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Steve Stegelin

Steve Stegelin

Charleston, South Carolina

Steve Stegelin is the award-winning editorial cartoonist for CHARLESTON CITY PAPER. A published cartoonist for 20+ years, starting with his satirical and social commentary-tinged college paper comic strip-turned-indie comic book BOONDOGGLE, Stegelin's biting humor and "deceptively cute" style has appeared in publications around the world. Stegelin currently lives in Charleston, SC but is considering International locales depending on how the nation's political climate evolves.

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$10 Digital copy

A nifty digital copy of the book to take with you where and read in the glow of your e-reader, laptop, or mobile device!

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$25 Digital copy + Print

A nifty digital copy of the book and a limited edition 11" x 17" full-color print, ready for framing.

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$40 Book bundle + Print

A nifty digital copy, a limited edition 11" x 17" full-color print, and a hard copy of the book itself for placement on your shelf or bedside table.

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$55 Book bundle + Print, signed

In addition to a nifty digital copy, you receive a limited edition 11" x 17" full-color print and a hard copy of the book itself, both signed by the creator.

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$100 Primary candidate package

In recognition of your good taste, you get a shoutout on Twitter and your name appears in TRUMPSTER DIVING as thanks for your early support. To commemorate, you receive an autographed hard copy of the book to show all your friends, in addition to a digital copy and limited edition 11" x 17" full-color print.

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$350 Couples package

One for you, one for a friend, and one for good luck. You receive three autographed hard copies of the book (with your name in print as an early supporter), a digital copy, and three limited edition 11" x 17" full-color prints.

3 copies + ebook included

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$1000 SuperPACkage

Become a full-fledged SuperPAC. Five autographed hard copies of the book (with your name in print as a sponsor), a shoutout on Twitter, a digital copy, five limited edition 11" x 17" full-color prints, AND a one-of-a-kind page of original artwork (at the creator's discretion).

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$5000 SuperduperPACkage

Become a full-fledged SuperduperPAC. TEN autographed hard copies of the book (with your name in print as a sponsor), a shoutout on Twitter, a digital copy, ten limited edition 11" x 17" full-color prints, AND a one-of-a-kind page of original artwork (at the creator's discretion).

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Trumpster Diving

A Satirical Look at Electile Dysfunction

A satirical graphic novel as long-form editorial cartoon, poking fun at the nation's political divide and 2016 race to the Oval Office.

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Politics & Social Sciences Humor
10,000 words
25% complete
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America, the greatest nation in the world! (Or to be made great again!) After eight years of Democratic President Barack (Hussein!) Obama and his Affordable Care Act (Obamacare, aka Government-Run Death Panels!), only one thing is made clear: America is a nation fractured along party lines and ideals... and never was this more obvious than the race to replace Obama in 2016. 

Trumpster Diving: A Satirical Look at Electile Dysfunction is cartoonist Steve Stegelin’s illustrated exploration of the country’s partisan divide and the race to the Oval Office. An innovative long-form editorial cartoon, this graphic novel brings the nation’s political differences to life with the iconic Democratic Donkey and Republican Elephant. As bickering narrators, these two provide a through-line as the book recaps the campaign cycle, analyzes the characters on the campaign trail, and pokes fun at both parties. Starting with the partisan bickering and obstructionism that defined President Obama's time in office, these protagonists explore the clown car's worth of candidates going into the Republican primaries, the rise of the political outsiders, the implosion and fracturing of the GOP, and the impact of the theatrical election cycle on the country.
An equal-opportunity offender, the book roasts candidates on both sides of the aisle, giving each tongue-in-cheek vignettes that highlight their individual controversies, sound bites, and contributions throughout the memorable campaign season. No politician is spared, with a three-ring circus that includes:
  • The questionable authenticity and email habits of Hillary Clinton!
  • The bombastic vocals of the political outsider with 30 years experience on Capitol Hill, Bernie Sanders!
  • The revisionist history of the soft-spoken Dr. Ben Carson!
  • The absurd fear-mongering of Ted Cruz!
  • The dynastic politics of Jeb! Bush!
  • The robotic repetition and mudslinging of Marco Rubio!
  • The narcissistic rants and hate speech of the titular party-crasher Donald Trump! 
  • And rest of the characters and candidates that made 2016 memorable!
In short, Trumpster Diving is a lighthearted but thought-provoking read, using satire to call out the political divide, the celebrity of politics, and the circus that is the election cycle. 


  1. Thanks, Obama.
  2. Republicans and Can'ts.
  3. Coronation of Clinton, Interrupted.
  4. Cruz for Prime Minister
  5. Jeb!, Bushwhacked
  6. Trumped!
  7. Make America Hate Again 
  8. Mudslingers and Bedfellows
  9. Signs of Electile Dysfunction
  10. Implosion
  11. November Reign
  12. Future, Tense


Steve Stegelin is the award-winning editorial cartoonist for CHARLESTON CITY PAPER. A published cartoonist for 20+ years, starting with his satirical and social commentary-tinged college paper comic strip-turned-indie comic book BOONDOGGLE, Stegelin's biting humor and "deceptively cute" style has appeared in publications around the world. Stegelin currently lives in Charleston, SC but is considering International locales depending on how the nation's political climate evolves.


This book is ideal for fans of political humor, social commentary, intelligent and satirical whimsy, fun illustrations, and sequential art that make you think. Also good for those looking to laugh at political figures expecting your respect. 


  • Social media, across multiple platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.  
  • Press releases to online comic book news sources
  • Coverage in Charleston City Paper and other regional publications
  • Creator appearances at comic book conventions across multiple states
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