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'Twas Christmas Night

Richard Sandberg

At a time when people are busier than ever, families need something to bring them together. ‘Twas Christmas Night celebrates the true meaning of Christmas by telling the story of how Jesus came and why. With a charming cadence that feels like a Christmas classic and vibrant illustrations that engages the whole family, you can start a new Christmas tradition.

  Illustrated Books   708 words   100% complete   Published by Blue Balloon Books
590 preorders
$13,925.00 funded


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Update #7 - A Way You Can Help Jan. 12, 2024

Let Your Voice Be Heard

At this moment our team at Publishizer is putting together a book proposal that will be distributed to major publishers that will be deciding soon if they want to partner with us in this project.  As a part of that proposal we will be including testimonials.  Some of them are already featured on our campaign page but in this case it is helpful for the publishers to hear from as many different demographics as possible.  So here is what I am asking you to do.  Write a brief (3 sentences or less) testimonial of what drew you to this project, what about the story or art resonates with you or why you think this project is worthy of broad distribution.  It is also helpful for the publisher to hear from people with different ethnic backgrounds and hear how this book communicates that Jesus came for every child of every race.  Don't try to cover too much ground.  Focus on one or two things that you want to share and once you have written you testimonial email that to me by the end of this weekend at along with your name and demographic in parathesis [I.E. Richard Sandberg (Pastor/Father of 3) or Lynn Sandberg (Grandmother) etc.].  You don't need to be a pastor or someone in a prominent position to help.  Publishers want to know what kinds of people will be attracted to this book so all of you have relevant and helpful perspective to share.  Relevant demographics could be a position you hold (pastor, children's minster, teacher, counselor, social worker, administrator etc), your family status (father, mother, grandparent etc), organizations you are affiliated with (homeschool, Christian school, nonprofit ministry etc) or what ever you think may help the publisher understand who their target audience is. Thanks for joining us in this journey of faith and for your support in helping 'Twas Christmas Night be shared with the world.

In Christ,

Richard Sandberg