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Tonya Whittle

One Woman's Journey of Unf*cking Her Life

A woman's journey of facing and healing her past to find redemption for herself so she could reclaim her own wild soul and embrace the wild woman within.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   70,000 words   100% complete   Published by Morgan James Publishing
520 preorders
$7,707.00 funded


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Update #5 - Let's Donate! Oct. 17, 2018

With 23 days left for the campaign of the books, I just got off the phone with my Campaign Manager and we had an amazing pow wow. 

I took a little break from promoting the book while I prepared and hosted my Wild Soul Women Retreat this past weekend (these are so amazing to teach so much of what I talk about in the book). 

But we're really ready to re-group and focus on getting the book numbers to a minimum of 500 - where we'll be getting on front of traditional publishers. 

We've got a new offer coming available in the morning that I know there will be some takers on this - sponsorship for yourself or your business... 

Sponsor 100 books for $997 - This package includes 100 AUTOGRAPHED COPIES!!

Spread the word with 100 copies of Unchained to share with an organization or group close to your heart. Whether it be a women's shelter, a book club, or your own community, share this story of empowerment and strength with those around you!!  You will get your name in the book as an official sponsor and you will get a bonus VIP coaching day - online or in person (valued at $1000) for you, your team, or workplace. 

We really need to move a lot of copies at this point and I know so many of you are amazing human beings who would love to help out with the project as well as ensure some amazing women will get a chance to read the book. 

And maybe you can partner with some friends to get the Let's Donate 100 Package :) and do a double pay it forward deed by sponsoring the book + giving to others :) 

We'll send an email in the morning to let you know when this offer is available! 


PS... thank you for your support!  We'll keep you updated as the campaign moves forward and we crush these next 30 days!