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Passion will wake us at 5 am without an alarm clock. A lot of us have this. Not having a purpose makes us vulnerable to anxiety and depression. A lot of us have these as well. We all have yearning for a question and a thirst for a mission or a quest. It gives us a better chance of a longer life, finding happiness, and succeeding in whatever we are doing.

For this book proposal contest, Publishizer is seeking a broad range of unique and well-defined ideas from people who have fresh perspectives, see hope for the future, and inspire others to grow. From those who are taking action, not willing to sit with the status go, but swim upstream and be the change they want to see in the world. 

It's for those who are not wanting to be like everyone else who wants to be the popular thing, the noun. Who, instead, want to be the verb and make an inspirational change with new ideas and lead us beyond new boundaries with confidence and conviction in our mission.

It's for speakers who want to engage with their audience and pursue excellence in their craft. It's for adventurers who continuously seek to grow by experiencing things outside of their comfort zones. It's for world-changers who are willing to tackle the issues and problems of our day, offer guidance, and solutions to make this world more beautiful

Best Sellers

Top 3 Best Selling in Quest

Rigging The Game

Daniel Nicholson

Rigging The Game shows you how to create and follow a path to the things you truly value while systematically eliminating the risks and financial uncertainty that commonly plague business owners every day.

#1 in Quest

$52,385.00 funded
245% of goal
2456 preorders
245% of goal

The Trail Provides

Troy Galyon

The Trail Provides is the story of a mission and a journey to hike the entirety of the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine in honor of Troy's father who was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer. In May of 2017, the day after graduating from college and …

#2 in Quest

$12,900.00 funded
103% of goal
516 preorders
103% of goal

Spiritual Warrior Training Handbook

Troy Ismir

The Spiritual Warrior Training Handbook is about redefining what it means to be a Christian man in today’s world. As men, we often try to find power in all the wrong places turning to drugs, sex, alcohol, violence, abuse, money, …

#3 in Quest

$1,925.00 funded
15% of goal
77 preorders
15% of goal