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The Mindful Hairdresser

Jordanna Cobella

An insightful guide to the psychology of making people feel good.

The Mindful Hairdresser explores the emotional intelligence behind the hairdressing profession and the psychology involved in serving clients. A first of its kind. We explore what it really takes to make the clients not only look good but FEEL good.

  Business & Money   40,000 words   75% complete   Published by Hodder & Stoughton
255 preorders
$5,725.00 funded



It is often said that hairdressers are the nation's unofficial therapists and have historically been part of ‘confessional booths’. This unwritten responsibility can sometimes leave those in the industry feeling out of depth or overwhelmed.

As creatives, we are constantly investing  in various ways to improve our technical skills, but  are we ignoring the part of the profession that  comprises a  huge part of the service?The emotional intelligence and psychology involved in the every day life of serving the public is often overlooked and taken for granted.

The national qualification for hairdressing covers technical ability, practical skills, and theory on the science of hair. None of the modules on the curriculum, however, cover the equally essential part of the profession; connecting with your client. This soft skill is what constitutes 50% of the service. A client may forget how you made them look, but they will never forget how you make them feel. 

Serving the public in any capacity, especially in fashion and style, requires emotional intelligence, a good understanding of psychology, and non-verbal communication. The intimacy of changing the way someone looks, building rapport, and psychologically reading your clients is an unspoken skill we are expected to pick up along the way. 

In The Mindful Hairdresser, Jordanna Cobella, a nationally know hairdresser and stylist in the UK, provides her unique touch on fine-tuning these skills to make for better customer service and becoming a much better hairdresser. 

After making ongoing observational visits  to businesses around the world and learning the different methods of communication; the art of consultation, Jordanna  developed  her own style of communication at her own high-end salon in London where she challenges her team of 30 to expand their on-the-job skills to include this emotional intelligence side of the profession rather than just focusing on the practical skills. She also educates the industry in London at-large on behalf of Wella which allows her to have exclusive industry insights into this world. 

This book empowers hairdressers, stylists, and salon owners to optimize the synergy between human connection and technical ability. The examples and proven methods of communication and cues she teaches allow the day-to-day lives of a hairdresser to run more smoothly, prevent burnout and drastically improve the service for clients. 

Learn these tips to become a more mindful hairdresser:

  1. The trust triangle and how to shift the burden of responsibility in achieving unrealistic expectations during a consultation.
  2. Communication strategies such as psychologically getting the client on board and trusting you before you begin working on their hair.
  3. A list of potential nonverbal communication queues to pick up on and how to respond to them.
  4. Single-tasking to avoid burnout while managing your tasks to complete things to your best ability and how to fully focus on one thing at a time to avoid the stress of multi-tasking and potentially running into problems/complaints.
  5. How to exert the right amount of authority with a client when you are first qualified even though you may not be the most confident.

With a unique background of working in the Metropolitan Police and graduating with a Law degree, Jordanna is au fait with serving the public and the interpersonal skills involved in  people management. Drawing parallels with both professions, she collates all her observations, learnings and research throughout  the years and shares them with her fellow peers in this book  with the primary aim to empower hairdressers with a deeper understanding of the emotional intelligence behind the profession. 













There are around 250,000 people working in the hairdressing and barbering industry  in the UK aloneand 772,000 in the United States This figure is comprised of salon owners, hairdressers, beauticians, apprentices and front of house receptionists. All of which are exercising the emotional intelligence skills that are not taught as part of the curriculum and, generally speaking, not part of any training program in-house or externally. 

Interestingly,  hairdressers spend their first few years of their career picking up these skills from  peers through observation.  With no guidance from the national curriculum nor any training providers, there is a large gap  in the  education of psychology and the true power of the responsibility that comes with being the nations unspoken therapist.  This empathetic role can develop into compassion fatigue which affects their well-being , mental health and, in turn, productivity and performance.  1 in 3 hairdressers have experienced a period of 'burn-out' that they believe is due to the energy  it takes to be emotionally present for each client. 

If these individuals were better equipped with coping mechanisms,  mindful practices,  a deeper understanding of psychology and emotional intelligence, it would not only prevent burnout, but also make for a better service for their clients and potentially a better client rapport. 



I have a following of 11.3k on my IG profile, @jordannacobella, which is made up of hairdressers in the UK and US.  I plan to plug  my sales through a series of video teasers on my grid and  use this as a platform to communicate my message to others who may share on the link and recommend it to their peers.


