How to grab life by the balls so you can turn your fears into powers
A man who ‘trottered’ the globe to escape his toxic upper-class family and discovered the freedom he needed to find his naked, sexual, spiritual and emotional identity.
Dear Ball Grabber of life,
I hope you are doing well. :)
Exactly 2 months ago, The Naked Truth Campaign ended and we are moving forward...!
I am in touch with 2 final publishing houses (out of 7) which are both located in the States. One is a traditional publisher and the other one, a service publisher. Those two kinds of publishing houses are night and day and therefor it is important to take a decision that feels good.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. I will get back to you once I made my pick.
Traditional or not, I wrote The Naked Truth (TNT), so that I could reach the ones I needed to reach. I did not write a book to become a 'bestselling author, nor to be on a shelf. Great intentions no expectations. I surely do believe this book has great potential just like all of us. It is important to stay close to yourself and so is it important that the Naked Truth stays naked...
I am in the process of creating an online journey which is based on what I have learned myself through all these years. So, stay tuned on and my Facebook page: Harry Trotter and the Naked Truth
You might have seen some copies of TNT passing by on social media. They were authentic versions which I had 50 copies of. Since the book is not pre-orderable any longer I was happy to share the authentic version to those who were eager to purchase a copy before handing over the manuscript to my future publisher.
Thanks again for your time and understanding and have a good week!
Butt naked hugs,