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Ashwin Naik

Ashwin Naik

Bengaluru, India

Ashwin Naik is a healthcare entrepreneur and founder of Vaastalya, India's first hospital network in small towns. Ashwin is an Ashoka Fellow, TED Fellow and a Young Global Leader (WEF)

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About the author

Ashwin is the Founder of Vaatsalya Healthcare, an award winning social enterprise, the first network of hospitals focused exclusively on Tier II and Tier III towns in India. Vaatsalya has been recognised globally as winner of the Inaugural Porter Prize in India for value based healthcare, the Most Innovative Healthcare Company by VCCircle in 2014 and India’s top 10 innovative companies by Fast Company in 2013 among other recognitions.

He is passionate about healthcare access and is now deeply engaged in building a right to primary health movement around the world. He is also a Resident Fellow and part of the Leadership Group at Ashoka, a pioneering network of social entrepreneurs worldwide. To support health startups, he also leads DisruptHealth a health focused ecosystem enabler based in Bangalore and is actively involved in the sector as an advisor and angel investor.

Ashwin is a trained physician and has written and spoken at various forums around the world, including World Health Congress, NHS Alliance, Ashoka Future Forum, Global Philanthropy Forum, UBS Emerging Trends and Africa Health summit (KPMG).

Ashwin has been recognized as a Economic Times Leaders under 40, Young Global Leader (YGL) 2012 By World Economic Forum, Young Leader by Asia Society Asia21 in 2011, Senior Ashoka Fellow in 2010, Finalist for the India Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2010 by Schwab Foundation, Ted India fellow for 2009. Dare Magazine India in its April 2011 edition profiled Ashwin as 50 inspiring Entrepreneurs of India.

He has a medical degree from Karnatak Medical College, Hubli & a Masters from University of Houston.
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The Healthcare Gamechangers

How Innovators Around the World are Healing the Ailing Healthcare Sector

What would healthcare look like if hospitals disappeared? This book explores the new rules of healthcare and the innovators who are the gamechangers

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Healthcare is in the midst of a fundamental transformation. The healthcare system around us is crumbling with inefficiency, lack of standards and rising costs. Most countries around the world are grappling with providing basic care to their citizens. In emerging markets, this is even more dire with lack of access pushing millions of people under the poverty line.

There is no option but to radically transform the healthcare sector. And one of the key shifts emerging from this transformation is the disappearance of hospitals in the healthcare system

With the way technology and tools are advancing, its not far fetched to imagine a world where healthcare truly breaks out of the confines of the hospitals. It is also not impossible to imagine that hospitals are going to disappear.

Atleast in the way we know them today, they will disappear. They are great for sick-care.

But, no way are they central to healthcare.

They are one piece of the ecosystem, responsible for handling things when its already too late. Increasingly technology is advancing so rapidly that most diagnostics and diagnosis will be done at home. That relegates the hospitals to only doing the most complex surgeries and handling trauma related cases.

Moreover as a consumer, I don’t care about the hospital and its complexity, I am only concerned about getting better health. Even better, if I don’t need them.

Can you Imagine a world where there are no hospitals. Can you imagine a world where there are no hospitals, but everyone has the tools and capability for timely diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Can you imagine a world where medical care is available at your home, at your fingertips and on demand?

If hospitals are not going to help us be healthy, who will?

In the Ming Dynasty (1500 AD), a Chinese Medicine doctor was paid a retainer to keep their patients healthy. If a patient became sick, the doctor would not be paid until the patient’s health returned. In a similar vein, a doctor that resorted to surgery was considered an inferior doctor. If he/she did their job well and helped their clients stay healthy, there would be no need to perform surgery.

The world today is very different from the ancient Chinese system of healthcare. But it might begin to look like the preventive care world of medicine in 15-20 years from now if innovators continue to push the boundaries of healthcare and technology as we can see in this book.