1) Self-Care for Hairdressers by Rebecca Beardsley. This book  focuses more on the ways in which you can avoid stress on the job and how you can make more money. My book is aimed at the psychological element of hairdressing and  what it really takes to connecting with people. Avoiding burnout is addressed from a place of compassion fatigue and taking on too much emotionally rather than stress management. 

2) The Salon Jedi - Caroline Sanderson. This book  is written for salon owners struggling to find a way to step off the salon floor and put more energy into growing and building a profitable business. My book is aimed at anyone in the profession who is looking for an insightful guide to the emotional intelligence behind the service. 

Jordanna Cobella

About the author

Jordanna Cobella is a proud salon owner of London salon, Cobella, in the heart of Kensington where she leads a team of 30 creatives. The luxury salon and spa has won awards for its innovation, customer service, and design. Jordanna travels internationally to educate and inspire hairdressers; flying the flag for British Hairdressing. She is a Wella UK and Ireland Colour Craft Expert and a co-host for the weekly broadcasted social channel, 'The Hair Show'.

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Agora Publishing

Agora Publishing is a Canada-based not-for-profit organization, founded in 1997 with the aim of making book publishing accessible to all writers across Canada and internationally.

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Ballast Books

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Ballast Books is a full-service hybrid publisher that handles all aspects of book creation, design, publishing, marketing, distribution, and platform building. We help our authors sell more books, secure more keynotes, do more consulting, earn more customers, and book more media appearances.

We want to work with the best of the best: Former Special Operations Forces, CEOs, big thinkers, industry-leading experts. Top-performing people with experiences worth sharing and skills that translate into a larger message and goal.

We've seen particular success with military memoirs, but we've also recently hired a children's book specialist, so we run the spectrum of genres. We're a small but growing team and take pride in dedicating more time and energy to all our authors than traditional publishers.

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Greenleaf Book Group is a publisher and distributor specializing in developing independent authors and thought leaders. We designed our publishing model to support the independent author and to make it possible for writers to retain the rights to their work and still compete with the major publishing houses. We have the capability to take your book idea through full project development and production all the way to bookstore shelves. Our award-winning team works with you to create an exceptional book and design a custom-built strategy to ensure its success in the retail market.

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Hybrid Global Publishing

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Hybrid Global Publishing is a full service Hybrid Publishing Company dedicated to helping authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. We offer developmental editing, publishing, distribution, and marketing services for independent authors who are interested in speaking on stage, becoming more visible in the media, and establishing more credibility. The team has a combined 80 years of experience in publishing and has held editorial, management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.

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Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

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Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press was founded by international best-selling author Jesse Krieger and focuses on personal development, healthy lifestyles, and entrepreneurship-focused titles. Our process starts with your nearly-finished manuscript, which we turn into a beautiful publish-ready book and launch up the best-seller charts. But it doesn't stop there, our most valuable work is in helping you use your book as a business development tool so you can build a thriving book-based business and brand.

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Something or Other Publishing

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SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.

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1106 Design, LLC

Dear Author,

You worked hard to write your manuscript, and you know that expert assistance is needed to ready it for the market. But perhaps you didn’t realize that working with a publisher is no longer necessary—especially publishers who charge fees to produce your book upfront and "share" more of your revenue whenever a book is sold.

1106 Design is an author services company that has served over 4,000 authors since 2001. We offer all the editorial and design services you’d expect from a publisher, transforming your manuscript into a polished book. But here's the difference: we help you secure print-on-demand printing and worldwide distribution in YOUR name. This means you'll earn several dollars more for every book sold instead of a meager “royalty” and never lose control of your book or your book files.

We understand that your book is not just a passion project but also a potential source of income. No two books or authors are alike. That's why we'll customize a package of services tailored to your needs at affordable prices, starting at $5,555. And here's the best part: after this one-time investment, every penny of revenue from book sales is deposited directly to your bank account, never to ours first.

If this sounds like a better way to publish your book, I invite you to browse our services, design samples, no-surprises pricing, outstanding customer reviews, and educational articles at You can download a free PDF of my book, "Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing and an Insider's Look at a Misunderstood Industry," and request a free, no-obligation consultation.

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Atmosphere Press

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Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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Bright Communications LLC

Looking for all types of books, including fiction, children's books, health, memoir, business books, and cookbooks
Bright Communications LLC is a woman- and veteran-owned custom publisher in Hellertown, PA. Founding CEO Jennifer Bright is a Book Doula, whose passion is helping authors bring their books to life. Our team of expert editorial, design, and marketing pros help authors go from idea to completed books and retain 100% of the rights to their work. We also offer four custom publishing packages and a $1900 self-publishing assist program.

