orders of The Hand in Shadow. Here is hoping that I can get 250 or more pre-orders …

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