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The Heart of Show Business

Alexia Melocchi

Where Art meets Mindset

In The Heart of Show Business, Alexia shares how to bridge the gap between the What and the How to successfully navigate Hollywood, and turn your passion projects into a viable commodity. How does one truly succeed in Show Business? Is it connections? Expertise? Attitude? Gain clarity in these elements of the Entertainment Industry and leanr how to sell yourelf.

  Career & Success   50,000 words   0% complete   4 publishers interested
37 preorders
$950.00 funded


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Update #5 - What you attach I AM to - you become Sept. 24, 2021

Hello All!

Once again, I thank you for your support in the publishing journey of this Book. A lot has happened in the last 60 days which has delayed the completion of my manuscript and also brought about a major rethink of its content that I believe will be even more useful to my Readers.

Some of you may not know, but I really enjoy LIVE interactions, especially speaking engagements and panels.  Tony Robbins says WHO YOU ATTACH I AM TO- YOU BECOME. 

Careful what you wish for! I have been speaking often about being someone  (not wishing or desiring or hoping) that gets on a stage to uplift, educate and inspire and wanting to do more of that.  No surprise there- the Universe delivered that to me on a silver platter.

In August I got invited to be a keynote speaker at the Hane Saga storytelling conference. It was an incredible experience that confirmed more than ever the need for my book to be published as soon as possible. Here is a fun video clip of the experience:


The reaction of the audience was so wonderful that I immediately was extended an invite to do another Keynote in Thessaloniki Greece over zoom in October on "How to Pitch Like a Pro".

Therefore, as my book launch will be now closer to April 2022, I have decided to offer you a FREE COPY of my EBOOK coming out at Christmas, whose content is kept under wraps but you will particularly enjoy as a Companion to the book you have already pre-ordered.

If you have bought my Bonuses please reach out so I can deliver those NOW.

All Heart, 
