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Transformational Experiences

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Transformational experiences can be defined as experiences that fundamentally challenge a person’s assumptions and preconceptions, as well as their beliefs and values, affecting how they understand themselves, others, and the world.

It is said that being well-taught is not the same thing as being transformed. And that being transformed is not planned, but experienced only when there is a need for it. The power of serendipity takes the lead. But, a vital part of the educational process is learning how to learn, embracing new opportunities, and developing skills and emotions to explore the world and discover one’s place in it. It is certainly possible to create an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity and creative thinking in this ever-changing world. 

People both seek and serendipitously encounter transformational experiences in many diverse facets of life. There is no limitation to when or where these can take place. Through adventure, and festivals, and through psychedelic journeys. Through work, professional hardship and growth, and through proposed environmental shifts that enhance leadership skills, productivity, or some other habit. Through family, having a child or getting married, or by going through a breakup or a change of location. And through thousands of other experiences that have potential to provoke real change in behavior or perception.

The idea is that all true learning and discovery, all personal development and growth, and every experience of transformation, happens outside that protective “status quo” bubble. Risk and stress are intrinsic aspects of all true personal growth and transformation. There is no way around this fact: To be changed, you must first be uncomfortable, and you must remain in that uncomfortableness for as long as it takes for the change to become, in essence, the “new normal.” To be transformed.

Christian Lachel of Forbes Council says, “When these happen, make sure you’re ready to maintain it, deepen it and freshen it with innovative stories grounded in the original emotional values. These values are eternal. George Lucas didn’t create them, nor did J.K. Rowling, Jane Austen or William Shakespeare. These are emotions that empower humanity to become more loving, spread peace and cause people to see the good in each other.”

For this book proposal theme, Publishizer is seeking topics from authors who have had transformational experiences and can successfully convey how that message or learning has fundamentally changed how they understand themselves, others, and the world.


Keywords we love: well-being, peak performance, corporate, creativity, networking, relationships, radical empathy, emotional intelligence, happiness, effectiveness, coaches, speakers, startups, entrepreneurs, technology, leadership, habits, insight, change, movement, work flow, optimal, health, lifestyle, spirituality, meditation, evolution, business, innovation


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