In this book are profiled twelve such companies and entrepreneurs around the world that are building new types of healthcare organisations – The Healthcare Gamechangers.


The healthcare gamechangers are building their organisations around four principles The book is also split into four sections correspondingly. The four key principles identified are,

Everyone Plays: Healthcare has traditionally been driven by experts − doctors and specialists in the field. The new game calls for everyone −nurses, technicians, support staff, patients themselves and their families to step up and play a substantial, if not equal, role.

Expands the Playground: The more care is concentrated in hospitals, the more it will continue to be driven by old rules and notions of illness-focused care. When care goes out of hospitals and into communities, it helps expand the boundaries of what can be included as part of care. More importantly, it makes the individual increasingly accountable for their own wellbeing and not be dependent on others.

The Healthcare Gamechanger takes a significant part of the care outside of the hospital domain i.e. at home, at the workplace, at schools and even at religious places.

Invites New Players: The future of health depends on new players entering this industry and challenging deep rooted assumptions and bring new thinking. Any organisation focused on wellbeing has to necessarily leverage this opportunity and create an open platform for new players to contribute or participate. Playing by the old rules with the same players will not change the game.

Changes the Rules of the Game: The Healthcare Gamechanger organisations understand that at the core of ownership of one’s wellbeing is the mindset shift in individuals. And enabling this is the fundamental focus of their organisations.

The Healthcare Changemakers profiled include the following:

* Rushika Fernandopulle: Iora Health, USA

* Jos De Block: Buurtzorg,  Netherlands

* Suresh Kumar: Neighborhood Network for Palliative Care, India

* Edith Elliott: Noora Health, India

* Mark Swift: Wellbeing Enterprises, United Kingdom

* Vera Cordeira: Saude Crianca, Brazil

* Takashi Kawazoe: CarePro, Japan

* Nalini Saligram: Arogya World, India

* Morgan Guerra: Previta, Mexico

* Joost Van Engen: Health Entrepreneurs, The Netherlands

* Carlos Atencio: Medicina Familiar, Venezuala

* Frank Hoffman: Discovering Hands, Germany


Healthcare leaders, entrepreneurs and policy makers who are seeking the answers to the questions - why is healthcare failing and are looking for concrete directions. This book by shifting the frame from hospital based healthcare triggers a new way of thinking about current problems and potential solutions.

By covering a diverse group of entrepreneurs from across the world, there is a scope for audiences from across geographies in the health sector, also audiences who are linked or supportive of profiled organisations.

This book documents best practices adopted by multiple entrepreneurs which can be adopted by the readers in their own organisations. By identifying key principles, we have also made it useful for academic institutions in the healthcare space to use this book as a reading material for the students.

Healthcare industry globally is at a tipping point and is searching for answers. Anyone who is in a decision making position in this sector would love to see the perspective in this book.


The Author is regularly invited as keynote speaker or as thought leader to healthcare forums around the world, which would be a potential place to promote the book.

The author also has a significant network of key decision makers in NGOs, Think tanks, and startup community for creating visibility for the book.

The author can also get foreword and reviews by leading healthcare professionals from around the world including CEO of GE Healthcare Asia, Head of Duke University Innovations in Health Program, Chief Medical Officers of leading Insurance and Healthcare companies around the world.

Short articles in media to highlight key innovations from the book, invited posts on healthcare blogs, and talks at key universities.


The Patient Will See You Now
The Future of Medicine Is in Your Hands
Author: Eric Topol
Publisher: Basic Books; Reprint edition (October 25, 2016)
ISBN-10: 0465040020
ISBN-13: 978-0465040025

In this book Dr Topol focuses on how technology is radically revolutinizing medical practice. He builds on emerging technology like mobile, internet of things and 3d printing to paint a picture of the future of medical practice. The focus is on building efficiency and accuracy in healthcare using the latest technology tools.

