How to grab life by the balls so you can turn your fears into powers
A man who ‘trottered’ the globe to escape his toxic upper-class family and discovered the freedom he needed to find his naked, sexual, spiritual and emotional identity.
Dear locked-in ball grabber,
I trust you are in good health. This period of self-isolation is the perfect moment for getting closer to yourself and to get nude within.
This is a moment of opportunity because you reboot yourself and come to understand what truly matters to you.
A moment to filter away the bullshit in your life if you will.
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The more reviews the more this book will gain visibility on those platforms and this is the only way to reach more naked people <3.
There is also an Audio book available:
Make sure to write your review in flemish-dutch since they do not accept English reviews normally. (1 English review is displayed but it was a balls grabbing journey to have it on there.)
Thanks a million for your time, energy and understanding. Together united to a more healthier and naked world after this current day and age of C-19 we currently live in.
Better days are ahead always...!
Stay naked in your kot, cave or crib for now. <3
Warm greetings and naked virtual hug,