One Woman's Journey of Unf*cking Her Life
A woman's journey of facing and healing her past to find redemption for herself so she could reclaim her own wild soul and embrace the wild woman within.
I'm so excited to share this update with you... there has been much activity behind the scenes getting all pre-orders out to everyone + all the readiness for the official live launch.
I am excited to say that The official public release of Unchained is Feb 18, 2020. The ebooks are available online at retailers like Amazon and Chapters, Barnes and Noble, among others.
The physical copy is available in stores and through online retailers Feb 18, 2020.
If you have received a copy of my book already your reviews on these online platforms really help move the book up in ranking, getting attention and reviews.
If you can take a moment to complete a review online at Chapters and Amazon it would be another giant step in helping the book move up in ranks.
As you know, we ALL love reading reviews before we buy, so your words can make a huge impact on helping others find the book.
I am incredibly grateful for the support I've received about the book and I know it takes a village in anything we do. I am incredibly humbled to surrounded by such an incredible village.
I hope you're having an incredible New Year and I'm so honoured you're part of the journey in this book xoxo.