Book One of The Yoga Trilogy
The story of a coward's transformation into a champion on the backdrop of a fantastic world of knights, mages, mythology, philosophy, treachery, and jaguar spirits. Not necessarily in that order.
"A truly magnificent read from start to finish. With characters that grow before your very eyes, reflecting the passion and what it truly means to be human, The Yoga of Strength is a difficult book to put down." - Reid Barrington, reader of first and second drafts
First, I would like to thank Reid for forwarding me his review and for reading these early unpolished scribblings. He read the first draft in piecemeal bits as I was writing it and is now rereading the second draft.
There are several more reviews up here!
Wow! Six days into the campaign and over 100 preorders! Thank you, thank you, thank you - each and every one of you. We are well on our way to making this dream a reality. As I have mentioned to several of you, my goal is to get to 750 preorders: the threshold over which we have to cross in order for Publishizer to take my proposal to several traditional publishers.
I appreciate that you have demonstrated your faith in me. If I could be so bold, I would ask you to do me yet another favour: please think of the person you think would be most interested in a book like this. Then send them an e-mail with the campaign link and ask them to preorder! This project lives and dies on the support of people like you, and pitching to people directly is much more effective than sharing posts on social media.
Please copy and paste this link!
I am so grateful to all of you for your ongoing support. Let's keep the magic flowing!