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Tonya Whittle

One Woman's Journey of Unf*cking Her Life

A woman's journey of facing and healing her past to find redemption for herself so she could reclaim her own wild soul and embrace the wild woman within.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   70,000 words   100% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
520 preorders
$7,707.00 funded


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Update #20 - Early Editions Are On The Way! June 10, 2019

I'm sending an update to let you know that the early editions are printed and on the way to me!

Wild hey?

They are scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

We are planning an event  for those who purchased early (if you're local and can make it). There is still time to pre-order as I ordered extra copies and have about 30 left :) 

You can order here -> 

I cannot thank you enough for your support - whether you purchased a book in advanced, followed and shared the campaign or are planning to support in the future. That you're here as I'm in the arena wading around in the unknown, learning, growing, matters to me. 

Thank you :) 

We'll keep you posted on the event and when books are in the mail to you :) 


Have an amazing Monday! 
