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The Sky Belongs to the Dreamers

Jacob Hostetler

Caterpillar dreams of one day soaring through the sky. She doesn't know how or when, but she knows it's coming. That is, if she makes it out of Spider's web.

  Children Fiction    Inspirational   2,000 words   100% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
107 preorders
$2,130.00 funded



Dreams allow us to acheive the impossible. But sometimes, whether because of the pressures from others or doubt in ourselves, we do not trust ourselves to follow those dreams. 

As children we are especially impressionable, letting our dreams but also our fears run free. Kids need to know that it's okay to reach for the impossible just as Caterpillar does in the story. They need to know that there are characters like Spider out there in the world who will look to surpress their dreams. And just like in the story, they need to learn that hope does not come from somewhere outside of them, but from within. 

This story was born to remind readers of what they already know but are scared to realize. It is to remind them that even in the most dire situations an optimistic outlook and calm mind can set you free. 

Due to its fable-like nature, readers will revisit the story often. They will be reminded to stay optimistic when they get down on themselves. They will remember to consider the possibilities of problem-solving before giving up just as Caterpillar had to when she found herself stuck in Spider's web. They will be inspired to dream in spite of their doubts. 

The story of The Sky Belongs to the Dreamers resonates with children feeling doubtful of themselves and of their dreams. Whether it be the dream to better themselves, strive to become something they currently are not, or maybe just the discovery of a hope that things will get better if they believe in themselves, this story serves as a universal grounding for us all. 


Caterpillar dreams of one day flying through the sky. She doesn't know how or when but hope, something inside of her, tells her it's possible. 

During her day-dreaming and leaf eating, she stumbles into a mysterious white stuff (spider's web) and becomes trapped. 

Spider is ruler of his web. A fact which he asserts by telling Caterpillar that her destiny now belongs to him and he wishes to eat her. Caterpillar is scared but thinks fast, telling Spider that if he brings her more leaves, she will become fatter and juicier for his delight. 

Spider agrees and goes to find leaves, leaving Caterpillar to consider her situation. 

Three times Caterpillar convinces Spider to bring her more leaves until finally, Spider is tired of waiting, and resolves to eat Caterpillar. 

With her final stroke of charm and wit, Caterpillar convinces Spider to let her rest and digest the green leaves she has eaten into juicy meat. Spider agrees to his final act. 

Caterpillar makes her bed (spins her cocoon), and goes to sleep. 

Upon awakening, Caterpillar feels new strength, emerging from her chamber while Spider, still waiting on the outside, believes he has been tricked. He can only watch in amazement as not Caterpillar, but something much bigger and more beautiful (Butterfly) emerges. 

Butterfly, climbing on top of her cocoon and freeing herself of the web, scolds Spider for trying to control anyone's destiny but his own, and tells him he should cling to his web and what he knows. 

In the final lines she tells him that she is of the sky and that, no matter whether she was a Caterpillar or Butterfly, she has always been. Before she departs, she shares with Spider that the sky belongs to the dreamers; to those who dare to imagine. 


The Sky Belongs to the Dreamers is a children's book targeting children aged 6-10. Within this target group it acheives three major objectives.

1) Combating Self-doubt

Census estimates suggest that in 2019 the United States alone will have roughly 25 million children between the ages of 6-11. Further counts estimate that between 20-30% of children will suffer from self-doubt before the age of 12. 

Self-doubt is ever present in our societies (all across the globe) and a constant threat to our youth. Why? Doubt is normal. It's human. But when it starts from such an early age to manifest itself in the minds of young people, it can grow with them as they grow, creating doubtful adults who ultimately do not follow their dreams. 

The Sky Belongs take these challenges head on by providing young people with the chance to find their courage using the strongest assets available to us: storytelling and our imagination. 

2) Connecting with Nature

Connection and interest in the natural world is under threat in the face of increased "screen time" and dependency on technology. Technology in and of itself isn't bad but a loss of connection with the natural world is unhealthy. 

The story of The Sky Belongs is embedded in nature. Indeed, it is nature taking the form of a struggle with which everyone, especially children, can identify. 

3) Conversations between Parent and Child

Though this children's story is heavily literary, the goal is to bring back the feeling of fables such as Grimm's fairytales, and imbue universal lessons and observations into characters and scenes children will understand. 

