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'Twas Christmas Night

Richard Sandberg

At a time when people are busier than ever, families need something to bring them together. ‘Twas Christmas Night celebrates the true meaning of Christmas by telling the story of how Jesus came and why. With a charming cadence that feels like a Christmas classic and vibrant illustrations that engages the whole family, you can start a new Christmas tradition.

  Illustrated Books   708 words   100% complete   Published by Blue Balloon Books
590 preorders
$13,925.00 funded


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Update #3 - New Pledge Level: Give a Book to Your Local Library & 2 other ways to give Nov. 19, 2023

What gift is more precious than the gift of Jesus to a child in your community?!  Every day there is a battle going on for the hearts and minds of our children. 

I know that most of you probably pledged for a copy of the book for your own children or grandchildren.  But there are many children who don't have a Christian parent or grandparent to get them a copy.  Our nation is in trouble and it is up to us to be the light to an ever increasingly dark world. Our campaign has three different ways you can share the light of Jesus to children who desperately need to hear.  

Give a copy to your local library

1.  We now have a new pledge level where you can donate a copy of ‘Twas Christmas Night to your local library so children in your community can hear the good news that God so loved the world He sent His only Son. Pledge for the “Give a book to your local library” level and help share the true meaning of Christmas. (Put library name and shipping information when prompted at checkout)

Give a copy to your church

2.  I know you desperately want to reach your own children and grandchildren but what is the future of our churches if we don't reach the next generation? Help the children at your church to hear and accept the message of the gospel.  Pledge for the "Church Library Sponsorship" and give not only a copy of the book to your church but also the video with the rights for unlimited public performances.

Give a copy to the Journey Home or Pony Partners

3.  Jesus said those who are most blessed are those who give to the least of these.  We have partnered with two local ministries... the Journey Home and Pony Partners to share the good news of Jesus with those who need to hear it most.  

The Journey Home is a transition house for the homeless (often families with children) in Mineral, VA.  We are dedicated to partnering with the Journey Home to making sure that EVERY child who is a guest at the Journey Home receives a copy of the book and knows that Jesus loves them and that He wants to give them a forever home in heaven.  

Pony Partners is an equine therapy ministry in Louisa, VA who minsters to children with special needs. We want EVERY child to know that they are so special that Jesus came to earth because He loves THEM!  Help us share the love of Christ with these children by pledging with the "Give 1 copy", "Get 1 copy, Give 1 copy", or "Get 1 copy Give 10 copies" levels.   

In this season of giving I hope you take the opportunity to give a gift that will have an eternal impact and help the little children come unto Jesus.