One Woman's Journey of Unf*cking Her Life
A woman's journey of facing and healing her past to find redemption for herself so she could reclaim her own wild soul and embrace the wild woman within.
We have some exciting news to share today!
We expect the book to be in stores and available for public release Late 2019/Early 2020 - depending on a few factors.
BUT, for those who have PRE-ORDERED copies - you'll be having books in your hands in the coming months - expected timeline around May, give or take on editing, production, etc. But as long as everything continues on smoothly, our strategic plan is to have the early books in your hands this Spring.
You'll be getting your copies months before the public release! How cool is that?
If you missed ordering or would like to order more copies, you can still get in on the pre-order, as I will still be able to add to the list of books we need. But you won't be able to get them anywhere else until the end of the year into early next year!
You can still order here ->
And I'll make sure you get a signed copy in the pre-order batch that will be out long before any public release!
I'm so grateful for the support and help with this, your orders helped this book get in front of the right people!! It's really real :)
Thank you :)