Book One of The Yoga Trilogy
The story of a coward's transformation into a champion on the backdrop of a fantastic world of knights, mages, mythology, philosophy, treachery, and jaguar spirits. Not necessarily in that order.
Hey folks,
Publishing negotiations have begun! I am working hard to get the third draft of the manuscript polished up for submission to a number of these places. I will keep you apprised as we move forward.
Given that publication is a ways off, I am releasing a baker's dozen of short stories to flesh out the world of Clovir, the setting of The Yoga Trilogy, before the release of The Yoga of Strength. These are not necessary reads, but they provide back story and are tied into the books. And they stand on their own!
The first one, The Ballad of Rolf, has already been released. Stay tuned for the release of story number two very shortly!
Much love,