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$5 5 € Just for you (digital)
0 readers
- Digital copy of the K-Pop Scandal.
- Bonus booklet in PDF with character profiles and random facts.
- A special mention in the book.
Ebook included
$25 25 € Just for you (paperback)
0 readers
- Digital copy of the K-Pop Scandal.
- Bonus booklet in PDF with character profiles and random facts.
- A special mention in the book.
- A signed copy with a bookmark.
1 copy + ebook included
Free shipping
$35 35 € Just for you (Hardback)
0 readers
- Digital copy of the K-Pop Scandal.
- Bonus booklet in PDF with character profiles and random facts.
- A special mention in the book.
- A signed copy with a bookmark.
1 copy + ebook included
Free shipping
$50 50 € For you and a friend
0 readers
- Digital copy of the K-Pop Scandal.
- Bonus booklet in PDF with character profiles and random facts.
- A special mention in the book.
- A signed hardback copy with a bookmark.
- A paperback copy with a bookmark.
1 copy + ebook included
Free shipping
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I have ever done Crowdfunding before, but I am excited to share this book with the world.