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100 copies • Completed manuscript.
eBooks2go, Inc. was founded in 2011 to provide the missing link for all your publishing needs. Our end-to-end solutions provide the guidance and support that enable publishers and independent authors to pursue their passions. To date, we have helped more than 1,000 authors and 250 publishers worldwide. We offer an array of simple and affordable solutions to assist self-publishing authors at every stage of the book publishing process. Our comprehensive service offering includes editing, print and eBook production, book marketing, cover designs, ISBN registration, and even website designs. We are a single source for all of your publishing needs.

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Finn-Phyllis Press, Inc

250 copies • Completed manuscript.

At Finn-Phyllis Press, our goal is simple: help you tell your story in a powerfully vulnerable way, publish it so that it can sit next to any New York Times bestseller in terms of quality, and support you as you reach the readers who need to hear what you (and you alone) have to say.

We believe that every story matters.

We believe that the smallest moments of connection create the widest reaching ripple effect of change.

We believe that book publishing doesn't have to be overwhelming, feel high-pressure, or take years to complete.

We believe that authors deserve to earn 100% of the profits---it's your story, after all!

We believe that 100% of the rights to your story are your own (and should remain that way).

We believe that while most stories aren't, in and of themselves, completely unique, no one else has your exact perspective or experience, and that is your superpower.

We believe in partnerships. This isn't our first rodeo (although, in full transparency, we've never been to an actual rodeo), and it is our privilege to guide our authors every step of the way. We are proud of our no-tears-or-panic-attacks policy.

We believe in the bells and whistles that help our clients increase their impact---and leave the ones that don't in the metaphorical slush pile.

We don't have an actual slush pile.

Are you with us so far? If so, let's talk about what's next... 

We are passionate about powerfully vulnerable storytelling, inspiring backstories, and yet-to-be-discovered voices. We believe that everyone has a powerful story and that those stories are meant to impact the entire world, one reader at a time.

Run by 5X author Elizabeth Lyons, Finn-Phyllis Press was established in 2004 and has been actively publishing impactful stories since 2016.

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Grammar Factory Publishing

Grammar Factory is known for helping entrepreneurs, business leaders, and subject matter experts become first-time authors of world-class nonfiction books that build their authority and grow their business.

Over the past 8 years, we’ve helped more than 200 business owners write and publish books that grow their business.

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Ingram is a rather large company with several different divisions and supplies books to bookstores and libraries in over 200 countries around the world. Ingram also has a print on demand digital printing company, Lightning Source. IngramSpark is the platform that combines those two services together. At IngramSpark, we work with authors and independent publishers to print their books for orders they need (no minimum order) and we have a way to list the books as available for sale to all of Ingram’s 39,000+ customers- distributors, bookstores, retail outlets, libraries, etc., so you never miss a sale. You would provide us with the print-ready digital files (one for the cover and one for the interior) and we print the books as they are sold through our distribution partner’s websites. We pay you for those sales approximately 90 days later. The compensation you earn is based on the retail price you set, minus the wholesale discount you offer our distribution partners, minus the print cost.

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  • Belinda Hillman
    on March 16, 2021, 7:19 a.m.

    Congratulations Jordanna I can’t wait to read your book I find this topic as fascinating as you !

  • Meryl Birch
    on March 16, 2021, 8:02 a.m.

    Wow. You kept that quiet. Cannot wait to read it gorgeous girl. So proud 👏❤

  • James Earnshaw
    on March 16, 2021, 9:17 a.m.

    Congratulations I’m very nervous but excited about this ❤️

  • Amy George
    on March 16, 2021, 9:54 a.m.

    Go Jords! Well done you, you are smashing it! Looking forward to reading this xxxxx

  • Justin Mackland
    on March 16, 2021, 11:26 a.m.

    So excited for you babe and so excited to read

    All my love

    Justin x

  • Melissa Timperley
    on March 16, 2021, 8:21 p.m.

    Proud of you Jordanna! Well done lovely you deserve every success x

  • Alice Aulward
    on March 17, 2021, 11:11 a.m.

    Well done you superstar! I can’t wait to read this xxx

  • Mary Jane George
    on March 17, 2021, 6:35 p.m.

    Hi Jordanna
    Good luck with your very special and unique book, so apt writing about being untrained therapist!
    Look forward to reading
    With best wishes
    Mary Jane George
    (Amy’s mum)

  • Florence Helsby
    on March 17, 2021, 7:12 p.m.

    This is such exciting news Jordie! I cannot wait to read xxx

  • Anonymous
    on March 18, 2021, 9:46 p.m.

    Good luck!
    You’ve big things ahead of you girl.