How "The Healthcare Gamechangers" is different? In this book we start with the premise that healthcare (or most of it) will be delivered outside of hospitals. We build a case that the future of healthcare is destined to be built from ground up and not in improving efficiency and accuracy in the clinic and hospital.

Healthcare Disrupted
Next Generation Business Models and Strategies
Author: Jeff Elton
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 23, 2016)
ISBN-10: 1119171881
ISBN-13: 978-1119171881

Focused on biotech, healthcare and medtech companies, this book argues that the time for disruption of business models has come and suggests paths forward, mapping the trends that they observe. The emphasis of this book is on how emerging technologies and trends are going to disrupt existing models and what can companies do to innovate or ride the wave which is appearing.

As opposed to focus on the emerging trends which will disrupt existing business model, in The Healthcare Gamechangers, we focus on entirely new business model, outside of traditional healthcare industry and how they are going to build the new framework to deliver health and not focus on sick care, which is where most of the industry focuses on.

2030 - The Future of Medicine
Avoiding a Medical Meltdown
Author:  Richard Barker
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (February 4, 2011)
ISBN-10: 019960066X
ISBN-13: 978-0199600663

This book focuses on the financial implication of rising healthcare costs, comparing the US and UK system, and predicting how this is heading to a meltdown. Using various scenarios and trends to supplement his arguments, the author paints a picture of the future of healthcare industry, and implications on business, policy, financing and consumers.

THe Healthcare gamechangers focuses on the future of health as well, but more from the perspective of how innovators are already building models to keep us healthy way before we fall sick. Also when we do fall sick, what are these organisations doing differently - involving our families, communities, rethinking what is a prescription or treatment, who helps us get better etc. Using case studies from around the world, we showcase examples of what works, and what can the healthcare sector learn from these innovators to improve their own work, their communities and their businesses.

The Future of Health-Care Delivery
Why It Must Change and How It Will Affect You
Author: Stephen C. Schimpff  
Publisher: Potomac Books Inc.; 1 edition (February 29, 2012)
Publication Date: February 29, 2012

Dr Schimpff argues that healthcare policy has over the last few decades created a healthcare mess and the time to change is now. Focused largely on the US healthcare system, Dr Schimpff identifies the problems and proposes some radical changes in the policy and healthcare system to move power from insurance to hospitals and consumers.

In "The Healthcare Gamechangers" we look at the broader healthcare industry and not just the US healthcare system, and also showcase what works across the world, albeit today in limited scope, but could potentially scale worldwide.

The Future of Healthcare
Humans and Machines Partnering for Better Outcomes
Author: Dr Emmanuel Fombu  
Publisher: Athena Books (June 10, 2018)
ISBN-10: 0692122966
ISBN-13: 978-0692122969

In this book, the author focuses on technological innovation and development in big data, AI and machine learning to help improve outcomes of medical care. This book provides a snapshot of where we are today and where we are headed in the future.

The Healthcare Gamechangers takes a slightly different view and focuses more on business model innovations rather than technological innovations. While technology is clearly important, but innovation doesn't necessarily have to be high tech. There are innovators who look at existing technology, tools, process and systems in a different way, and this is what we want to showcase.

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  • Phanindra Sama
    on Sept. 18, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

    Very interesting topic Ashwin. Look forward to the book!

  • Jayesh Thakkar
    on Sept. 21, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

    Ordered for self and for friends as a gift :)
    Looking forward to read and discuss with friends..All The best @Ashwin..

  • Harshad Bhimani
    on Sept. 21, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

    All The Best Ashwin! We are proud of your great work!!

  • Shailesh Patel
    on Sept. 23, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

    Your contribution to Healthcare Industry is appreciable. I wish every success to you and your new book.

  • Manish Sharma
    on Oct. 5, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

    Looking forward to the book by a gamechanger about gamechangers. All the best, doc.

  • Shanthi Mathur
    on Oct. 13, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

    Congratulations for penning this down. Well done. Look forward to reading it.