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'Twas Christmas Night

Richard Sandberg

At a time when people are busier than ever, families need something to bring them together. ‘Twas Christmas Night celebrates the true meaning of Christmas by telling the story of how Jesus came and why. With a charming cadence that feels like a Christmas classic and vibrant illustrations that engages the whole family, you can start a new Christmas tradition.

  Illustrated Books   708 words   100% complete   Published by Blue Balloon Books
590 preorders
$13,925.00 funded


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Update #8 - We Have A Publisher! Feb. 15, 2024

Happy Easter everyone!  The past three months has been a much longer journey than I originally anticipated.  Publishizer and I have been working diligently to get this project in front of as many publisher's as possible and after much prayer we so excited to announce that 'Twas Christmas Night will be published by Blue Balloon Books which is an imprint of Ballast Books.  

Our decision to choose Blue Balloon was because we believe that they will not only provide a quality product that your family will cherish for years to come but also provide the robust support that we are looking for to get the message of 'Twas Christmas Night to families across the country.

So what can you expect going forward?  Now that we have a publisher in place we will begin the process of walking through the preproduction steps that are necessary to get us ready to print.  As I have said before, our goal is to have a late fall release so that the book can be shipped to you and in stores before this Christmas.  While I cannot make promises for things that are outside of my control, Blue Balloon has told me that we are well within the normal timeframe to make that happen.  Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that the Lord will continue to open doors for this book to make a spiritual impact.

Along the way I will share exciting milestones with you as we make progress towards getting the book in your hands and keep you up to date on the latest timeframes for shipping.

While I want to assure all of you that my focus in on fulfilling my commitment to each of you and getting 'Twas Christmas Night in your hands as soon as possible, on this Easter weekend I thought all of you would enjoy hearing the news that a sequel to 'Twas Christmas Night has been written entitled 'Twas Passover Night.  'Twas Passover Night tells the story of why Jesus died on the cross and how He is our Passover lamb.  As soon as Yvonne has finished any last tweaks to the art for 'Twas Christmas Night she will begin the process of illustrating our new book.  It is our hope that this Christmas season we will not only have 'Twas Christmas Night in your hands and on bookstore shelves but also have 'Twas Passover Night available for Pre-order. 

On this Easter weekend I want to thank each of you again for your support to make this project possible and give glory to God for the great things He has done and continues to do.  

Praise God! He is Risen!,

Richard Sandberg