The Ultimate Organic Guide to Tomatoes describes how to grow tomatoes in your home garden using entirely organic methods. It's a great book from a well known, published author that will provide information useful for novice and experienced gardeners alike.
In The Ultimate Organic Guide to Tomatoes, as in my previous books, I will combine the best and proven techniques of traditional organic gardeners with recent advancements in scientific understanding and product technology. I strongly advocate a traditional organic, soil and compost based, approach to organic, while striving to provide useful and interesting explanation about why it works, including recent research advances.
While I am a great collector of organic gardening books, and admirer and of earlier organic writers, I believe that too many recent organic books refer back to the earlier authorities and have not stayed abreast of recent science, which is only supportive of organic. No new science is telling that pesticides are desirable or that soil carbon is not important. Unfortunately, as I move around, I find I have to do a lot of ‘myth busting’ about organic; for example, my composting book is one of the few that will tell you that almost all inks are now made from soy or other vegetable material and coloured paper can be safely recycled in the compost heap.
I hope that my books are identified by a low reliance on anecdote (while still including relevant stories of real gardeners), high level of useful information, strict adherence to organic standards, inclusion of recent science, and readability.
I have previously written four published organic gardening books: Compost: The Ultimate Organic Guide to Recycling Your Garden, Bug: The Ultimate Guide to Organic Pest Control, Weed: The Ultimate Guide to Organic Weed Control, and The New Organic Gardener. I recently co-authored Dung Down Under: Dung Beetles for Australia, with Dr Bernard Doube, and have written chapters for other books and more than 1,000 journal and magazine articles.
I have been active in the organic industry for 35 years. Some achievements include being co- founder and first Chairperson of NASAA (the first organic certification organisation in Australia), co-founder of Acres Australia (longstanding industry magazine), Deputy Chair of the Organic Federation of Australia, and Organic Guarantee Systems Co-ordinator for IFOAM (peak body of the international organic industry), and a significant contributor to many organic standard setting and certification forums and organisations. I was also the most active organic inspector in Australasia for more than a decade and in this role visited 2,000 unique certified organic properties in seven countries. In training, consulting and journalism roles I have visited at least another 1,000 certified organic properties.
I am seeking help to publish this book for a number of reasons. Even as a successful published author, it is getting harder to get a favourable contract with established publishers. As the author, I can achieve much more control over the publication and share decision-making on content, design, presentation and marketing with a publishing team, in a forum where my voice counts. Perhaps even more importantly, as the custodian of these genuine organic ideas, I want to ensure that the text is available for reprinting into the future, and perhaps from time to time updating and reissuing as a further edition. I am keen to see this system work, as I have already started work on other garden and farming titles.
I am seeking $10,000 to finalise and publish the book in print and eBook format. The book is substantially written and will be complete at about the end of the funding offer period. The funds will be used to cover a final edit, photography/illustrations, cover design and internal layout, printing, conversion to eBook and some assistance with media and marketing.
I would love to have you as part of this exciting publishing journey.
Tim was the first Organic Guarantee System Coordinator (Certification and Standards Manager) for the world peak body in organics IFOAM and the Deputy Chair of Organic Federation of Australia Board. He has extensively trained thousands of people in organic practices, horticulture, land management, chemical safety, environmental safety and roadside/bushland management.
250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Hybrid Global Publishing is a full service Hybrid Publishing Company dedicated to helping authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. We offer developmental editing, publishing, distribution, and marketing services for independent authors who are interested in speaking on stage, becoming more visible in the media, and establishing more credibility. The team has a combined 80 years of experience in publishing and has held editorial, management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.
250 copies • Completed manuscript.
SOOP is a small virtual publishing company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, with a core team based in the US and additional contractors around the world. SOOP currently focuses on curating a small number of volumes for publication each year to enable its team to dedicate a great deal of time to working with its authors directly - not just on the manuscript, but also on platform-building and promotion.
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Besides the patron benefits, you'll receive an extra signed copy of the book (three in total), AND a half hour Hangout/Skype call direct with Tim...get loads of your specific questions answered from the author himself.
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You'll also receive all the Patron benefits, plus a posting on the Ultimate Organic Guides Facebook page and notice/advert on Ultimate Organic Guides website, as well as 5 extra signed copies (total of 8).
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Along with all of the benefits of the Hangout package, you'll also receive an extra 30 minutes of Tim's time via phone or Skype (total of an hour), plus a posting on the Ultimate Organic Guides Facebook page and notice/advert on Ultimate Organic Guides website, as well as 15 signed copies.
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You can have Tim come to your public event for an hour (or have a 20 minute video presentation), have a 1 hour phone or Skype consult, be acknowledged as a Patron, the Ebook, plus a posting on the Ultimate Organic Guides Facebook page and notice/advert on Ultimate Organic Guides website, as well as 20 signed copies. (Patron is responsible for transport to venue and accommodation).
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A BIG package...Tim will come to your property for a day, plus a 1 hour phone or Skype consult, and you get Patron status in the book, an Ebook, 25 physical copies of the book, 2 posts on our Facebook page, and a posting on website. (Patron is responsible for travel and accommodation costs ie not included in the package)
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Whew...this is ENORMOUS! Tim will come to your property for two whole days, plus a 2 hour phone or Skype consult, and you get Patron status in the book, an Ebook, 40 physical copies of the book, 3 posts on our Facebook page, and a posting on website. (Patron is responsible for travel and accommodation costs ie not included in the package)