This is intended to be a book read from parent to child, and it will be marketed as such. A chance, not only for parents to spend time with their children, but also a chance for them to talk to their children about big topics such as hope, believing in yourself, and seeing the bright side of dark situations. 


  • Email List Size: 300+ 
  • Social Media Following (FaceBook/Instagram): 3000+
  • Website Monthly Sessions: 1000+
  • Blog Monthly Views: 1000+

Using the above base, a content calendar will be created whereby the parts and lessons from The Sky Belongs will be shared across the varying platforms. This will encourage readers to engage with the story beyond only reading it. 


  1. Title: Giraffes Can't Dance | By: Giles Andreae & Guy Parker-Rees | Publisher: Cartwheel Books | Year: 2012
    1. Description: 
      1. A tale of Gerald the giraffe, who has a dream of dancing. Unfortunately Gerald has crooked knees and thin legs making it hard for a Giraffe like him to have such a dream. He learns however through the story to, through the words of an encouraging friend, that he can dance despite his challenges. 
    2. How is The Sky Belongs different?
      1. Both stories share a similarity in striving towards a dream. However, The Sky Belongs differs in that Caterpillar's journey is a solitary one whereby she must find the courage within herself to perservere. Gerald receives the support of an unlikely friend. 
  2. Title: The Wonderful Things You Will Be | By: Emily Winfield Martin | Publisher: Random House | Year: 2015
    1. Description:
      1. A story of love and growing. It a story that parents can read to their children over and over, always finding new meaning and depth in the words. 
    2. How is The Sky Belongs different?
      1. The Sky Belongs is also a story which will be read over and over again between parent and child, differing only in that in The Sky Belongs, we see this growth and connection reflected in Caterpillar's own journey. 
  3. Title: I Like Myself! | By: Karen Beaumont & David Catrow | Publisher: Harcourt Inc. | Year: 2016 
    1. Description:
      1. This is story all about being okay with yourself just the way you are. Whether it be physical or something inside, we should all be proud of what we are and embrace our uniqueness. 
    2. How is The Sky Belongs different?
      1.  While The Sky Belongs shares similarities with this story, it also talks of the larger theme of destiny and how, beyond simply being ourselves, each of us plays a part in deciding our destiny. 
  4. Grimm's Fairytales | By: Brother's Grimm | Publisher:  Brother's Grimm | Year: 1857 
    1. Description:
      1. These fairytales and fables have been read throughout homes in the world for over 150 years. The reason they have lasted so long is because of their uniqueness in capturing the imaginative nature of the human spirit. Both in the things we fear and in the things that help us grow. 
    2. How is The Sky Belongs different?
      1. The Sky Belongs emulates these fairytales in it's fable-like prose and intertwined lessons. It is however, fundamentally different in that it's a story of encouragement which inspires through making children aware of their fears and how to combat them, rather them only making them have fear for certain things. 

Jacob Hostetler

About the author

Jake is a U.S. American writer, based in Germany.

An international career takes him around the globe, providing the inspiration for his writings

He wants his writing, if it does anything, to make you look up from the page and see things a little more with your real eyes – to give you, for however long, that freedom to wonder. To remember all those questions to be asked, experiments to be tried, places to be explored, and stories to be told.

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The valley breathed in gentle rhythm. Flowers gossiped across the fields and nearby ferns fraternized in the shade. Trees whispered ancient secrets while eavesdropping vines raced along their riddled trunks.

Caterpillar squinted up as bright raylets of sunlight peeked down through the clouds. She dreamed of herself as a beautiful angel of the sky soaring and gliding among the clouds, beholding the world below in all its intertwined beauty. To look up and dream of these things was her first favorite thing to do and though she didn’t know where these day dreams came from, she didn’t care; they were wonderful.

She brought her head back down to ground level. For now, she would resolve herself to doing her second favorite thing, eating.

She had just bitten into a particularly moist leaflet of bashberries when she saw it. The most perfect leaf she’d ever seen. It waved to her in the breeze inviting her over.

She wriggled in excitement allowing her feet to carry her towards it.

The white happened slowly and all at once. In her eagerness to get to the leaf, Caterpillar did not notice it clinging to her until she felt its gentle tug. She turned around to see what had taken hold. “Oh Mr. White Stuff, you tickle my feet but I really can’t be staying around.”