    I can’t wait to read this and follow your journey!

    Lots of love, Rebecca x

  • Lynette Murray
    on March 23, 2021, 10:23 a.m.

    Good luck with your book launch. I cannot wait to read it. Stay safe and sassy. Lynette xx

  • Rae Mann
    on March 23, 2021, 12:25 p.m.

    Can't wait! This subject has always fascinated me as a hairdresser and as you have stated, it is not covered by the curriculum which is so crazy! Thank you for writing this book 🙏

  • Yvonne Duffy
    on March 23, 2021, 2:54 p.m.

    I cannot wait to read this book , I’ve been looking for something like it for so long !! Thank you 🖤

  • Lorraine Naughton
    on March 23, 2021, 5:12 p.m.

    One of my team put me onto you
    Cannot wait to read your book & listen to you & your advice. Great topic, well done

  • Eleanor Martin
    on March 23, 2021, 10:46 p.m.

    Good luck with your sales. I can’t wait to read it.
    Elle Martin x

  • Robert Masciave
    on March 23, 2021, 11:46 p.m.

    I hope you reach your goal! Great achievement so far❤️

  • Elettra Guggeri
    on March 24, 2021, 2:19 p.m.

    I got into emotional intelligence, mindfulness and social psychology a few years ago and since then I’ve tried to apply it everyday but expecially on the chair with my clients and with any kind or interaction.
    I’m really looking forward to read this book as it’ll be the first one that I’ll from a hairdresser perspective ! XX

  • Jo Sidley
    on March 24, 2021, 3:04 p.m.

    Love all things mindset but also at times dreading going back to work again. I've realised I need to set boundaries with my clients as they, in the past have ruled my 30yr Career. And I love my job. Good luck with this launch xx

  • Antony Rawlings
    on March 24, 2021, 3:32 p.m.

    I’m backing you all the way! From your friendly neighbours down the road . , Ant at Lockonego xx

  • Rachel Wigle
    on March 24, 2021, 5:21 p.m.

    Good luck with the campaign. I am very honoured to be part of your journey. The industry needs to shift & I see this as a great way to start.

  • Emma Dixon
    on March 25, 2021, 1:51 p.m.

    I am so excited to read this. We are more than just a hairdresser ❤️

  • Amy Webb
    on March 26, 2021, 10:39 p.m.

    Can’t wait to read! I think it’s a fantastic and important thing to talk about 😀

  • Anonymous
    on April 1, 2021, 4:14 p.m.

    Amazing - very inspired by this notion ❤️ Can’t wait to get a copy xxx

  • Aimee Kent
    on April 2, 2021, 8:54 p.m.

    Exciting times, can't wait to read this, Good luck Jordanna ♡ x

  • Ashleigh Farrelly
    on April 4, 2021, 9:51 a.m.

    Can't wait to order this for all my staff, all the best.
    Hair by Ashleigh
    Dublin,Ireland x

  • Helen Besford
    on April 5, 2021, 7:38 p.m.

    I hope this gets published, just watched you been interviewed by Andrew Dunne on the global wella page and enjoyed every minute
    Thank you

  • Megan Rose
    on April 5, 2021, 7:54 p.m.

    Great interview with Andrew today! I wish you all the best with your book sales and look forward to learning so much more. ~ Megan Rose

  • Greg Clarke
    on April 6, 2021, 3:51 p.m.

    Hi Jordanna
    Best of luck with the book publishing I look forward to reading it once published.
    Cheers Greg

  • Teresa Sharp
    on April 9, 2021, 12:34 p.m.

    Excited to gain insight on not only the technical skills, the science and especially the mindfulness as a stylist to connect with the people who sit in our chair.

  • Veronica Black
    on April 9, 2021, 6:59 p.m.

    Thanks Jordanna
    Looking forward to it! Love your Instagram account.
    Veronica Black
    Red apple

  • Samantha Law
    on April 9, 2021, 7:18 p.m.

    Good luck on the launch of The Mindful Hairdresser! Can’t wait to read it! X

  • Barry Kilroy
    on April 11, 2021, 9:21 a.m.

    One thing that initially made me listen when you we’re cutting a ‘Billie Illish’ cut, was that you didn’t come across as a pretentious hairdresser or a hairdresser full of their own importance. Keep hold of that ‘honest’ persona. There’s too many fake people in our profession.
    For years I thought about the psychology of hairdressing. Part of my degree was in psychology, but my heart was in hairstyling 😀. I’ve often thought about running a course on the psychology of hairstyling including its marketing. You’ve pretty much sold me the manual. Fantastic!
    Barry Kilroy



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