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'Twas Christmas Night

Richard Sandberg

At a time when people are busier than ever, families need something to bring them together. ‘Twas Christmas Night celebrates the true meaning of Christmas by telling the story of how Jesus came and why. With a charming cadence that feels like a Christmas classic and vibrant illustrations that engages the whole family, you can start a new Christmas tradition.

  Illustrated Books   708 words   100% complete   Published by Blue Balloon Books
590 preorders
$13,925.00 funded


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Update #1 - Wow! What a start to our journey! Nov. 16, 2023

What a start!

It has been an amazing first few days of the campaign. I did a soft launch of the campaign on Saturday to make sure it was all working, went to church Sunday,  left for the BGAV annual convention and the last three days has been a whirlwind and a blur.   It has been such a joy to meet so many of you for the first time and reconnect with dear friends that I haven’t seen in far too long.   I am so grateful and humbled by all of the encouragement and love and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your support. We are up to 180 copies sold and while that is a fantastic start for the first 5 days we are still 320 copies short of the magic 500 we need to attract a major publisher. 

Still a long way to go...

I have several local events lined up, online advertising running, and quite a few churches who requested the video to show in their church this Christmas season. More good news is that Publishizer has agreed to extend our campaign through Christmas so we will have the entire Christmas season to get the word out.   This is where I need your help.   To close the 320 book gap I am going to need more than just my family, friends and ministry acquaintances to support the project… I need yours too. Would you consider sharing this project with a friend, posting it to social media or showing it to your pastor?  I have seen God at work in this effort and hope you will help me spread the light of Jesus this Christmas season as we share the story of Jesus.