“Ah, but you can,” came a voice like a whisper from above. Caterpillar looked up to see a stranger floating down towards her. He was hairy and had deep black eyes, though she didn’t know which to look at.

“Oh hello, I believe I’ve stumbled onto your playful white stuff here and for that I’m truly sorry. If you could just help me free, I’ll be on my way.” The hairy stranger grinned showing his large teeth.

“I am afraid I will not help you,” he said clicking his teeth together in an odd fashion. “You see, I am Spider, he who sees all, and it is my intention that you stay here with me in my beautiful web.”

“Stay here with you,” Caterpillar asked, “and do what?” Spider glided to a stop in front of her setting himself down gracefully on the white stuff which rippled outwards like a raindrop falling on water.

“I do not eat green stuff like you,” he said motioning to a nearby leaf. “I eat juicy, delicious, fatty meat.”

“Oh, well that sounds very good,” concluded Caterpillar nodding her head thoughtfully. “I wonder if I would like meat.” This made Spider laugh almost uncontrollably. As he laughed Caterpillar felt the white stuff all around them vibrate and laugh with him. Seeing this made her smile and start to giggle. Soon both Caterpillar and Spider were laughing together as the white stuff danced around them.

“Wah,” said Spider finally calming down. “I’ve not laughed like that in a long time.”

“Pity,” said Caterpillar, still giggling, “Everyone should laugh every day.”

Spider looked at her with all his black eyes. “Perhaps, however now you must know, your landing in my web is no coincidence. It was as destined as the rising sun or the coming night. You have entered my web and therefore my world. You and your destiny now belong to me. This is the wish of the world. And as for my wish,” he paused, “I wish to eat you.”

“Eat me?” Caterpillar said shocked. Suddenly the playful white stuff was no longer playful. “But how can that be my destiny when I dream of flying through the sky?”

Spider sneered, “Don’t be stupid fat Caterpillar, dreams are foolish. I do not waste my time on such things. I have my web and of it I am ruler. Cling to what you know, that is your destiny. And destiny demands sacrifice.” He clicked his two big front teeth together noisily moving closer to her. Caterpillar could see their razor sharpness and the hunger in his eyes...

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  • Miguel Angel Vico Moya
    on Nov. 14, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

    Amazing job! I wish I had half of your motivation to work my own projects and drive them to completion like you did. I hope you get all the support you need to make this an even bigger success!

  • Alex Koerver
    on Nov. 14, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

    I am looking forward to read it to my son with my German accent... :-/

  • Doras Ladd
    on Nov. 14, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

    Congratulations, Jake - this is SO exciting!!!

  • Martin Karlowitsch
    on Nov. 15, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

    I am excited to see this project being realized by two amazing talents and personalities. Good luck with it!

  • Ignacio Cabrera
    on Nov. 15, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

    Hi Jacob, I really like your book approach for children and I am looking forward reading it with my kids and young relatives. Hope it will be a success !

  • Shepherd Waldenberger
    on Nov. 16, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

    Keep on following your dreams, Jake! You're an inspiration! Sending love and well-wishes!

  • Clara Cabrera
    on Nov. 23, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

    Can't wait for this adventure to materialize into a physical book!

  • sung kim
    on Nov. 23, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

    Thank you for writing this Jake. Cant' wait to read it. Keep writing and keep dreaming dude... I will do the same! :)

  • Douglas Hostetler
    on Nov. 24, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

    Hey! A big congratulations on this project! We hope it’s the first of many!!!!!

  • Patricia Donnelly
    on Nov. 28, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

    Hello Jake! It’s Pat Donnelly, your former dental hygienist at Carano Dental Grouo. I’m so thrilled about this book you have authored and look forward to it being published! Wishing you well. It’s always fun to get an update from your mom/dad about your fun life journey.



  • Bradley Boehringer
    on Nov. 30, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

    You have not a clue how much your writing will surely inspire people... like me, thanks hermano

  • Brian Hostetler
    on Dec. 1, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

    Wishing you lots of luck on your writing ventures! Uncle Brian and Aunt Carol

  • Sascha Hermann
    on Dec. 7, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

    Looking forward to hold it in my own hands and also keeping it as a reminder of a special time. Wishing you all the best for your further and ongoing journey through life. :-)



Gossiping Flowers

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Eavesdropping Vines

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Whispering Trees

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Dreamers Who Dare to Imagine

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