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When you think of superhumans, perhaps masked vigilantes or caped crusaders come to mind. Superheroes represents the very best of humanity, and their narratives appeal to our deep-rooted sense of justice. But just how plausible is it for new types of superhumans to evolve alongside regular people?

Though experts think it unlikely for humans to evolve superpowers of flight or superspeed, the discovery of genome-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 essentially allows us to take evolution into our own hands. Bioengineering could improve our existing physiological or cognitive capabilities to superhuman levels.

In as little as 15 years, a computer chip inserted into the brain could help to unlock mankind’s full potential. Perhaps it could help us unlock dormant potential scientists believe we all possess, such as the prodigious memory or exceptional capabilities of genius savants.

Drug companies are also studying other “superhumans” who possess extraordinary DNA. Gene mutation that causes congenital insensitivity to pain is being developed into better painkillers and pain immunisations. Sclerosteosis, another genetic mutation that causes excessive bone formation, could unlock treatments for osteoporosis in future. 

Other inspiring real-life superhumans have also managed to exceeded their limitations and achieve incredible feats. After losing his sight as a baby, Daniel Kish learnt to use echolocation like a bat to live an active life, and even shared this technique with blind people around the world. Wim Hof climbed Mount Everest in nothing but shorts and shoes, and set the world record for ice endurance record several times. He is able to regulate his body temperature using only meditation and breathing techniques. 

There are so many different ways we can transcend the quotidian and lead truly meaningful lives. These days, we can even use apps to track personal habits, moods and behaviours. But as we evolve, so will our views, lifestyles and ultimately, our societies. Already, we are redefining the ways we look at gender and race with conversations around transgenderism and transracialism. 

A diverse range of alternative lifestyle choices - such as nudism, polyamory, veganism, freeganism, intermittent fasting, digital nomadism, intentional communities, permaculture ecovillages, co-parenting and homeschooling - are becoming increasingly accepted and supported. 

With Superhumans, we are seeking submissions in topics that celebrate the beauty and diversity of human existence, and the next step in our evolution. 

Superhumans seeks authors exploring health, wellness, alternative lifestyles and peak performance. J
udged by Running Press (Hachette USA) and Sourcebooks. 

  • Write a compelling 1000 word book proposal based on an unpublished book idea
  • Submit and launch your proposal by 1 August 2018 within the appropriate contest category for approval
  • The latest you can submit and launch your campaign is 15 August 2018 to be entered into the 30-day book proposal contest
  • Campaigns with the highest number of pre-orders for each contest will win USD$500
  • Panel of editors from traditional publishing houses will award another USD$500 for each contest
  • Winners announced by 30 September 2018


Keywords We Love: genius, savants, gene editing, biohacking, bioengineering, cyborg, evolutionary biology, transhumanism, futurists, autism, nutrition, food, clean living, veganism, polyamory, alternative lifestyle, permaculture, fasting, intermittent fasting, coparenting, transracialism, transgenderism, ecovillages, relationships, sex, extraordinary people


Best Sellers

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Do It At Your Desk

Jake Dermer

The health and fitness industry can be broken down into three categories: fat loss, strength gain, and pain relief. This book will help you achieve all three without wasting words.

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$5,856.00 funded
54% of goal
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The Eight Sacred Responsibilities

Cathy Mines

A movement of fiery and fabulous women over 50 who have chosen to make their third act their personal standing ovation. This is not just a book, it's a movement.

#2 in Superhumans

$3,401.00 funded
30% of goal
154 preorders
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The Vitality Secret

Neil Cannon

The Vitality Secret highlights the root cause of almost every common illness, chronic disease, and accelerated aging; chronic inflammation. Become free of symptoms, pain and medication.

#3 in Superhumans

$2,596.00 funded
27% of goal
138 preorders
27% of goal