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The Shame Deception

Michael Appleton

How shame ruins our mental health

We're taught shame afflicts wrongdoers, but actually it punishes the innocent, and negatively affects our mental health - which is already in crisis. Shame is tangled up with anxiety and depression, and we need to better understand how we're deceived. The book explains how shame works, tells shame-recovery stories, strives to reverse the injustice - and offers recovery strategies.

  Mind & Body   30,000 words   75% complete   6 publishers interested
$721.00 funded
€176.00 funded
7% of goal
37 preorders
7% of goal
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Update #2 - Summer Theme here: June 7, 2024

Thanks so much for your patience.. and I'm still writing - honest! Just wanted to mention 'The Shame Deception' is included in a Summer Themes 2024 launch featuring new literature on contemporary subjects, at this link